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Posts posted by soifan

  1. You are thinking of Briargrove Three. Woodlake 3 was in Woodlake Sqaure at Gessner and Westheimer behind the Randall's. 10 or so years ago it turned into SRO and was a huge sports bar. It has floundered ever since.

    Okay, thanks! I didn't remember there being another so close to the one that was behind Benihana's. We must not have gone to the other often as it doesn't ring any bells, but I should have known from the name. Was it where Bayou Mama's club (I think that's the right one) was located in the late 80's, early 90's? We went there a few times in college and I can see how that would have been old theatres by the set up.

    As for Memorial City. Your memories are correct. There was a big theater there that burned down. About 15 years there was another mutliplex built in the mall. It closed down 5 or so years ago (maybe more). I saw Dumb n Dumber there in 1996 or so. I believe they are building a new theater complex at the same location as the old one.
    I went to that theatre some too growing up. I think it was 8-10 screens and has been closed probably 8-10 years (at least that's how it seems to me).
    Was the T&C 10 or 12 Theaters. I think you are right. I was thinking 12, but 10 sounds correct. There was a Chili's and Bennigens right there too. I think both of those are gone too.

    There was also a bar right next to the Theater that had a surf motif going. I remember going in at about 20 and drinking Mai Tai's.

    It was T&C 10. We used to go there ALOT in high school. The Chili's is still there, but the Bennigan's was torn down about a year ago b/c of freeway expansion. I remember the Surf Bar too with the thatched roof.

  2. I am torn on this issue. I grew up going to Theatres with 3-6 screens. I have some great memories of Briargrove 3 before it became and dollar theatre and after. When we moved to Briargrove Park we had all sorts of options. There was AMC Westchase 5, Plitt Woodlake Square 3, AMC Town & Country 6 and Also Lowes Town and Country 3. Any movie you wanted to see was at those theaters.

    I can remember seeing Rocky III, Scarface (snuck in), and ET at Woodlake 3.

    I can remember the narrowness of the T&C 6 Lobby. There was also a cool video game room. It probably had 6-10 video games.

    I can remember in 7th grade meeting and kissing a girl at T&C 3 while viewing Revenge of the Nerds. It was my first pick up. My buddy got farther than me (2nd base if you will) and never let me live that one down. His girl was cuter as well.

    I remember getting dropped off at all these theaters for an early movie and we would stay and watch 2 movies. It was a fun time.

    When AMC Town and Country 12 was built across I-10 the movie experience started to shift towards bigger theaters with more choices.

    Today, I enjoy the big theaters with the multiple choices, more legroom, stadium seating etc. But I would never change the memories I had of the old school 70's and 80's and theatres. I am sure some of the older people remember the theaters with one screen and thought the Town n Country 6 was a huge change.

    We have Netflix so it is rare we even head to a theater anymore. Maybe 3-5 times a year. We might hit a movie tomorrow. AMC 30 / Dunvale here we come. Parking be damned.

    Okay, here's where our similar backgrounds come into play again. LOL I definitely remember hanging out at these theatres, but am not sure I remember exactly where the Woodlake 3 was. Was this down on Westheimer near present day Melting Pot, House of Pies, Sun and Ski, etc? If so, I remember seeing Vacation there with my family - my 1st R-rated movie -LOL. Do you remember the putt-putt that used to be across the street where Toys R Us is now? I remember seeing Annie in 82 at Westchase 5 after a LONG wait to get tickets. This was only weeks/ months after waiting 2+ hours in line to see E.T. at the small theatre in the rear corner on the ice level at the Galleria. I remember the line wrapping around the rink just to get into E.T. I also remember watching movies for 50 cents on Wednesday nights at the 2 T&C theatres while my mom went to choir practice at our church. She would drop us (w/ my siblings) off to watch a movie once we were old enough that she felt safe with it. I have many memories of those theatres as a child/ young teen. In high school we often frequented the T&C 10 that now is a part of HCC north of I-10.

