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Posts posted by OkieEric

  1. no, actually I've seen it increased almost 50% :ph34r:

    Well crap, my 2007 appraisal value just showed up online and I'm not too pleased. I bought my place in August 2006 for just under 10% UNDER the tax appraisal, which seemed artificially high to me versus other houses in the area. Anyway, for 2007 they actually increased the appraisal by 15%, making it nearly 25% above what I actually paid just 8 months ago.

    Is this good grounds for a successful protest? I've got documentation showing my purchase price and the appraisal done during the purchase, which shows the various comps used to arrive at a value very near that purchase price. Is it as simple as filling out that form, including some documentation, and sending in a package to them? I've never owned a place before this

    I also have a friend who has a new place that really went up in appraisal value, only it has the wrong details (says 3 bedroom, 2500 sq ft when it's 2 bedroom, 2000 sq ft). Are the details shown on hcad.org the basis for their calculations?

  2. same thing happened on our block. leak on the private side of the water meter on a vacant lot, repeated calls to 311 failed to do anything, finally the issue of standing water (read mosquitoes) and proximity to a school forced the city to come out and fix it, which they did.

    There are already weeds growing in the water, so mosquitoes can't be too far behind. It's not completely stagnant, but I'm guessing that water flowing at the bottom of your driveway for over a month can't be too good for the road. Just hcad'd the owner, and apparently his mailing address is one of the units there. Maybe it'll be worth it to go talk to him

  3. My luck astounds me here... First, the neighbor's yard is STILL trashy, even after I left my polite little note early last week. I saw someone mowing yards in the neighborhood today and got his number, so I might leave a "call this number or I'll 311 you" kinda note now. Stinks b/c I'm having a party this weekend, and now everyone will get to see my neighbor's yard in all its glory

    Oh, and the water leak...that beautiful little water leak. It's still flowing, and I called 311 again today and they said they located it and that it was a "private leak". So apparently the owner of this place has been getting hit with this for over a month, yet no action... Any suggestions?? Looks like a multi-family property, as there are 2 addresses on the place.. She said I could call with the exact address and they'd inform some sort of neighborhood protection thing?? I'm really clueless here, but it sounded slow

  4. The Ministry building is the fenced in area on montrose across from The Blockbuster. From what is discussed on another thread around here, that is slated for demolition.

    Unfortunately, that homeless shelter for kids is a necessary evil for the area. It's just a pity they can't be more supervised or heavily patrolled to keep them from getting into mischief. But I've rarely seen them wander more than a couple of blocks into the neighborhoods (mostly hang out by that median at Commonwealth and Lovett) or hand out on westheimer proper..

    Hmmm...yeah, I'll be glad to see it go, but hopefully they can find somewhere for these people. Regardless, hopefully it's removal will help clean that area up. I live in a different part of Montrose, but when I think of the neighborhood I almost always think of that intersection and assume that others must as well. Maybe I should just engrain another area into my mind :)

  5. Another insightful post there, MM.

    Actually, The Montrose has seen some changes over the past couple of years in it's various phases. There are times when the homeless kids disappear altogether while often times they love hanging out by that ministry building.

    It's perhaps it just depends on which kids are there, but I've seen a couple of them deal drugs.

    I think as more development happens there, it's quite possible that they business owners in the area will probably pool their resources and hire a constable or two to patrol their just those immediate 4 blocks.

    I'd really like to something a little more interesting done with that grimey Blockbuster Video shopping center...and Hollywood Video, of course. Surely there's a better use for it than as a toilet.. The best part was it I walked back a little while later I had to watch my step

    Is that ministry building back behind the hollywood video complex? I've been to mo mong's a couple of times and have noticed a lot of people milling about back there

  6. Dang, I keep posting before finished with my messages...

    Anyway, does anyone know of any upcoming developments at Westheimer and Montrose? Seems like that intersection has a lot of potential, but there's still too much of an undesirable element for whatever reason. Just the day before yesterday I was walking in front of the Hollywood video and saw 2, not 1, guys urinating on the front of the buildling at the same time, and there was a shirtless homeless guy sleeping in the front area. After passing by I saw some pretty monstrous looking townhomes being constructed near the SE corner there... Talk about contrast

    Is it any better around there than it was 5 years ago?

