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Posts posted by Natty

  1. Apologies for that crazy ladies behavior. Maybe she forgot to take her medication. 99.9% of Riverside Terrace are normal, happy, hardworking individuals who are happy to see sightseers in our neighborhood. We have people driving and cycling thru the neighborhood all the time. I think I speak for the majority of RV residents when I say we appreciate the new interest in our homes and neighborhood.

  2. I live in Riverside Terrace and love it. I would never live anywhere else. (have lived in the burbs) Having said that all Riverside Terrace is not equal. Unfortuately your budget is not going to allow you to live in the parts of Riverside Terrace that are safe and more tranquil. I too would be hesitant to live in the houses you selected. I think others have given you good advice - Rent first and check out areas once you've explored a bit. Whatever you do do not buy in the suburbs, or any masterplanned community until youv'e been in Houston a while. If you don't do generic well the planned communities might be a mistake could also be an expensive one especially if you plan to sell in < 10years.

  3. I live in Riverside Terrace and love it. Can't believe I'm able to live inside the loop 2.5 miles from my job in the Med center, and everything else Houston has to offer.

    Not sure about the Riverside/77004, but Riverside/77021 has a few "white" people. There are two households with neighbors I know that are gay, there maybe more. In the last year three White families have moved into houses in the neighborhood. None with children at least two with same sex occupants - does this mean they are gay ?? In answer to your question You would be very welcome here. You have to feel comfortable being in the minority, have humility and have respect for the history, also come with an open mind you'll be fine.

  4. I guess the buyer got cold feet. The listing is now active again.

    The house probably needs alot of work. It's difficult to get a mortgage and construction/rehab loan in this area. The comps are just not there so often you aren't able to borrow enough money to do anything worthwhile. We bought in the Riverside area recently so know the difficulty, luckily we had savings and so were able to supplement what we got from the bank. I think eventually the comps will be there but not right now.

  5. The site for the new hospital will be where the Wells Fargo Banks is on Fannin, btwn O'Quinn Tower (st Lukes Tower), and the new Texas Women University. The Fargo Bank is slated to close. The Crowne Plaza Hotel next door has has already closed. Texas Childrens Hospital has already purchased the land.

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