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Everything posted by Blkphoenix

  1. Wow, those are amazing shots. My favorite is the 3rd one
  2. We backed out of our contract with In-Town Homes, builder of Lake Pointe off 610 and Buffalo Speedway. We were in the middle of signing a contract for a pre-constucted home two years ago, when the environmental addendum came up. The sales associate told us hurriedly that it was a mineral rights addendum and that we needed to sign it to waive rights if oil was found on our property. RED FLAG. 1) The project is sitting on top of an old oil field 2) Are you kidding me, mineral rights? It turns out that it was an addendum waiving any rights should the property be found contaminated later down the road. I asked right away for a copy of the environmental inspection and was shown a 6" binder of the report. When our sale associate was about to make me a copy, a second associated called Frank right away and then ran down hysterically saying that I was not allowed to see that report. So, I called my attorney. After speaking with my attorney, he advised us against buying the house. The second associate immediately told us we could look at the report for as long as we would like, but we could not have a copy of it or take it off premises. Makes sense since the report is worth a few hundred bucks. However, the addendum did state that a copy of the environmental assessment would be available upon request (you have to read the fine print). Anyway, long story short, we postponed signing and found a ton of forums and articles on Lovett Homes, In-Town Homes, and Frank Liu. Most of it was negative. Thank goodness we did not buy from him. We have convinced a number of friends who are prospective buyers to stay clear of Frank and his properties. Thanks for starting this thread!! ::This post has been edited by Editor::
  3. As a newly single female, looking for a secure place was a top priority. I am under contract for a townhome at Southpoint. Although expensive at $148 per sq ft., it was still more affordable than anything else I was looking at inside the loop that fit my preferences. I am moving out a townhome in the Heights and would have preferred to stay in the Rice Military, Cottage Grove area, but the townhomes start well above $200K. I was looking for a gated community, but did not want to live in a 6 unit townhome complex that was gated. My preference was for a gated neighborhood feel. Each of their homes is equipped with a house alarm that can also be connected with HPD. If you chose not to subscribe, you will still have that alarm feature, which can still be heard by your neighbors. My other concern was resale value. The townhomes surrounding this project are Lovett homes (owned by Frank Liu) with a starting price that is considerably higher than Southpoint. The land surrounding the project is also owned by Frank Liu. Although I'm not a fan of Mr. Liu and his projects, his homes are in the higher market price bracket, which will help Southpoint keep up its value. I guess it all depends at what point you are in your life and what your preferences are at that time. Having the amenities of an apartment complex is convenient. Finding a place inside the loop that was affordable, safe, and looked to be a good investment were my concerns. While Southpoint certainly isn't a dream house, it has many good points, and I would recommend it for consideration.
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