    Do you remember the grand old style theatre at Memorial city Mall? My parents aid it burned down when I was young, but I do have several vivid memories of it. I remember the wide, grand staircases of red "velvet" carpet leading up to the theatre (s). I remember it being "fancy", but that could just be the kid eyes I remember it through. My mom remembers it being between the food court area and what used to be the fountains/ present day playarea. Did you/ anybody ever go there?

  3. OK, now you are starting to freak me out a little. I too went to 2nd Craptist (I just came up with that one) from Pre-K through 8th Grade. I obviously was not a fan. But that is a totally different post....

    I graduated HS in 1989 so that gives you an idea of my age. How old are you? We might just know each other.

    I like the anonominity of this site, but if you are the same age we might have to take it offline and see if we know each other.

    Did you ever have Mrs Casteneda (sp). She was my 6th grade teacher. She was as mean as a snake (if you are friends with her by some chance, I am just kidding...)

    Hey, that's too funny -lol. I graduated in 1992 so I'm a few years younger. We were at 2nd at the same time though as I was there from 2-4th grade. I had Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Parrish, and Miss Sullivan. Do any of those ring a bell? I doubt you would know me as people don't usually know people 3 years younger unless you have a younger sibling. I might know you though as kids tend to remember/ look up to older kids -lol. You've got me curious now - are there private message capabilities on here?

    We moved to Katy for my 5th grade year. It was the mid 80's -poor economy and my parents couldn't afford to keep us all in private school anymore. They didn't want us in HISD (Sorry if I offended anyone ) so we moved to Katy for the good schools. They also were concerned about the effect of all the building right by our house (since we were one block off Westheimer). When we left they had just built that Kaleidscope Center and were working on the tollway. I still love that area of town though. A few years ago I parked at the Kaleidscope center and took a walk along my old stomping grounds. I also love to drive through Lakeside Estates (the part near the bayou) where several of my friends lived.

    Funny story (okay, after reading this I realized it's probably only amusing to me as we lived it, but it's already typed so I decided to leave it in- ;) )- if you ever frequent that Wendy's right there at the entrance to WB, you'll see a little piece of my mom's mark on westchase -lol. As you come out of the drive thru and turn right to enter the street (WB), you will see where they concreted in a part of the grass near the inner curb there. (I'm sure that doesn't make sense to you,but not sure how else to explain it.) Before there was concrete there, my mom took the turn too quick/ sharp, went over the curb, and got REALLY stuck in that area as the grass/dirt was low there (in those big 80's style stationwagons). We were blocking the drive-thru line and as kids were really embarrassed of course -lol. They had to call someone to tow us out. They said it had happened before, but not that bad. After that, they concreted it in. Every time I see it, I just chuckle to myself about that day.

    Anyway, you've got me curious too. I still have my 2nd Baptist yearbooks, so I may have to go look at the pics for your grade ;) . Have a great day!

    • Thanks 1
  4. I do not remember the fireworks. But we moved to Briargrove Park from Briarmedow in late 1983 when I was in 7th Grade. They might have stopped it by then.

    7 months ago my wife and I moved into Walnut Bend. We fought moving that far out, but have grown to love the area once again.

    Did you ever ride your bike on the Sam Houston Tollway before it was completed. WE used to get up there and rige all the way to 59. It was pretty much completed for months before it was actually opened.

    I think we had already moved to Katy before it was complete, but I remember hearing that people did this.

    I drove through WB the other day and past my old house (on Wickersham), past friends houses on other streets, and by the pool where I spent many a day. I was shocked to see WB Elementary gone - it looked so weird. I never attended WB as we went to private school when we lived there, but drove by it all the time. I'm assuming they are going to rebuild.?

    I had friends in Brairgrove Park too and spent much time over there. Since I attended private school back then (2nd Baptist) and church off Memorial, I had friends all over that area of town. I still love that area of town, but love our home here too and will stay here. It's fun to visit and spend time in that part of town though. After college we lived off Westheimer near DA for a few years and I loved being back in the area on a daily basis.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Fame City was a very nice place to go the first few years it was open. I grew up in Katy and we often frequented Fame City in the mid to late 80's. (I definitely remember being there in late '86, but not sure how long before that it was opened.) People from all over went there the first few years and it was a clean, fun safe place for at least the first few years. It was always crowded when I was there in the 80's - don't know much after that. We went back in the mid 90's and it was a completely different place - run-down, dirty, shops closed, etc... I know it still functions some as some high schools still hold their Project Graduations there.