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  7. I called the city about a break in a ine on the street one time and nothing happened. I called again a few days later and they said that they did not see a leak. I told them to check again and gave specifics. About a year later the leak was fixzed.

    Your post made me call yet again...and what do you know, they don't seem to have a record of my previous calls. Interesting... If that thing isn't fixed in a couple of months I'll go fix it myself. OK, maybe not, but I'll be really, really irritated

  8. Man I hope for her case that's not a broken water line after the meter that she's getting billed for...you should mention something to this neighbor also to have her to have a plumber look at it...b/c if it's been flowing for over a month and there's a break in her line her water bill could be well into the hundereds or higher.

    Well, it's not her meter - it's a few houses down and runs down the street and pools up in front of her place. I keep figuring whoever owns the place will see their water bill and get it fixed, but it's still flowing...

  9. I wonder if simply calling 311 (Rat on a Rat) would be another alternative?

    I would stress that the high grass is attracting heavy swarms of mosquitoes and culex is of main concern. I would start there then if to no vail, go higher up. :)

    LOL - ok, I'll try the note first and give her a week or so before calling the city. I'm lacking confidence in 311, though...I've called it 3 times to report water leaking from a neighbor's place out onto the street, yet it's still flowing and has been doing so for at least a month now (no joke). What's sad is that most of the water has been collecting in front of her place, meaning she has to drive through 3+ inches of water every time she comes home. Mosquitoes could definitely be an issue here in a few weeks!

  10. Yep, the City will issue a warning for weeds and grass that are too high, and will even mow the property themselves and place a lien on it if the owner does not comply.

    Now that's what I'm talking about - I'll dig around Houstontx.org and see what I can find! Hopefully it's high enough, lol

  11. Not sure if this goes here, but has anyone here dealt with a neighbor who apparently is oblivious to their yard? I live in a townhome (no fees), and the person in the sister unit at the front of the complex has not done any yardwork since...oh, I'd say last July? Pretty sad considering we're talking about 100 sq ft... It is quite honestly the worst looking yard in the area; the grass is nearing knee deep at this point

    I'm debating leaving an anonymous, not-so-subtle note with the numbers of some yardcare people for her...but not sure if I see that ploy working. Any advice? Can the city be called? I've thought about doing it myself, but I definitely don't want to give her an easy out here. This particular section of grass runs from the curb to < 10' in. Very irritating since I work so hard on my place, then look 20 feet over and see what almost looks like an abandoned townhome

  12. that's admirable, but a highrise still won't fly no matter how many trees are saved

    I guess my question is - who is going to fight a midrise in that location? I live right around there and have yet to see signs of an organized neighborhood. Then again, I only moved in a few months ago... I'm no apartment market guru, but wouldn't the construction of all the apartments in the area further delay work at Wilshire? They are currently building some right across Richmond from there... Given the decrepit state of some of the single and multi-family homes around there, I have a hard time believing there is currently enough demand for the area

    I certainly wouldn't mind some sort of development if it'll make the city wake up and fix up some of the infrastructure in the area. I live on Branard and it is one pot-holed piece of crap in some sections, and Driscoll is another beast of a road right by the Chocolate Bar... But does anyone think we'll actually see some sort of work at Wilshire in the next couple of years?

  13. Hmm....yeah, 10 seems a bit high - perhaps they're confusing the count with commercial, as well? Isn't there a mid-rise office building going up near Richmond and Montrose? Even with that, I guess we're still at least 5 buildings short...

    And no, I don't think the new apartments at Richmond/Dunlavy will be more than 3 or 4 floors... I think the real answer to all of the new construction is to build a light rail line down Richmond, constricting it to two lanes of traffic :rolleyes: OK, cheap shot...I'm honestly undecided on THAT topic, but I don't want any more congestion on my W Alabama!

  14. I live just a few blocks from there, and would obviously love to see something done - also, I swear I still see cars parked around there, so I don't think they're completely abandoned (though they look it!). It's definitely a great piece of real estate. It would be nice to see the apartments saved somehow, but I can't really imagine that being an option. Whatever they do, hopefully they can save some of those trees...

    I believe they started on some new apartments at Dunlavy and Richmond last month...haven't driven by to confirm, though. Not sure how this would affect prospects for development at Wilshire. Maybe they're holding off to see what happens with the rail?

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