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Everything posted by Talbot

  1. Does that mean that we will all be latino? or that we will all be a shade of brownish whitish?
  2. We all love S.A. I am most certain or atleast like it, but this is a Houston forum and of course we want it to go to Houston or surrounding areas. In this case surrounding areas.
  3. They are great pictures. I wish I was a member of SSP, but I never have good luck when trying to register, so I have to do it when I have more time. But thanks for the pictures.
  4. When I first saw the color change, I thought the picture was messed up like on a television, until I saw the avatars. But its sort of growing on me.
  5. I like those old photos. Uneeda Biscuit?
  6. it sounded pretty cool to me. "A riverwalk to rival San Antonio's."
  7. probably some rebel driver that wanted to ruin the happiness.
  8. I sure do hope these views become reality.
  9. Cool pictures. The Abilene alley picture reminds me of Galveston sort of.
  10. Too bad we can't keep it here. It's going to Connecticut. But it's a cool sub.
  11. Talbot

    Steve Irwin Dead

    Ironic that he does dangerous acts all the time with dangerous animals, but he died by an animal that isn't known for it's aggressive behavior.
  12. That's a cool site. I wish I had a camera so that I could take some cool pictures to post on HAIF, SSC, and on that site.
  13. Talbot

    Steve Irwin Dead

    Whoa, that's crazy. But I mean, it's not like he was exactly cautious in what he was doing.
  14. I personally can't stand the GEICO commercials, I guess the caveman and lizard ones are alright, but the new ones I don't like. And don't even get me started on those stupid Head-On commercials.
  15. Yeah, I still play Sim City 4. I've also played Sim Town, Sim City 2000, and Sim City 3000.
  16. Ahh, thanks! I got it now. I can't believe I missed the options in the corner of the thread. I was looking in user cp and finding nothing.
  17. Well actually I was in a hurry when I saw your post, so I didn't get to try what you suggested. But I tried to tonight and I didn't see any display settings for posts under the options that would fix it. But I will keep looking.
  18. I havent had any problems. But one thing that annoys me is on one of my computers the posts are not fully readable unless you click on the post, but yet on another computer I can read each full post. I don't know how to fix it where I can read all of the posts at one time.
  19. Wasn't that last picture during Hurricane Rita though?
  20. Talbot

    Soda v. Pop

    I usually ask for a coke in a general sense or for a soda. And sometimes I specify by brand name. And I also can't stand when people ask me for a pop or do that stupid "You owe me a pop." I usually tell them, "Oh, ill give you a pop alright!"
  21. I beg to differ, I actually know a lot of people that live out in the suburbs due to special circumstances, i.e. jobs that would love to be more connected with the rest of the city by public transportation.
  22. I got it. Thats why I added the humans, guess I should have left out the dog and cat since they aren't as obvious.
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