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Posts posted by ENGcons

  1. There is a workshop this evening where the school board is going to discuss scaling back projects in this Bond package due to the current growth not reflective of what the District said it would be. Some projects scaled back on size and some project could be cut all together.

    cough.............Klein High School........cough

    Because of the current economy growth has stalled in the area and it seems KISD has more than it needs in the bond. Can't wait to see how this Hot Potato pans out.

  2. Thought I'd pass along some info I heard regarding this project. The story is that this project is going to go forward, but it's going to be 2 years down the road. The tenants and others lined up are ok with the delay and there is a basic problem with the financing people being able to come up with the money the had committed to providing. I also heard that BLVD place will not have the hotel or condo tower straight away either. The long term plan is to do it and the construction will allow for them to be added later, but there are some financing issues on that project as well.

    Don't shoot the messenger. I think this is a good source for what it's worth.

    I knew the owners had procrastinated on getting their financing together and that this project may not go all at once but in phases. I have not heard that they are pushing it back for 2 years. Are you sure about that statement? Not starting any construction until 2010?

  3. Actually if you must know I voted against the bond. I just don't think filing a lawsuit that will spend the taxpayers money to defend, and putting some of these needed projects on hold, to find probably nothing is going to do anyone any good.

    The bond passed, deal with it. But don't use my tax dollars to throw your pity party.

  4. You guys place too much stock in those renderings. They are only to show the overall concept of the design, many times they are not specific as to how many floors the building has. The floor count on any major building can change from week to week depending on costs. you most likely won't get an accurate floor count from any rendering.

  5. http://redinktexas.blogspot.com/2008/07/ho...d-get-away.html

    this is the truth. Klein isd is as corrupt as Washington DC.

    Actually I am glad that KISD was smart enough to know some idiot was going to try and sue them. After watching what has happened in Waller, and HISD with their bonds being held up, and projects that were needed being held I would have done the same thing. By having their law firm file this and avoid a lawsuit they just saved the taxpayers millions of dollars that would have been wasted due to somebody throwing a tantrum about not getting their way.

  6. Has anybody noticed that Klein just hired the guy who presided over the Key Middle school debacle to replace Tom Ricker? Mr. Robertson, a Klein Education Foundation board member, recently hired Rick Mann at HISD. Mr. Mann is now the Construction and Facilities Services Support Services manager at HISD. Mr. Robertson was hired by Mr. Mann and the rest of the board Tuesday night. Will wonders never cease? The nepotism and cronyism at Klein have reach the level of incest. All of those board members who sold water to the district were not enough. Then we got a member whose husband is a partner in a law firm that does bidness with the district. It is bad enough that we have three members who are married to administrators, or recently retired ones. Jim Smith's floor fits not withstanding, when will we get to see their idiot children? I can't wait.

    Rob Robertson's hire had nothing to do with the relationship he had with the School Board. Rob Robertson is a personal friend of Jim Cain and lives in Gleannloch Farms. If you want to point the finger of nepotism make sure you point it in the right direction.

    I guess you forgot the fact that all the School Board members are elected officials, not appointed. How nepotism plays into that I am not sure. If you don't like how the School Board is going get out of your chair and run, good luck. Be sure to use proper grammar when addressing the public, thank goodness speaking doesn't require spelling words correctly like "business".

  7. Where did ENGcons go? Any new info on this? Are they really going to make it taller and turn it into a supertall?

    Fellas these projects don't happen overnight. There have to be meetings, and then there has to be meetings about the meetings. Then we can start talking about setting up the next meeting to discuss the action items of the first meeting.

  8. I'm assuming that you live in GLF. If so, then you must have missed the information about the Grand Parkway as it has been planned in these parts since, oh, the 1980s, or earlier I believe. More precisely, when my wife and I moved here in summer 1999 as well as when we signed our earnest money contract in December 1998, we were completely aware of the Grand Parkway development plans. Humorously, I remember speaking with one of the developers (Cannon) about the timeframe on the Grand Parkway at an HOA meeting in April 2000 and he said that the expectation is that we will be driving on it in 7-8 years - not that he was counting on this happening.

    If anything the developers ensured that the Grand Parkway was to run along the far northside of the property as the original designation was that the Grand Parkway would cross through GLF right down Northpointe Blvd. Wow! Wouldn't that have been something!

    My point is that any long term capital project is planned decades in advance. For example, the beltway / Sam Houston tollway was originally conceived in the 1960s. I know that MaxConcrete can better attest to the accuracy of this.

