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    Afton Oaks

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  1. You've been given so many opportunities to place a positive spin on your sides reputation from removing illegal yard signs to posting actual results from a poll or petition as others have done. http://www.mobilitycoalition.org/sign.html Instead you flaunt your disregard of city ordinances as a virtue and misconstrue an anecdote of someone's visit home as vitriol. Regarding verbosity, it is welcome when presented well whether you agree with the poster or not. Only when it is presented in the form of personal attacks and true vitriol is the poster disregarded and at risk of being entirely ignored.
  2. Actually, we are seeing a large increase of new million dollar + construction. A very visible counter to those who fear for our neighborhood. People don't invest when they think LRT will ruin the area they are investing in.
  3. Ballot language is not filtered through the Chronicle. Now you've seen the map posted today. It is Metro's map from the 2003 referendum. You were correct: a route was defiantly shown on their web page: It shows a corridor spanning from Westheimer to Bissonnet inside 610-quite a "broad corridor" by any stretch. Are you now saying that map doesn't count? North Hardy, Uptown, Southeast and Southwest doesn't count? (None of those are street names but were voted FOR in the referendum) The majority vote doesn't count? Would you be willing to take that map into court as evidence? (btw, you might also come off a bit more seriously if you didn't refer to a former mayor-a grown man-as "lee pee." If you didn't care for him, fine-but you really sound like you're barely out of middle school when you sink to that level.)
  4. You know, we could offer the map in gold and you'd still have someone say "But it's only 18 carat and not SOLID and it's not the map I remember so I'm still going to hold my breath until I GET MY WAY!!!! (To the sound of tiny feet stomping)
  5. No problem. I believe it actually encompasses Westhiemer inside 610 too.
  6. It doesn't. It also doesn't have the other non-existent roads or streets named "Uptown" or "North Hardy". Using the logic displayed by some here, do we build new streets with these names to accommodate them? Or perhaps the "Better Way" for now would be BRT: tear up the street, lay rails in dedicated lanes, cover them up, run noisy busses on them, then uncover them at a later date, install electrification and voila: LRT on Richmond!
  7. The map I posted IS from METRO prior to the 2003 election. All maps are can be obtained from METRO. I think some people are talking about non-METRO produced maps, which really don't apply.
  8. Here's the Metro Solutions map that "any judge would also be presented with" as " the route as shown on Metro's web page at the time of the election." Notice the thick red line showing an east-west route "on Metro's web page at the time of the election" Would that be a winning tactic for a law suit?
  9. Drive through this neighborhood. Count how many $1 million+ homes recently built or under construction. No one is worrying about property taxes. Everyone knows the bridge is going to be built regardless of Metro. No one complains (yet) about the elevated noise that will wash over the neighborhood. Some here in Afton Oaks simply do not want rail ANYWHERE. Call it elitism, racism, NIMBY-whatever you like. I call it incredibly short sighted and ignorant. And yes, I believe a Richmond alignment would garner federal funds far more than anything that involves Westpark east of Rice.
  10. What would be a basis for a lawsuit? I've heard a few but none convincing.
  11. Good point-I suspect any judge would first look at the ballot language and would realize no specific roads or streets are mentioned (Uptown, North Hardy, etc). Would he or she be willing to break out only the Westpark portion of the ballot and make a ruling? Would he or she really want to go against the majority of those that voted for the referendum? Rule for just part of the minority that voted against it? Highly doubtful. It would be a huge waste of money and time all the way around.
  12. Perhaps your key phrase here is "we voted for rail" I can tell you one thing for sure, Chris Seger does not speak for all of us. His responsibilities are trees and METRO within our somewhat lame civic club (which can barely crank out a newsletter every quarter.) That he continues to state
  13. Nothing. It's what those devoid of ideas offer up as an excuse. It's their "Better Way".
  14. Because that's what we do as citizens. Something else we get to do is expose the lies and contradictions of people who lie and contradict themselves on a regular schedule. But the aftonags and their cohorts have been exposed to the bone so many times here and elsewhere that it's pointless to waste any more key-strokes on them. As my 15 yo said, why give them any more exposure? Ah, the wisdom of youth. BTW, great news on the North Line!
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