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Posts posted by Jeebus

  1. Given Houston's growth over the last decade, I'm surprised at how little violence there is in the city. It only seems to be a problem, because the media presents things in a way to get to our emotions, and then also the younger generation these days looks more hostile than previous generations, so there is this vibe present of potential for violence.

    Last night must have been a fluke:


  2. Having said all of that, I know what not to buy at Wal-Mart; these are things I typically would also not buy at a Target. Anybody who thinks that Target doesn't engage in the same practices as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowe's, and most other high-volume big box stores with respect to product quality is drinking the marketing Kool-Aide, and I have no respect for them as human beings. They may die and I shall shrug.

    Good post.

  3. I noticed recently that locations which were close in proximity to each other are shuttering recently.

    24 Hour Fitness - Hayes. 11320 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077

    I know they closed a basic location further west of this to open a large new location in an old Randalls at Dairy Ashford. I would imagine so many members would rather go to a new location than an old location like Hayes that they were losing too much money at that location to justify keeping it anymore.

    That, and I personally saw at least a dozen cars get broken into in the two years I was a member there. That's a rough parking lot.

  4. So, DAD flies his @$$ to go pick up kid and fly back. Plan these things in advance and the prices ain't that bad.

    He does for as many little league games, holidays, and other family type events. Still, it takes its toll and having the kid fly is the best option considering factors like work schedules, income, etc.

    I talked to a friend about this and he said that he walks his boy onto the plane, to his seat, and when the plane lands, mom meets him at the gate exit. They are on a first name basis with most of the flight attendants.

  5. Attractive skinny people versus toothless obese people?

    My point exactly. The models I'm sure are almost identical. Target just puts an extra coat of polish on their turd, charges 10% more and presto, its' inner-loop "yuppie" approved.

  6. Couldn't have said it better myself. Additionally, Wal-Mart as it is today treats its employees like slaves, robs them of benefits and security and all so those Hummers can multiply. Anything they can to make another penny, ugh. I'd rather go to Target any day then support their business model. Not to mention how much I loathe their lack of community responsibility as far as real estate goes - my blood boils every time I see one of their old buildings still sitting there vacant because they built a super duper Wal-Mart across the street. Nothing hurts a community like vacant, dingy buildings and large crummy corporations who could care less.

    What exactly is Target's business model compared to Walmart's business model?

  7. Who let's an 8yr. old fly ALONE ??? I blame the parents.

    Don't be a jerk TJ. Mom moves with kid(s) three states over with new husband, court approves it, dad can't leave because there's no job for him where ex-wive moved to or he has new wife and/or children here.

    Dad buys "weekend passes" so his kid(s) can fly home to see him every weekend. I personally know two different guys that do this. Don't blame the parents, blame the ex-wife.

  8. I've owned both an Audi and a Lexus.

    I had an 2004 Audi A4 that I traded in to get a 2008 Lexus ES350. The Audi was far more "european exotic", where as the Lexus is just "Japanese upgraded". I feel like I driving a Toyota with all the options. That being said, I love Toyota! lol..

    I liked both but when it comes to service, Lexus wins hands down. They're both gonna be expensive (service) but I think Lexus provides a better service environment than Audi, which just felt too posh and elite to be comfortable.

  9. My opinion is that Ox & Angel's failure was threefold: the economy, the location, and industry inexperience. Economically, Jan 09 was bad timing to start any venture whatsoever. Location? Villagio has an unhealthy attrition rate. I'm not privy to difficulties with Cinco's HOA, but it wouldn't surprise me. Here again... how is it that LaCenterra has branded themselves to the public favor, but Villagio struggles?

    La Centerra's design IMO feels more open and accessible, where as Villagio feels like a fortress or castle. But design and accessability has not as much with the real reason Angel and Ox failed. There just aren't enough Irish people and/or those interested in an authentic Irish bar in Cinco Ranch and surrounding areas (like where myself and where I live) to sustain.

    Its too niche for a cookie-cutter suburb. Drop it inside the loop west or south of downtown, and you'd have an instant winner. Facts o' life.

  10. A friend of mine was looking at homes in "EaDo" over the weekend, and the Realtor was telling him about upcoming projects in and around Downtown. One project the Realtor mentioned was that Target is going to build a smaller, two story store in Midtown. Has anyone heard anything about this?

    I emailed them yesterday and received a response just now saying that they cannot find any information about a planned Target in this area... so I'm guessing my friend was lied to by the Realtor (I'm SHOCKED!!!!) The rest of the email looked similar to yours. Maybe all of the HAIF Midtowner's should start writing in and it will become a reality! :D

    I would trust no realtor that uses hip monikers and acronyms for a newly re-developed area of town.

    If a Wal-Mart comes inside my Loop I will burn it down

    No you wouldn't.

    It must be that higher quality, more stylish Chinese prisoners are making the Target items.

    Be honest: what everyone here really means to say is that WalMart is for brown people and rednecks--not for people who enjoy farmers markets and Project Runway. I guarantee you, though, that 90% of the WalMart haters with no good retail in their neighborhood would shop there if one was built in midtown. I've watched my DINK neighbors drop over a hundred bucks on toiletries, snacks and cheap wine at the new CVS around the corner from me only because it's new, it's around the corner, and it's not the depressing Kroger. I have done the same thing. The other 10% should at least be intellectually honest enough to refuse to shop at any big box retailer.

    Like I said, I'm no fan of WalMart, but this slavish preference for Target over WalMart is essentially feeding the same beast.

