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Posts posted by Houstonrush

  1. Wrong. God don't like people marrying the same gender, and that's in the bible. But like you said, let's stay on the topic.

    It also states in the bible if you touch pig skin or work on the sabboth you are condemed to hell. :rolleyes: Have you ever touched a football? I am voting for Kerry. Before Bush came into office I was a huge republican. I was even one of the leaders of the College Republicans at LSU. Bush has over steped his roll as president. This is the largest budget deficit in the history of the United States. Pork Barrell politics is at an all time high. The constituion is being violated in Guantanimo Bay by holding prisinors without due process or a trial. I do not care if they are not American citizens we should treat others like we treat our own. Some of those prisoners are from countries that are our allies like Great Britian. The new constitutional ban on gay marriage is very wrong. Our consitituion in the past has given rigths to Americans not restricted them. (except for the 18 amendment which was amended by the 21 amendment). Bush has made me an independent. I do not care for Kerry, but anything at this time is better than Bush. He has violated many republican beliefs. He has expanded the budget, the deficet, and the government in just four years. Generations will have to pay the damage he has done finicaly to our country.

  2. Houston, can make up of different cities such as; new york, chicago, l.a., even international cities. They flim movies here to make up for those cities. New orleans is not even close to be an international city. Yes, New orleans have great  architecture, and culture, but it's nasty, smelly, and the buildings look like its has mildew on them. i would never live in new orleans, but I'll visit. That's why people all over louisiana really wants to come to houston, or dallas cause of jobs, and more things to get into here. Texas is king of the south, and houston is #1, and everyday we're growing and growing. New orleans is light miles away from houston and dallas. So please don't even compare new orleans to the texas cities. I rather move to austin before i move to new orleans, and austin is not that big. I know alot of my friends from new orleans right now saying they wish they could come to texas, cause its ain't s.h.i.t. here. But New Orleans is a nice city to Visit, but not to live.

    New Orleans not an international city? Dude the port of South Louisiana is the largest in the United States. The city does not want to grow to 5 million like Houston. Growth is very restricted in the city and has been for several decades. People all over Louisiana do not want to move to Houston or Texas, but many of them have to because most of the Oil Companies downsized and moved over here. If you ask most people who are from Louisiana or New Orleans they would move back if their job would let them, as would all my Louisiana friends and I. I am glad Houston is growing by leaps and bounds, but it could learn much from New Orleans. That city has done more to preserve it's identity, architecture, culture, and heritage than almost any other major city, even at the expense of economic expansion. Unlike here in Houston, money is not everything over there. I am happy that Houston is used in film to pretend it is NYC or Chicago. They obviously can not do that in New Orleans because every one who would see it would know right off the bat it is New Orleans (Again look at preserving identity). You can not say the same about Houston. Houston is a great city. I love it. I should not be surprised that people on this forum are bashing yet another city. I should expect this as the norm by now.

  3. I agree, but all your talking about is the French Quarter. Name other parts of New Orleans that aren't as bad as they seem.

    The Garden District - in may eyes it is the best neighborhoods on the continent.

    The Warehouse District - Old Warehouses turned into lofts, art galleries, and upscale restaurants.

    Mid City - nice neighborhoods lined with oaks and century old homes and business

    The Margine - just like the French quarter but not with clubs and bars.

    By-Water - a up and coming neighborhood with artist and professionals

    Old Metarie - old estates just outside the city that is on par with river oaks

    The CBD - that has many turn of the century skyscrapers.

    Should I go on?

  4. I really like the picture from space. I have an idea how to make Galveston's water blue. Build a dyke like the one in Texas City and extend it from the east beach out to the ocean for a couple of miles. That might deflect all the silt and mudd from the Shipchannel out to the east allowing the blue water just a couple of miles off the cost to wash into the beach. Just an idea. :P


  5. Typical Houston Architecture Form bashing. It seems like many people on this form bash any city that is not Houston. I know many people who quit posting on this forum because of it and other reasons (child like behavior). I would move back to New Orleans in a heartbeat if I had a job there. I never had a problem with crime. Half of all the murders are within a seven-mile radius, which is consisted of the projects that they are being torn down. It is dirty because it is 300yrs old. It is not new like Houston. They city has done an exemplary job of preserving the vibe, culture, and architecture of the city. Houston is still trying to grasp that idea. I love Houston do not get me wrong, but Houston could learn many things from it

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