    In its heyday, I remember the following things:

    -a large bowling alley

    -3 movie screens showing 1st run movies

    -a roller rink

    -bumper car basketball

    -2 really nice indoor putt-putt courses

    -laser tag

    -a huge 2 story playscape with climbing towers, ball pits, slides, etc... (think fast food indoor playgrounds

    on a much bigger scale

    -recording studio - those that were everywhere in the 80's where you sing along to a favorite song and get a copy to keep

    -teen dance club on weekends

    -lots of video games/ air hockey/ small child rides/etc

    -restaurants/ food vendors/ a few small shops

    As you can see, there was alot to do and it was a really fun place for kids to go (this was when I was in junior high mainly). We went for birthday parties alot and for long days in the summer when it was too hot to be outside. We didn't go much in high school (don't really remember why - probably too far for a Friday night trip/ other interests then/ spent more time at Astroworld instead), so it was a long time before I went back. By then (1996-7 ish), it was run down and only had the main stuff open - roller rink, putt-putt, and bowling alley. The movie theatre then showed foreign films instead (think Bollywood) and it was all run down. We haven't been back since.

    Fame City Water Works/ Adventure Bay was a nice little water park for a 4-5 hour visit back in the day. I always had a good time, but haven't been there in probably 12 years or more. The clientele at both went way down over the years and I didn't always feel safe there anymore. It's a shame b/c I have great memories of hanging out there with friends. Kids these days are different - it's all about personal video game systems, computers, etc... They don't get out and play (in the truest sense of the word) these days. It saddens me when I see another amusement place close (RIP...Astroworld, Malibu Castle Golf and Games, Waterworld/ Adventure Bay, Games People Play, Mountasia, etc...). I think kids are missing out on some great memories and lots of fun with friends. We were always on the go... dollar movies, sand volleyball games, poker nights, putt-putt, bowling, amusement parks, zoo, beach, Malibu grand prix, etc... The kids I know now spend much of their time playing video games at home, IM, on My Space, etc.... I know they hang out, but it's so different. I hope when our son is older the cycle has changed and his friends enjoy being outside and being kids.

    I'm sorry I got off topic at the end, but it feels good to rant and let it out -lol. Have a great weekend all!

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  6. In the end the people will find temporary homes in the metroplex and the only thing to come of this discussion was a quality Dallas bashing on HAIF.


    I'm sorry that you feel this way - my apologies if that's how my post came across to you. If you read carefully, I say that I know the PEOPLE of the Metroplex will stand up and help as best they can and that there are many great people there. My husband grew up in Dallas so I'm not about hating all things Dallas -lol. It's just that to make something like this go smoothly, you need cooperation from all involved and it doesn't look like your gov't is doing that right now. Another poster from your area basically said that the leadership there has major problems. It's that we don't want to be bothered by you attitude that upsets me (and others) in regards to Dallas and its officials.

    BTW the bashing is very strong by you guys up there on us too - I get jokes/ articles/ comments emailed to me from friends/ aquaintances up there that are very anti-Houston (the articles, not our friends). They do it as a joke I guess and I usually take it in stride or just ignore it. I'm sure there are forums like this for Dallas too where there is a Houston area where people bash away. It kinds of reminds me of the whole A&M / UT rivalry on a city scale. However, when Bonfire fell and 12 Aggies died, it was all put aside and humanity took over. There were prayer vigils held on the UT campus and all that bashing was put aside for awhile. If UT and A&M can do it, I know Dallas and Houston can too. I hope we never need to know if you can handle 40,000 people, but if we do, I hope your gov't will be "We can!" people and not naysayers.

    Jason, I wish you the best. I hope this all gets settled soon so people from Houston don't have to go to west Texas.

