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Everything posted by twchouston

  1. With all the new construction going up in the area, its a good idea to do your homework. Drive around, ask people who have bought units about their experiences with their builder. They have nothing to gain or lose by telling you their complaints or praises.
  2. 1) I do hear the trains. I hear the noises of the train on the tracks, but I don't think it horns until further down. I currently rent north of 1-10 and west of durham and hear the horns all the way from washington all night, so I guess I'm used to it. 2) I have only seen workers at the bus depot. I thought this was just a maintenance for the buses, I don't see taxis or metro stops that I noticed like there are at other bus stations. If they do have passengers, I haven't seen any hanging around or walking around. 3) We should close before New Years. We signed mid October.
  3. It's a townhouse. One of three located at the corner of Paige and Rusk.
  4. My experience with stonewater has been great if not amazing. These guys are the easiest to work with and you can tell that customer satisfaction is high on their priority list. After having a disastrous experience with a large builder only a few blocks away, we are certain that this is the right way to have a home built. The quality and professionalism of their entire staff as well as those performing the build is so much higher than what we previously experienced. We will be closing on a stonewater home in a couple weeks and can honestly say there have been no surprises or disappointments.
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