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Posts posted by relocating

  1. Most are just little lunch joints, but:

    John's broiler burger is right on Dumble and Telephne, it's a little greasy spoon with good burgers, alwasy crowded at lunch. And, Ive noticed lots of car in the parking lot for breakfast on the weekends. I might go try it for eggs n pork products.

    I have not been to Pete's BBQ, which is on Telephone a block further down from Dumble.

    Across the highway between TSU and UH on Scott is a good little Vietnamese place. Am trying to remember the name....

    My favorite breakfast tacos are at Brothers on the corner of Leeland and Dowling.

    Burger Shacks: Champ Burger is across Harrisburg on Samson, I believe. They tast like Someburger in the Heights. Yum. Lunch only.

    I see more action at the Sparkle Burger on Leeland each time I pass. They advertise chicken n waffles.

    Cafe Flores on Lanwdale and Wayside is a very nice little lunch/coffee spot that I wish would expand into an east side mini-chain.

    While I could care less about fast food chains, having more dinner options would be great. Like a pizza/pasta casual kind of place. I think with the towhnomes, there should be enough density to support more stuff along Polk, Leeland, etc in the future.

    The Vietnamese place is "Steve's" (the same owner has a bigger restaurant on Old Spanish Trail, open later than the UH one).

    I would add Thelma's BBQ to this list (Live Oak and Lamar).

    The coffee at Bohemeo's is not bad at all.

  2. According to the map available in the East End section of the Metro solutions' webpage (http://metrosolutions.org/posted/1068/EE_11x17_040708.197779.pdf) the South East corridor is going to run up Dallas St. and Velasco.

    However the map available in the Southeast section of the page (http://www.metrosolutions.org/posted/1068/SEAlign_11x17_V092206.135820.pdf) actually shows a different route, a diagonal from Scott to Paige.

    Which one is correct?

    Also, when is the time projected to start the construction of the SE corridor?

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  3. My wife and I will be moving into the area next month. I'm tempted to say a grocery store, but the HEB in Gulfgate isn't THAT far. I would just like to see some more restaurant choices. Enjoy District 7 at lunch time, but I'm not really sure where else people in the area eat.

    Depending on where are you gonna live, you may want to take a look at the HEB in Scott and Old Spanish trail (and stop at Frenchie's while you're at it).

  4. I just found this forum while trying to find out info about what is going to happen to my house with the rail plan that I think this discussion is about. My home/business is in one of only two houses on this entire block, on the corner of Scott and Polk. I have a long lease, and have put alot of money into developing an urban farm here---extensive gardens, pond, ducks, and a very nice chicken named Dumpling. I love being able to see the skyline from my "farm." My landlord told me a few months ago that the house next to me, which is on the actual corner of Scott/Polk, will be taken for the rail. Then the construction manager for my company (landscape design/build) saw some blueprints the guys doing the water lines had, and told me that this whole block goes. Then I heard the rail wasn't going through here at all. Tonight my landlord brought me a form he also gave my neighbors next door, called a Metropolitan Transit Authority Residential Relocation Questionnaire. He told me the rail project won't happen until 2009, and that he isn't sure my house will go when it does. I told him about the blueprints my construction manager saw, and he pretended to be shocked. Maybe he really is shocked, but I just don't trust him because he doesn't want me to move and has down-played the whole rail thing since it first came up a few months ago. I tried to open the link to the map someone put on here, but my computer wouldn't open it. If anyone knows how I can find out if my house will be taken, and more importantly, when the project is supposed to start, I would really appreciate it.
    I know exactly which one is your house!!! I see your urban farm almost every day when I'm walking to school. It would be awful to see it go. Couldn't you call METRO and ask them directly?
    What is really interesting to see them do (as we speak) is there are crews pouring cement directly on top of the old railroad tracks that run all along the little Elementary School over East by 45 and Scott area. As you drive east on feeder next to that school you have to slow down due to the school zone so you see a good glimpse of the cementing. Apparently it is now going to be a long sidewalk? or bike path?This would be an excellent photo for a professional photographer since the path is fresh new and a direct straight line.
    What they are building now is a cycle path. The street where they are removing the railroad tracks is Velasco. This is the cycle path that they'll have to redo if they decide to have the rail run along Velasco. Do you think that Velasco (particularly @ Mckinney) is wide enough for a LR?
  5. I've gotten a copy of the letter my friend got from METRO about surveying his house in Dallas St, close to Velasco. It says that METRO is planning several projects "designed to meet Houston's increasing transit needs. One of these projects is the proposed transit line between the University of Houston main campus and the North Intermodal situated north of downtown Houston". Perhaps METRO would save some money by taking advantage of the right of way along Velasco? But why remove the rail tracks and spend money on a cycle path along the exact same street?

