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  1. Thanks. Thanks for hating on Aggies and war heros. Thanks for making a joke out of people who have served their country and given their lives in service to their country so that you could sit here and talk trash about them. I'm sure they love that. I'm an Aggie. Both my parents are Aggies. I have been to bonfires since I was very little. The fact of the situation remains that the collapse of the stack and the death of these twelve individuals was a tragedy. However what many of you dont realize is that the bonfire was not something that was frivioulously thrown together. This was a tradition at Texas A&M. The bonfire was a time for Old Ags to meet New Ags and spend time with them. Bonfire was something put on by the students and the instution to honor all Aggies past, present, and future. Additionally, the bonfire symbolizes the deep burning love that all Aggies have for their school. Understandably, some of the practices that took place at the bonfire were unsafe. Now that is a reason to get uspet. It is treasonous for all of you to sit here and make jokes about an Aggie tragedy. In the 1970's, when my parents attended, the bonfires were twice as big as they are now, with no tragic results. Admittedly, this does have some inherent danger, so does walking to your car or driving to work. Everything in our world is that way. Why do you want to hate on the Aggies in such a dark moment. The bonfire was a tradition at A&M that stood for the love of the school and the devotion of all Ags to one another. The bonfire was their way of symbolizing that. And it was a damn good way too. To poke fun at one Aggie is to poke fun at all Aggies. Making fun of an Aggie is disrespecting all 7 of Texas A&M's Congressional Medal of Honor Winners. All seven of them have given their lives in service to you. Not because they liked you or felt like it was the right thing. They did it out of a deep running passion and desire to keep their country free and to sacrifice for the good of everyone else. I despise whoever made the comment about David Koresh comment. You probably aren't an Aggie and will never be one. Aggies are loyal people. Loyal to their state, to their country and to each other. Aggies make it a point to be friendly to everyone, as is evidenced by saying, "Howdy!" to each other in passing. Sitting here taking cheap shots at them behind their backs is low. I'm sure that most of you have something that you are dedicated to, whether it be a school or a church or a family or organization. How would you feel if someone you didn't know made these slanderous and downright rude comments about the instution for which you were passionate? Would you get upset or angry? Thats exactly what Aggies do when they hear all of these ridiculous remarks about how the school is stupid or that Aggies are dilusional. Aggies are as rational as everyone else. They simply understand that they are part of something bigger than their selves. Aggies do not think that they are better than anyone else, they are just loyal to their school and to each other and thats what makes them special. So I just want to tell you all thanks for taking cheap shots at all seven Medal of Honor Winners, all of whom participated in bonfire. Now you should go spit on their graves.
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