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Posts posted by bookey23

  1. That's awesome. Was up on the roof a few weeks ago and was thinking about how much unused space they have up there. I'll probably never go myself, but that'll definitely be a good attraction, considering the pool will likely have a fantastic downtown view

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  2. Yeah, La Grange was mostly popular because it's a great space. I'm sure someone will come along quickly to take another stab at the venue. We just have to hope that whoever comes along does a good job and doesn't just do a quick flip to try to make a quick buck. I'd be looking at Goodnight Hospitality, so they can connect it to the rest of their development in that area

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  3. I'm glad someone brought up the Mets' new plans. They make Crane's plans look like such a joke. The guy owns like 6 blocks around the stadium and that's the best they could come up with? 1 building and a parking garage? I'm sure the forthcoming Big Dig in EaDo makes planning anything more difficult and the resulting cap parks will give us more of what we're hoping for, but why doesn't Crane do more with the parking lots on the north side of the stadium in the meantime?

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  4. Is there any chance these repairs lead to Tranquility Park getting the much-needed renovation? I seem to remember hearing that a parking lot below Tranquility Park was totally flooded during Harvey and that's why it's in its current state. I could be misremembering though...

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