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  1. Aren't you the sweetest for that good old fashioned Welcome Wagon HideeHi! Now to your confusion-no doubt brought about by the lie-beral media's indoctrination of all things "PC". We are not a woman. We are a lady and expect to be treated as such. As for being gay, well we have always wondered why they had to go ruin a perfectly good word to describe those errants who will soon be Burning In Hell With No Chance For Redemption-but not before Maurice re-does our new perm. (you would think a career homosexual could at least get the color right!) As for you Mister TJones-you little scamp! Born again virgins never tell!!! Back on topic, we're waiting breathlessly to hear how that adorable gwilson is going to nail that nagin persons ass to the-OH MY!-What we meant was how are we going to deal with that nagin individual in the legal realm? La gwilson has some wonderful ideas but we didn't see public stoning listed-which can work so well to defer future nagins from their larcenous behavior.
  2. My goodness! You certainly seem to have the poop on that nasty nagin person. Who would have thought such an unassuming person as yourself would have so much compelling evidence! I'm sure everyone on God's Green Earth is on pins and needles as you trample triumphantly over the Constitution in order to "bag" this unseemly nagin fellow. It has truly been a blessing that you and you Christian Republican Brethren have anointed yourselves as the Keepers of all that is Good and Right. We look forward to what we are sure will be a stellar performance before the bar of the Supreme Court and we are thoroughly impressed by your very masculine shoot from the hip style.
  3. You are just the cutest! But really dear, our Glorious Commander in Chief is far too busy to be bothered by that pesky rule of law. We're not saying we're expert at all things law-like but you seem to be THE go to gal for a searing question which has been burning at my Thrice Saved Soul: Can we really send that poor nagin person to jail just for the fun of it or is their yet another pesky law we need concern ourself with? (Personally, we've always found his attire and personal grooming habits to be criminal and were appalled that our Adoring President George W. Bush allowed someone of nagin's ilk on board Air Force one to actually take a shower! We've heard through the RO grapevine that Mrs. George W. (laura) Bush had the entire fleet fumigated and disinfected before she would go within a Midland County mile of it.)
  4. My goodness gracious!!! Isn't it funny how we can become so distracted that before we know it we're shopping at a booth with Juanita-looking for just the right corn husks for tamales-when all along we meant to be at Neimans for Godiva? Well that seems to be the problem here today isn't it. Now I'm sure that nice young man doesn't really mean to be so-verbose? (that's a new word we learned last night after being told rather bruskly by our little Master Niche that he prefers less verbose humor...perhaps his attention span needs a little cardio?) In any event this IS a topic about routing of rail lines which leaves the Native Christian absolutly facinated and wanting for more. Our greatest fear for the Poor Souls of Afton Oaks (PSAO) is that the Siemens S70 used on our lovely Main Street Human Freight Line may actually be used on Richmond as a (GASP) hybrid diesel thingy. Now while we and Bittsy enjoy a smooth and quiet glide between Botox in the TMC and cocktails at The Whisky, we will not abide our bi-directional, six axel, low floor (absolutly essential for todays Manolo sling-backs) S70 to belch obnoxious fumes on the 6 million dollar men and women of quaint Afton Oaks. We will NOT be amused and should this happen, be assured our Carlos, Jose and Juanita will be firmly affixed to the rails along side that nice Mr. AftonAg and his seeing eye dogs.
  5. The Native Christian is absolutly dizzy with all this math just dancing in her head! Would it be easier if we could just price people by race and class-upper class whites like ourselves excluded of course because we ARE priceless (You ARE Upper Class White aren't you?)-because 3% of this and 3% of that is just too busy for us. Would it be easier for us to say that the Calvin Kleins we give to our cook, Juanita, would be worth, lets say, 50% less because they are used? But that's not a good comparrison because as good as a tamale maker our little Juanita is, we're not quite sure she's worth even half of $6,000,000 (that would be $3,000,000, right?) Besides, if Juanita ships them off to her sister in Honduras, their value is sure to drop so we can see this formula just isn't going to work... You seem like a nice young man-maybe you could simplify it for us. We've always been facinated by how social issues like this impact our buying power. Especially when it comes to couture...We always feel we're paying too much! But a girls gotta live! Oh yes, was the poor train damaged too terribly when that dreadful individual had the gall to disregard a red light?
  6. My goodness! $6,000,000? That would be for the average white person, wouldn't it? I can't help but beleive there are some out there worth considerably less! (I think we all know who THEY are!) By the way, was there damage to the train and who will pay for THAT??? And if the capital costs of the $360 million dollar Red Line were economically equivalent to sixty peoples' lives, imagine what it could be for 10 miles of Metro's Human Barge on Richmond! (big numbers baffle me-thank GOD for accountants, I always say!) Why just today I couldn't resist whipping out a quick blogget on just that subject (Satanic Metro and their Snakes on a Train, not accountants!) http://thenativechristian.blogspot.com/
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