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  1. Via @NPR: A Fond Farewell To Garrison Keillor's 'Prairie Home' https://t.co/eyiUZ4OxnF

  2. Our Aid Team Bombed in Airstrike, Held at Gunpoint During ISIS Attack in Fallujah https://t.co/9SpgDQOBaP

  3. Why Brexit affects you https://t.co/mpxEPppPAJ via @JimDenison

  4. Here's $5 off your next grocery trip! Sign up to @Checkout51 using my link: https://t.co/tdXEJUlVfa .

  5. Choose hope, bravery, and peace with me by supporting @preemptivelove https://t.co/tMfjGKuTT5

  6. The Modern Man and His Fantasy World https://t.co/Bgy8bEgm9X via @TGC

  7. C.S. Lewis predicted Donald Trump - The Washington Post https://t.co/zrnqCb0J6f

  8. RT @ZachDawes_Jr: Les Hollon leads workshop on preaching on ethics: preaching Micah 6:8 in 2016 America #dolovewalk16 https://t.co/fgNWPQgj…

  9. What’s to Love About ‘Fixer Upper’ https://t.co/at1aeSN4rO via @TGC

  10. The problem of the half-churched Christian https://t.co/3nPsQgqVqk via @RNS

  11. RT @BurtsBees: W/o the ees, there is no us. Help us #BringBackTheBees: lose the letter

  12. What Would Happen if the Church Tithed? https://t.co/81DCA3pYX4 via @RELEVANT #heartmatter

  13. I have heard that nothing is going to happen here until 2014. Anyone know why? Are they waiting on road construction?
  14. Residential lawns release more carbon dioxide than corn fields - another reason to replace grass with vegetables... http://t.co/PsJweqlfbu

  15. I just bought: 'Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots' by J. C. Ryle via @amazonkindle http://t.co/Dc5L8yO1iF

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