    Anywhere you intend to live, you have to be completely mindful of the range of possibilties for potential future development near you. If you buy a homesite with a beautiful wooded lot behind (but is owned by you or not part of your neighborhood), you have to be prepared that the owner of that lot will sell it or develop something on that lot that will adversely affect your home.

    These are all things that I considered when I was choosing my home location because no place is perfect, including my own, unless you have unlimited funds to spend.


    Actually you are only part right. The grand parkway, while always considered to be north of Gleannloch, the actual location was not determined until 2 years ago, there were several routes, inlcuding one that had it going through tomball and nowhere near the back of gleannloch. So your statement is correct, within a certain point of view.

  9. I really hate to say it again but that is what you get living close to the tracks. I don't like it either but this is the neighborhood we chose to live in. People complaing about the train, andf the airport which were here long before any of these neighborhoods were even thought of is just crazy. You all knew they were there.

    You are all going to be real unhappy when the Grand Parkway goes through, and the potential toll road that goes ontop of those trcks and intersects with the parkway right at the back of Gleannloch. Those things were not planned when I moved in so I can complain, but to complain about something that was there years before me and that I knew was there is useless.

    What I have learned in fight the GP is that no matter what you do, or how many people are against it the gov't and its investors are going to do what they want regardless.

  10. That's really disappointing. Sounds similar to what the Ritz did in Dallas....not really a meaningful addition to the skyline. I think we'd all have preferred the taller, single tower. Any idea why they would change it up? Just too expensive to build one single tower?

    I believe it has to do with financing the buildngs with the sales from another. Condo sales could finance the building of the second tower and visa versa if you build two instead of one. That is my assumption.

  11. People, Rich, Klein for all group. I am done with this issue, I have spent too much energy on it already with you all. I have said my peace but will not be accused of writing anonymous threatening letters, and in turn be threatened by some bully tactics group. This is the last I will discuss the bond on this board, in fact this board is not the place for such discussions.

    Good luck with your movement, I hope that you will begin a more positive approach to making changes in the District.

  12. Why is this a waste of time? You admit in your post that you perceive the Klein Board as well as the Steering Committee as being either morally debased, arrogant or both. Which I personally would tend to agree with; why would any of us vote yes on a bond that does not benefit ALL of the taxpayers?

    CA I do nothtink the Board is morally debased. The District I have my doubts on, but my gut wants to say that the Board really does want what is best. Problem is this, I do not know this for fact but I don't recall any of the board being experts in the field of construction, how can they be expected to make decisions on a bond that deals with building new facilities and upgrades others? They can't, they have to rely on teh District for that information, I tend to think that the District has a habit of spinning info to achieve their desired result. Costs, schedules, etc. This bond is full of wish list projects and not needed projects to address the needs of the students and teachers.

  13. I'm confused. You agree that this is a bad bond, but you would actually vote for it in a misguided attempt to spite some group of residents who are also opposed to it. That's seriously wrong. You're going to show the board support for a bad plan just so you can say "There."? Does that really make sense to you? I mean no one even knows who you are - are going to mail a copy of your "yes" vote or post a copy to this Web site so we can believe you did it?

    Seriously re-evaluate your motives. And from what I've read, I don't think you actually know what the Klein for All group supports. Lots of assumptions and you know what they say about assumptions - they make you look foolish.

    Have they named the group that will work on the rebuild of KHS? I was trying to understand who provided those rebuild and new build estimates to the steering committee.

    I think this is a bad bond and want to vote no on it fo rthe overall plan. What I do understand is that each on of these projects listed int eh bond have to get voted on by the boardindividually. Which means som eprojects could get taken out, or modified. It happened inteh 2004 bond. So there is a chance that this bond could shrink after it gets passed (if it passes)

    I am holding judgement on teh bond, I would like to see it go back to the drawing board, but the realist in me and the KISD way are telling me it won't. I don't want o vote yes, but I feel K4A is not totalling in the realm of reality on their ideas. KISD will not sell the KHS property, it will never happen, why pursue it?

    And that door on assumptions swings both ways.

  14. So your answer is to sit back and let the District take advantage of taxpayer money? Humble voted down a bond and reorganized their board. It can be done.

    No IO do not want that, I am merely expressing my views of how I have watched this District operate for years. I ma not happy withthe Board, I think they have let the District slide on this, again. I am extremenly dissapointed in the elected board who have not asked the toughe questions and made the District prove on a detailed level that this bond is good for all, not just one group.

