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Everything posted by Kym

  1. I did try to delete the other, but did not see a way to do that. Thank you for suggesting they merge the threads. Thank you Pineda, feel free to come join us!
  2. Thank you for the welcome, I am not currently in the area, but we have found an old yearbook on ebay that someone from the group may purchase. Thank you for the information, we appreciate all we can get.
  3. Hi everyone! I am part of a forum called websleuths. We are a wonderful group of people who devote our time to putting names to the many unidentified persons throughout the world, so that we can bring a little peace to their families. We are currently trying to identify a young girl (16-22) who was found in Texas in 1990. She is most likely hispanic, 4'10 - 5'2. She was wearing a 1975 class ring from Robert E Lee Houston. I was hoping someone here could tell me a little about the class rings from back then. Was it customary to put your first or last initial in the ring under the stone or the letter of your school? Is there a place to get a class list from then? Anyone know how many hispanic people were in the graduating class? Any info would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to read more about our efforts, please visit us here: http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48232
  4. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, yes she was found deceased, most probably murdered and is still unidentified. They have records but no one to compare them to. THe best lead so far is the ring.
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