  7. I came to this forum after reading the article to see what others thought/ were saying. W/o being disrespectful (or at least I'll try not too), I don't understand the point one poster is trying to make. He/ she says that Dallas is only 1 million plus while we are much bigger so it makes sense that they couldn't handle nearly as many. But then several posts later this person points out that the article is talking about the Metro area handling 40,000 not just Dallas. This is a true statement, so why is this person using their Dallas population only as a comparison to say they can't handle that many b/c they are so much smaller? This is such a contradiction. The article clearly states that the Metro area (NOT just Dallas proper) would need to handle 40,000. Your metro area is as big (and I believe bigger) than ours, yet your officials can't commit to 40,000 in the whole area and we handled 200,000. I think this is what people are upset about. It sounds like those in charge in Dallas are the real problem. My husband grew up in Dallas and we have friends there. It's just a different vibe there -a more exclusive, country club type feel (to put it nicely)- that even my husband admits too that bothers many so. I think the attitude projected in this article from Dallas area official just supports that feeling for many of us - that they don't want to be bothered by the more common folk. I KNOW there are many caring people in the Metroplex and I pray that THEY will do whatever it takes in case of emergency b/c it doesn't sound like your officials will.

    Emergencies happen and things can be done remarkably fast with good leadership and people willing to make it work. After Katrina our church (out in suburbs) saw how more shelters were needed and made a call to Red Cross. We got the news that we would be a shelter on Friday moring and then got busy! Emails were sent and calls went out. By 3pm our gym was overflowing with donations of every kind from members and the nearby community - so much that much of it was donated elsewhere. By 5pm, we were a functioning shelter. It can be done if people pull together. Our youth were moved out of their building so the shelter residents could have their own space. People volunteered around the clock to help these amazing survivors. I only wish I could have known them better -not much going on in the middle of the night shifts w/ people (more planning for next day). The shelter stayed open until everyone had a home to go to (not another shelter). More than basic needs were met - jobs found, transportation provided, counseling/ support groups, a wedding was organized and done (all from donations from local vendors), etc... We were open as a shelter for about 2.5 weeks and now call some of those evacuees our friends/ church members. This is just one example - there are many stories like this all over Houston, I'm sure.

    Another quick example - We had a volunteer fire station nearby house over 50 people for a week (when it's built for 6-8 residents at a time) b/c they answered the call when a large extended family/ friends knocked on their door with nowhere else to go b/c they were out of money, gas, etc... They welcomed them with open arms despite the inconvenience it caused. They all bonded and some didn't want to leave for other shelters later despite the tight quarters b/c of the great people at the station.

    My point to all this is that it can be done when people work together. I know the Dallas area can step up to the plate, but it takes a can do attitude from your leadership too. I hope Dallas residents stand up and say to their mayor/officials to quit complaining and start planning -make it work. That's all we ask- that you try, give your best effort, and show your care about your neighbors to the south.

  8. Soifan, when I read your post I had a moment of deja vu. I have discussed all these places on other HAIF threads. But a brief synopisis: :D:D:D

    I worked at that Jumbo grocery store in 1985. In 1987 I worked at Kay Lewis pharmacy which was previously Kay Floy pharmacies. I ate at DQ 3-4 times a week. I loved that place !!!

    I also remember Circus Restuarant. It was located where Papadeax is on Westhiemer West of Fondren, but your mom was very close. Strawberry Patch was one of the first Pappas concepts. It is now Pappas Steakhouse. Tokyo Gardens was also awesome. The one I can remember was right at Westhiemer and 610.

    Deja Vu - funny thing it is and happens to me alot these days -lol. I grew up in Walnut Bend until we moved to Katy for my Jr and Sr High years in 1984. I have many memories of getting meds at Kay Floy Pharmacy (thanks for the correct name) and then ice cream at that DQ. I also remember that there was a Chinese Restaurant right there -on the Kay Floy side.

    My only real memory of Circus is the time we went when my dad tried to get one of us girls to try escargot. When we wouldn't do it, he bribed us with a dollar. My youngest sister put it in her mouth, grabbed the dollar, and then spit it out on the floor -lol. She was probably all of 4 or 5 years old at the time. Why this sticks in my head so well, I don't know - but it was at Circus -lol.