  15. Wow, a lot of rebuttle needed here, looks like you got the whole gang posting, so here goes.

    Ok, first off I remain anonymous on this board because I normally don't discuss school business here. In case you didn't notice this is an Architectural board that mainly deals with projects around town, not school bonds. I discuss projects occurring around town that I do business with. I share information with others here who also would like to remain anonymous. This is normally how a message board works. Again this is not your private board; I have been a member here for years.

    Second, who cares about zoning? What does that have to do with the bond? I'll let your jealousy comment die on its own.

    And this letter? Not sure what you are talking about, I haven't mailed a letter in years, Hell I don't even know where the stamps are in my house. And I am not part of any group, just a lone citizen voicing concerns. Talk about assumptions.

    And I never have said I am anyone, just a resident who listens to what is going on around me. You are the ones who stirred this anti-bond movement all up, not everyone is going to agree with you so deal with the consequences, not everybody thinks like you.

    You want to talk about assumptions, you sir are the one who is assuming too much. I can't bring up facts with you; it would be a waste of my time. You have already made up your mind and there is no dealing with that. Whether it is on the bond, or your opinion about me. By your fellow posters I am assuming you think I am Chris Allen, steering committee member and founder of the PAC. Sorry to disappoint you, I never even met the man.

    I am sure you people have some ideas that might be helpful, but your approach is what I think everyone has a problem with. It is evident in the attacks you are placing on me in here, the

  16. Rich, do you really want to know who has their head in the sand? Let me clue you in on some things that I have learned over my 25 years of involvement with Klein ISD. I mean, I don't live in the Estates section of Gleannloch, and have the influence within the District you think you do, but in all the years I have been a part of this District I might have learned a thing or two.

    First off, keep thinking the Klein Collins change was from your group. When it is obvious that the change was made to gather more support to pass the bond from the KCHS zone. It is working. I guess in a way you had something to do with it. So now the District has gathered support from both the KHS crowd, and the KCHS crowd, well done.

    Second, KHS is going nowhere, There is way to much invested over too many years for KISD to sell it off. The common man on the street could tell you that. My suggestion to you is to drop that ridiculous idea. Like I stated earlier, your plan doesn't solve any overcrowding issues at the HS level, it only shifts them around, you still need HS #6, and you do not have an answer for that. KHS needs to be upgraded, the extent of that upgrade is a big problem with this bond, $130 million is a ludicrous number for that campus.

    Third, the land Klein has obtained for HS #5, and #6 were collected through eminent domain, therefore KISD can only sell them for what they paid for it, to turn a profit would be illegal. In that, since a HS #6 is needed eventually and it takes around 100 - 120 acres for a HS site. That amount of land is not really available out here, KISD did the right thing obtaining these properties when the price was at a reasonable rate, not to mention the purchase of both these lands was already approved in the previous bond package. So if you lived here in 2004, and voted, you approved it.

    Fourth, your group is doing nothing but wasting its time. If there is one thing I have learned in all this time with KISD it is this, no matter what you do, or say, or present they are still going to do what they want to do regardless. In fact, the District would love it if the School Board went away so they could have freedom to do that without the red tape. You think these steering committees are done to find the best bond? Everyone knows these were stacked in favor of KHS, why do you think that is? This bond was made up before then, and is already a done deal, the election, and these town halls are merely small hurdles for the District. Sure you could vote it down, but that is a tremendous effort that the District thinks you are not capable of, and right now they are right. So keep putting your ads in the paper, etc, it is all time and money that you will never see a return on.

    Fifth, your implications that I have some sort of inside information is laughable. I am not defending KISD, or the Board, in fact I think they have done a poor job in questioning this bond, I want to vote no on it and have them start over. Your group has sent out emails throughout the neighborhood, things like that get around. All I have done is kept my ears open to get my information. Parents talk, whether it is at school, church, the store, or at a social gathering, word gets out. Just for your information I have received two emails from KISD, both in response to an email I wrote voicing my concerns about the bond election. Just like your plan you are looking for something that isn't there.

    Like I said before, I think this is a bad bond, it covers some, but not all the needs the District has as a whole. Your group thinks the District only applies to your immediate surroundings, it is a narrow view that comes off as arrogant. With the message you are sending throughout your community you and your group will destroy any credibility Gleannloch has as a voting block in the District, and your voice is eventually going to fall on deaf ears, if it hasn't already.

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