    i will say that it WONT be LRT, but BRT. the pdf is the route METRO chose in 2006. METRO was really pushing the scott to griggs alignment but quite a few of the residents in the hood south of UH were worried about access to their neighborhood and were very vocal. as for the velasco rumor, that would be an interesting development. since METRO hasn't begun construction, it is still possible.
    BRT...I haven't thought about that. I don't know if Velasco is wide enough to have dedicated lanes for BRT. Does BRT need at least one dedicated bus lane in each direction? I'm not very familiar with the system.
  6. According to METRO's website the light rail Southeast corridor that will connect UofH to the multimodal transit center in downtown is as follows

    "The corridor is approximately 6.3 miles in length, extending from downtown Houston, following a line on Capitol and Rusk Streets to Polk Street, south on Scott street, east on Wheeler Street, south on Martin Luther King Boulevard, and east on Griggs to Beekman Road."

    Here's a map


    I heard through a friend that METRO is surveying houses along Velasco, because they are considering changing the proposed course of the SE corridor. They are building the cycle path along Velasco right now, so I don't see where do they plan to put both a cycle path and a light rail lane running parallel.

    Does anybody know what's the plan?

  7. Wow! Thank you all so much! I have received a lot of helpful information.

    I went today witha friend to look at homes in zip codes 77004 and 77023. I really liked some of them, and as some of you mentioned, is easy to get to U of H from any of those places.

    I also checked the BBB, and they do have some info about the builders. It seems that Perry is not a member of the BBB, but it does have a decent record according to the Bureau.

    Someone asked when are we relocating. I've been living here for 4 months and my family is joining me in April. I've been living in Allen House (two buses to UofH, but good location and great price), but I have to move out because they are going to redevelop the area and build something else here.

    About a fixer upper...I don't really know. I'll have to ask my family how would they feel about it, and if we'll have the time to put in the extra effort.

    Again, thanks everyone


  8. so why 77003? what makes it attractive for you?

    Houses usually do appreciate more inside the loop.

    I personally would stay away from anything with fake stucco. Been hearing more horror stories recently about hairline cracks that lead to big mold problems.

    Why 77003? Well, you are not going to believe this, but I do not know how to drive (never needed to as public transportation was very good where I lived before). I'm a PhD student at U of H, and I need to use public transportation or ride my bike to go to school. The buses that take me to U of H main campus go through 77003, and also there are some bike lanes (sort of) going down Scott Street.

    I don't particularly like the townhomes around the area, but it's pretty much what we can afford at the moment and since we have the big limitation of my lack of driving qualifications, our choice is very limited. But any suggestions of nice places to live in the 200-240 K range, within reasonable distance of U of H, will be really appreciated.

    Thanks everyone

  9. Hello all,

    We found this webpage while "googling" for some information about houses in Houston. We come from abroad, and we are interested in buying our first home.

    We've been looking some houses for the last couple of days and are now very confused. Yesterday we looked at some homes east of 288, just before beltway 8. The houses are built by KB Homes. They are certainly very affordable.

    Today we looked at some houses in the inner loop. Some Perry Homes and Lovett homes in zip code 77003.

    We have looked in the internet for information about these three builders, finding very mixed reviews. Some people hate them, some people love them. Any comments on the quality of the houses these three companies build? Taking into account that we cannot afford our own architect, is there any builder you would recommend?

    Also, do you think that a house in the inner loop (particularly in zip code 77003) would appreciate faster than a house in the suburbs?

    Any tips for first time buyers that come from abroad and don't have a clue about how houses are built here?

    We would really appreciate any advice.

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