    I loved Strawberry Patch and last ate there in 1994 when home from college. Toyko Gardens was a neat place too. I actually went to a 2nd grade BD party there (LOL) and remember the little bridge, water features, taking off my shoes to eat, and sitting on pillows -all very strange for a 7 year old and very memorable too. :P Yes, it was that location. I don't think there were any others.

    Do you remember the big fireworks show they did every year on Flag Day with the extremely intricate designs -esp. for that time? I think they launched them from fields along Westheimer between Blue Willow and Beltway 8. I remember people would line up all over Westheimer at that area to watch -esp. by the church with the bells on top. We could watch from our backyard and the reflections from the fireworks on the office buildings right there were very beautiful too.

    Did you grow up near there too? It's been fun reminiscing. I'm sure I'll think of 10 more things once I log off -lol.

  9. What we need is an Olive Garden and a Hooter's for cryin out loud. I have looked into both, need someone to invest about $200k or so with me to make it happen. :mellow:

    We have a friend who is a manager w/ Olive Garden and he says that it is in the plans, but probably at least a year away. Nothing definite yet.

    I also heard that a La Madeline was going in near JC Penney's and Cinemark, but time will tell. My mom is a frequent diner there and was told this when she inquired of the manager at either the T&C or Westheimer/ Gessner location.

  10. There was a nice pharmacy and gift shop at Beltway 8 and Westheimer called KayT Floyd or something similar that I remember going to as a child. It was next to the Jumbo grocery store, kitty-corner to a DQ.

    As far as restaurants, does anyone remember Circus? I have faint memories of going there as a child. My mom says she thinks it was on Westheimer near Chimney Rock. Do you remember Strawberry Patch and Toyko Gardens? What about Farrell's in the Galleria?

  11. This all brings back up the old Indigo Earth project in West Houston/Katy that never got off the ground. I assume they've moved on but maybe now they're regretting the decision with Astroworld gone. IE was going to have water rides, a rollercoaster and other amusement park-related things.

    Oh well.

    I was wondering about this. I live in Katy and was really excited when I saw the signs that were posted for about a year's duration. They've been down for awhile, so I assumed it's dead. Does anyone know what happened? It would REALLY be great (esp. now after losing Astrworold too) as we're at least 50 minutes from any theme/ water park - Splashtown being the closest and that's not close. Houston is too big for this problem/ lack of major amusement.

  12. Thanks for sharing the link to the Chronicle article. I've been wondering who bought that site (and for 1/2 of what Six Flags said it was worth :angry2::rolleyes: ). I am one who is still very saddened by the loss of Astroworld. As a native Houstonian, I have a lifetime of memories at this park. I'm so glad that I got to go a few times in the last few years -including this past October. I was looking forward to taking my young child there someday - to experience that together. Now I will never get the chance :( . Even though it will never be the same, I hope we get another park in the not so distant future.

    i am happy to see that...

    but what about the other trees?

    it was such a large amount , i'm sure they found a dollar

    to be made from that too. with their debt, i'm sure they

    or the demo company found some way to benefit.

    Some of the other trees were donated to a house that was built by Extreme Makeover Home Edition near the Texas/ LA border (during their hurricane rebuild special series). I'm so glad that another small part of Astroworld lives on.

  13. I've been reading these forums for awhile, but decided to join tonight. This post caught my attention as I live in this area. I will start off by saying this area is far from the rough, inner city like area that you describe in your post. The people here are great and care about their neighborhood. I live off north Fry (still in KISD) and yes it is somewhat mixed racially, but not at all how you describe. On my street/block of 20 houses, there are 12 owned/ occupied by Caucasins, 6 by Hispanic families, 1 African-American family, and 1 currently empty. I feel completely safe in my subdivision and have no plans to move soon (& I grew up on the south side of I-10 in Katy in a more affluent/ less diverse area). Are there more minorities on this side? Sure there are, but it is nothing like your street scene observations described. I have no doubt that you must have seen some of what you described (or why else would you come here to post this), but I think you overgeneralized and obviously didn't spend much time in the subdivisions near me. That's a shame b/c there are some truly great people here of all nationalities/ races. (BTW, north of Clay Road is not KatyISD, but CyFair in this area. Just an FYI.)

    I just wanted to clear things up. Have a great weekend!

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