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Back Now

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Everything posted by Back Now

  1. First, I do hail from New York City and have lived in and out of Houston for a total of twenty three years. I have seen Houston develop (slowly). Since I have returned during the last six months, I have noticed a definate change for the better. Houston still needs to address a few issues, the first being better public transportation. The rail link is a good start but additional lines are needed. Also, midtown in my opinion is a slum waiting to happen. The area lacks charachter, it does not address the need for green space also the area was not allowed to develop it was just built. Neighborhoods require more than just real estate, they need stores, restaurants and parks. The distance between the various venues in Midtown still require a car, which is totally contrary to what an urban center represents. I work in Downtown and I was stopped on the street by a couple from Germany wanting to know what attractions were available to them within walking distance. I was at a loss. I recommended Bayou place and also the Live Stock show and rodeo (via rail). There should be some sort of visitors center in Downtown that is visible for tourists to get questions like that answered. Houston does have alot going for it, the arts, restaurants and very nice people but when those attractions are as far flung as they are it is very difficult to find them. Downtown has gotten alot more vibrant but there needs to be more shopping, not the cookie cutter crap that you see in the Houston Center but more eclectic shops that are available in Montrose or Rice. There is very little originality or higher end wares available there. I do believe this city has great potential but there seems to be a bottleneck of sorts. Instead of another Stadium maybe a cultural center or two or a museum in downtown will also create additional daytime foot traffic.
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