    Shopping at Walmart just feels ultra depressing. Maybe it's the oppressive fluorescent lights, maybe it's the crowd and the type of folks that shop there, or maybe it's just the realization that this company has done considerable harm to local businesses across the nation, both by forcing out smaller mom and pop stores that actually supported the local economy, and also by forcing manufacturers to ship their factories and jobs to China to save 10 cents per package of tube socks. Neither Target nor any mass merchandiser is much better, but Walmart blazed the path before the others and therefore receives the brunt of the criticism.
    Don't forget that Sam Walton was a Mom and Pop, and whether you like WM or not it is amazing that he built what he did in less than one generation.

    Why are we so hypocritical that we'll bash Walmart, which started as a mom & pop but we'll all meet up at the Best Buy to buy a T.V. then swing by a Starbucks on the way home. What is so chic about Target that makes it exempt from the "detrimental to mom & pop shops" mentality? Are we just hoping for the lesser of two evils? I'm just looking for clarification of certain posters' perspective.

    Walmart serves a very important function in our economy and our society. I don't like shopping there myself, but that doesn't mean I look down my nose at those who do or think they shouldn't open new stores in areas where they would improve the lives of lower income people who already live in the area and can't afford to shop at Central Market and Restoration Hardware.

    You are exactly right. I'm no fan of Walmart no more than I am ANY big chain store, but the reality is that at some point (unless you're filthy rich), you're going to have to shop at these stores to save money.

    There's an entire block between Main and Travis, near Richmond where a McDonald's used to be. That'd be really bad news for Sears, though. I say Target should move into where Sears is and restore that building to its orignal splendor. I live in this area and never think about going to Sears because it's so drab. I always just go down to the South Main Target. A Target in this Midtown location would rock my world.

    As an "outer-looper", I had no clue this Sears was even open, and I drive by it at least three times a week.

  11. Does anyone remember the Two Pesos chain of restaurants? There was a lengthy court battle between Two Pesos and Taco Cabana.  From what I recall, Taco Cabana sued Two Pesos and it went all the way to the Supreme Court.  The ending? There are no more Two Pesos around. 

    I remember one of the more famous locations of Two Pesos. It was located near the Texas Medical Center at 8101 South Main Street.  Of course, this later became a Taco Cabana.  I believe the structure was originally built for the local restaurant chain Prince's Hamburgers Drive-In Restaurant.

    Does anyone recall eating here when they were growing up? I'd love to see a picture of the building with the original Two Pesos logo.  I wonder if there are any postcards, or matchbooks of this place.  Share your memories, I'd love to hear all the stories about this place. 

  12. So the news is reporting that in over 2000 cities "large" groups gathered today. So what does that mean? Is this an isolated conservative event, or is it a nationwide movement now?

  13. Or maybe Editor should just get rid of the "view new posts" button and force people to go to different sub-forums so that those who are offended won't even be tempted to view political/religous threads?

    I suggested this before as well, but only to apply to the off-topic areas.

  14. There is a reason that GPS was invented. Surely the fire dept. can afford a $100 Tom Tom for each of it's units and can find a connector somewhere. Besides, I would think of it as piss poor planning buy the city management if their Fire Depts. are spaced so far apart that they have to take the Freeway to get to a call. I have never seen an ambulance hesitate to take the shoulder on a freeway either.

    ALL GPS devices are inaccurate in some way. My brother's GPS doesn't know that you can't turn left on Main St. downtown, and he nearly wrecked trying to follow said directions (he's from out of state).

  15. Now that your side got it's butt kicked in the last two elections it's time for peace, love, and togetherness? Nope. It's time our side grew a pair and fought back.

    Tell you what, you get Glenn Beck to stop fermenting insurrection in this country and I'll see what we can do.

    Dude, seriously, this is what the problem is. You're STILL going about politics.

  16. You're kidding me right? I think the level of discourse pretty much plumented with when the right-side of the aisle started throwing around the term "Socialist" with wild abanden when the world "Liberal" lost its bite.

    Unfortunatley politics became a bloodsport quite some time ago and its only going to get worse now that the GOP has lost the White House as well as the Congress. I havn't seen this much anger from them since they lost in '92 and spent the next eight years working to deligitimize the President election all the way up to impeachment. Sort of like a cornered wild animal...very dangerous when they lose.

    Foaming? I got three words for you: "Terrorist Fist Jab."

    But now let's hold hands while we sing kumbuyya (as the GOP sticks a knife in our backs when we're not looking)

    Just look at your post. Even in a thread not about politics you go on the offensive. For Christ's sake, just stop.

  17. Vicman, do you actually know of Sugar Land residents who desire METRO services that would take them into the city? Do you have any docuementation in the form of a scientific survey that proves that a majority of Sugar Land citizens even want METRO services?

    Of course this does NOT count P&R services, which we all know would be greatly used.

  18. No complexes or vacancies in 77478, 77479, 77498.

    I think that proves the point that THIS AREA NEEDS AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING.


    It seems to be running just fine right now. Why tinker with a well-oiled machine? People choose Sugar Land and its surrounding communities for the very reasons you want to change.

    As with any major city, there needs to be affodable housing put in to help balance all levels of society. This is what comes along with living in a rural city.

    Sugar Land is NOT a major city. It is a small town that an adjacent major city grew out to. See the above comment about your needs assessments.

    The point is that Sugar Land is on its way to becoming a major city. The population is exploding and companies are relocating there.

    Only one of those three statements are correct.

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