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Everything posted by baywatch

  1. Well, this doesn't sound good. From the Bay Area Citizen: Seabrook
  2. I agree with you Kenc. This building sticks out like the middle finger of architecture. And it saddens me they are planning more of them.
  3. Yes you are very correct. The people of Kemah don't mind living in the area (they would laugh at the concept) and there really are few intrusions. When you live here you know that there are crowds and traffic on weekends. But it is very similar to living around a big party that you can go to anytime if you wish. And Marty is right when he says that it would be nice to live there. It's very, very nice. And because of that very fact, new homes are being built along the coast right now. And yes, they are building them close to the coaster. There is so much expensive real estate along the Kemah coast that it would take a long, long time for that to be built out as a park. And apparently you don't know Kemah very well. You keep talking about houses on stilts. Well, yes, there are some, but I would say that the majority of houses in Kemah are not stilt houses. And the noise is minimal down the way, like where Papillion's cousin moved to Courtsey lane (That is a really gorgeous home, by the way. Your cousin will love it). There is just the lilting of the train whistle in the background that doesn't bother anyone. And oh yeah, the fireworks. The people of Kemah can get into their swimming pools and watch the fireworks all through June and July, or attend one of the many private parties the residents give up and down the water on Friday evenings during fireworks. Oh, and they can pop down to the restaurants for happy hour during the week when the crowds aren't bad. And all their friends want to come to their house of the weekends because there is no place in Houston like a view from a Kemah bayfront yard!! Please Mister X, you don't have to be jealous, nor spit on the residents of Kemah. They understand that not everyone can live there. They are willing to share their little bit of waterfront living with you on your 2 visits a year. (pat, pat on the head) A large named hurricane with a direct hit, is the only chance there is of having that little city turn into Astroworld anytime soon. No one is worried, I promise. They are walking around with big smiles all weekend long.
  4. Amusement parks and roller coasters may be a silly thing to have in the first place but, I think it's time there was a little more attention paid to provide the greater Houston area with some more recreational options for the masses of this city, instead of worrying about whether a few privileged people can enjoy their views of the bay in peace. People work hard all over town, why should recreation near the bay be something only Kemah residents should be able to have. As the area's only amusement park, it serves the greater good and the public interest. It all comes down to the personal happiness of a few hundred people vs. the occasional happiness of 5.5 million people. And I'm one of the 5.5 million without a view of the bay - so guess who's side I'm on? Sir, it's is not the responsiblity of the people of the city of Kemah to provide the people of the city of Houston with more recreational options for the masses. tAnd then we get to the jest of the whole subject. Yes, of course, most people work hard. No one doubts that. But the few privileged people that live on the bay in Kemah bought their property, pay the astronomical insurance on and the outrageous taxes on their property that provides the "view of the bay". So, you are saying they should give up their homes for you and all the residents of Houston to ride a rollercoaster, perhaps, two times a year...maybe? And make no mistake. The Boardwalk is not for the good of 5.5 million people. Your good does not come into play It is to line the pockets of Landry's, Inc. They could care less what you, me or anyone else thinks or enjoys. If you are not enjoying your view of the bay, then that means you are missing some "0's" on the check you wrote when you purchased your home. Sorry, just the truth.
  5. Wow, how very kind. All this compassion for the potential loss of someone's home somehow underwhelms me. The desire I've seen on this board to dismantle an entire little town to put in an amusement park, is mind boggling. The Boardwalk is only a percentage of Kemah. The rest of Kemah is neighborhoods whose residents want nothing more than the quiet enjoyment of the homes they have invested in and worked hard for. Just like you and your home. What are you people thinking?
  6. Did get by there today and if it is the piece of property I think it is, then yes, it seems to be at the corner of Miller and Grove. Not many street signs around there. But I don't know about the number.
  7. I will try to swing by there tomorrow and check the address. And I was wondering if I was the only person totally underwhelmed at the design.
  8. And for something else new and different, this just came up. I followed a link off of Kemah.net http://www.kemahshores.net/ This looks to be West Kemah on the side of 146 where Starfleet pulls in. I thought all that land was privately owned residences. Must be wrong.
  9. In March, Seabrooks redevelopment consultant, JJR, will unveil the latest concept and action plans for The South Seabrook Marine District. This will be a transformation of The Point, Old Seabrook and Jennings Island along Clear Creek Channel into a fun and exciting destination. Land clearing has started and infrastructure is planned this fall for Grand Bay at Kemah. The 120-acre development is on the east and west sides of SH 146 / Hwy. 96 (League City Parkway). Gordy Park, the 34-acre development on the west side adjoining Grand Bay, plans to start infrastructure work this summer. Both developments have visions of luxury single family and multi-family --mid and high rise, upscale retail, banks, and boutique hotels. A marina is part of the concept for Grand Bays east side bordering Galveston Bay. Ok, I've taxed my poor brain trying to remember where I read the info on Seabrook. I think it was the same place I found this. Bay Area Economic Partnership newsletter, but can't find the same article. Anyway, yes it does look like "The Point" will be developed.
  10. Wow. I just read somewhere, and I'll try to remember where, that they are also going to finally start developing the Seabrook area just across from the Boardwalk. I know that there has always been talk, but now it seems that there is a developer...from perhaps WI, that is going to undertake the project. Also Jennings Island which is where the Sundance Grill is.
  11. That's nice. Thank you very much. I've enjoyed reading for a while, just never chimed in.
  12. Well you guys are going to get your wish. There is a new development going in Kemah. Land clearing already has begun. Several highrise right on the bay. Called Grand Bay in Kemah. Supposed to be quite a place. Would love to have more info if anyone has it.
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