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Posts posted by Jeebus

  1. I'm dealing with a tremendous amount of stress right now trying to buy a house. I finally found a house I really like in Eaglewood, but I'm not familiar with the area. I keep hearing these horror stories and I'm getting very nervous about making this purchase. I have an 8 year old son that would end up at Hodges Bend Middle School and I'm scared to send him there from all I've been hearing. Right now, we are living in Stafford and I love it! My son loves the school and I feel comfortable with him there. The reason why I'm wanting to move is to get into a bigger house. There aren't very many houses to choose from in Stafford right now, so I decided to widen my options and here I am getting ready to get this house and keep hearing bad about the neighborhood and schools. Do you have any advice for me please?????? I'm scared to death and I don't want to compromise my sons education. He means the world to me! However, I don't want to not get the house just because of rumors that may not even be true. Any information you might have would be very helpful!

    I replied in your Eaglewood Thread.

  2. I had typed a one word post earlier this week that had said "Brainwashed". Editor deleted it and then posted that we stay on topic. What I meant was that for the people of this church to be so consumed with spending money on this, rather than spend the money on our own homeless, unemployed, orphaned children, disabled veterans, seniors, or just the disabled/handicapped tells me that they are more concerned with the image of Christianity, rather than the message of Christianity. Its attitudes like this that drove me away from the Church and have continued to keep me away.

    Just my .02 cents. I hope this post doesn't get deleted too.

    EDIT: Someone mentioned "Well, at least they didn't build it taller, like another one somewhere else.." The only reason they didn't build taller, per the pastor of the church on the news, was that the FAA would allow it. So you can only imagine how tall this thing would be with no restrictions - and thus that much more wasted money on the symbolism of Christianity, and not the substance.

  3. (2) The developer has built a walkway under 1464 so kids (or parents) wanting to go to the rec center will not have to cross over 1464, but can safely cross via a walkway under the road - along the waterway.

    I haven't seen this. I'll be on the look out for it today.

  4. Also, who wants to pay ten dollars for parking to go buy some shoes when there are few other retail offerings in the area?

    BINGO. Which means they should focus on:

    I think they're waiting until they have something to advertise. Once they get some bars, I can see them throwing out some advertising, because it will then be a place where you can go for dinner followed by drinks.

    ..which I think would better suit downtown and give people more motivation to park (think: Village Arcade parking garage). In the meantime..

    From what I can tell, B-A-M is hanging in there... no crowds of people flocking to it, but they have been making some sales.

    I still maintain that even in its sucky and incomplete state, HP is a good move for Downtown. We have enough Convention business to warrant some form of RETAIL that stays open past 6pm. I'm really sorry to see Lidz and Journeys go, but this is an opportunity for HP to rethink its retail scheme, and try to lure some more suitable tenants. I'm happy that they took a chance and built this thing... at least we've got a glut of retail space in downtown now.

    They're going to have to rethink the look of it tho. HOB, B-A-M and XXI all benefit from having some street-facing signage, and I truly think this is what killed Lidz and Journeys. You literally don't know how to get to those stores, and no one is going to find them unless they walk the whole length of the complex. If HP wants consumers for the non-anchor stores, they're going to have to get to signs that reflect the store's location.

    I do want the Pavilions to succeed! I think most national chains that attempt to open here are coming in knowing they won't turn a profit for a while. I think the hope is that once they do start making money, they'll be in on the ground floor and won't have to worry about inflated rents.

  5. This should have been expected - recession or not. These type of developments are not organic, and when implanted in areas where there is no real NEED (not want or desire) they always fail. The difference will be whether the management company will be smart enough to do like the Park Shops and rebound with parcels that cater to the downtown day-time crowd, eg. restaurants & service oriented businesses. Retail will suffer here until the residential element grows.

  6. A neighborhood less than a mile from where Aliana is building, called Eaglewood on Bissonnet, was featured on KPRC news tonight. They've had a rash of break-ins and car burglaries.

    All I can say for West Oaks Village is that we got a Constable Contract for that very reason. Oh, that and the fact that now the one, yes - count him, one Fort Bend Sheriff Deputy that would patrol our neighborhood will probably be spending more time in Eaglewood & Mission Bend in general.

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