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Everything posted by Triton

  1. Wow, are you sure? I had not heard of this yet. That would potentially prevent them from getting federal dollars unless they planned to go about this a different way.
  2. Totally agree here and it's odd because I remember seeing a presentation several years back where they had a left turn lane further down that allowed you to u-turn back. Strange that they never implemented it.
  3. Phew! That was a close one... You can tell Houston Ave just got taken off the terrorist's target list now that those medians are gone... lol
  4. Seriously. I think trying to convince the mayor that we had to create congestion in order to slow down the vehicles is a loosing argument. That's a guarantee to them pulling the bike lanes. No matter what Whitmire ends up doing, especially with this being the Heights, he has to put in pedestrian safety as a high priority. This is a very walkable area and allowing vehicles going 40mph down this road again is a nonstarter.
  5. I think that's exactly what they would do... just look at what they did with Houston Ave... Trinity Lutheran Church. Their drivers were inconvenienced with a 5 min delay on 11th St. We must get these masses to Jesus as quickly as possible. (just kidding)
  6. So if it's not obvious already how I am getting this info... word travels fast with those in the know, "those in the know" being people connected to the Superneighborhood committees. When the mayor was saying he's going to dismantle the medians on Houston Ave, it was quite widely known within his own office and, shortly after, "those in the know". So, while the Houston Ave decision was clear cut, "those in the know" are saying the mayor has not indicated within his office what he plans to do on the 11th street lanes. That being said, this project came up in the rumor mill very very early. I think betting markets would favor him removing these bikes lanes. I know that people keep posting in this forum that there isn't any noticeable traffic impact but that's not at all what people are saying that attend the Superneighborhood meetings. I seriously encourage people to attend.... And I imagine the final press release when the mayor announces he'll be removing these bike lanes will mimic some of the wording the representatives keep hearing... That the lack of bike lane usage does not justify the long queue of cars between Shepherd and Heights Blvd and that traffic is funneling into nearby roads (whether it's MKT or not, that's up to a study to find out). I personally love all the bike lanes we've added around Houston. It's now so much easier for me to go from the Heights to the Rice area than it ever has been. What worries me here is that if they do remove the 11th street bike lanes, that they do something at the bike crossing at Nicholson St. We will need a light there similar to the one on Yale.
  7. Looks like these are finished?
  8. Awesome, thank you. When I first came across this in /r/Dallas, I thought this was yet another attempt into scaring people about the Texas Central project. I guess this extension will have its own hurdles now.
  9. I am not sure why you think this is something cynical by moving this to Holy Places.... Honestly, I can see why @Highrise Tower moved the topic here. Your comment makes it like sound like they are some sort of secret spy looking to sabotage the website.. like we're playing Among Us or something. I ask that you please consider that their intent is not hostile. I think that's a reasonable way of going about this. That being said, since it looks like multifamily is going in here, I will move this over to the Heights subforum.
  10. Is this some line to Fort Worth or something? I didn't realize there was any other HSR proposed in Texas Edit: oh so this would be an extension to Fort Worth.
  11. CNBC on Texas Central
  12. They reactivated the one next to the JPMorgan Chase Tower on Travis.
  13. Man the forces of misinformation are strong. Absolute BS story with thousands of people believing this nonsense.... They have no source whatsoever. https://www.instagram.com/p/C4N28wxsHdP/?igsh=MTU5M21hemxnZ2tiYw== This is part of the Texas Central project.
  14. As a fellow Coog, this is absolutely insane to see. This looks nothing like what we had even 10 years ago. It's probably one of the most shared images I've gotten in a while around all the alumni groups/discord channels. It was is amazing to see just how far UofH has come.
  15. I find it funny that here we are, nearly 8 years later, and Mayor Sylvester Turner promised that when the White Oak development went in, that the city would spend several millions of dollars to revamp Little White Oak in this one section, to help beautify with all the development going in. I guess at this point the only thing I can look forward to is TXDOT said in their last NHHIP meeting that they plan to improve the channel and add bike lanes.
  16. That's good to hear. I wasn't able to watch the board meeting so I just went with what they posted. So thanks.
  17. I posted this over on Reddit. Interesting engagement.
  18. This can have monumental consequences for Houston if we are seriously thinking of cancelling most parts of Metro Next. This region is growing whether Metro grows or not and we can't build unlimited highway lanes into the city. There comes a point where we need mass transit. This Reddit thread is very troubling:
  19. And I'll post the same thing publicly that I told you privately. I am not sure why Woodland Social is acting like this is in no way shape or form associated with White Oak Music Hall when it is 110% is and is even on the W2 Development website, the ones behind most of the development in this area. Not only are they associated with WOMH but they are coordinating with them on so many things. https://www.w2developmentpartners.com/current-developments
  20. With the amount of time that has passed since the original schematics, there is no doubt they will have to do a new study. It just is what it is. The Amtrak collaboration is still fresh so I would hold off before calling this fully doomed.
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