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Posts posted by briekelman

  1. Hi there,


    I had to bolt out of there after the Starr's appeal to pick up my son. His daycare closes at 6, and I got there at 5:57. He was the last kid in his class there, which has NEVER happened before...it was so sad! But worth it. I was busy at work all day, so I haven't had a chance to watch any videos yet. Kinda dreading watching my part...I hate seeing myself on camera...


    Sam always introduces himself as a "designer," as does Mark VanDoren with APD design b/c they are not licensed architects (at least, I think that is the correct way to describe it? but I'm no pro...just learning). They definitely employ architects though. I'm not sure how APD works, but Sam does all of the physical hand drawings while you talk through brainstorming sessions of your needs/wants, and then he hands it off to a younger, better-on-Autocad architect to do all of the dirty work (e.g. code compliance, specific dimensioning down to the fraction of inches, etc.). There is a lot of recycle on this - ours took 2 months of that, not including the electrical and lighting plan that we had to wait to start until after the COA approval.


    S3mh, I have finished my reply to you, but I want to sleep on it. I have re-read it a zillion times and continue to find typos. I also want to make sure that it is as complete as possible, and I didn't leave anything out. It unfortunately turned out to be a novel, so hopefully you don't mind reading for while! Apologies in advance to everyone for that! Hoping to post early tomorrow morning.


    Just watched the planning commission meeting, preservationists got smoked! Question to Bree, oh sorry, Brie, what did you think of the beat down your "architect" got? Personally, gonna stay as far away from this dude for all future projects....recommend everyone else do the same. Would hate to be this homeowner.


    If anyone is interested, you can see it for yourself at the 75:55 mark....





  2. I have started writing a very thoughtful, thorough response to s3mh's questions. Thank you for asking; I'm happy to provide the answers. I'm sorry if my motivations weren't clear before; I wish I would have been asked earlier if that was the case...I guess I'm not one to really put out my opinions unless they have a specific purpose or are in response to something (Side-note: The Leader article was a short what-I-assumed-was-private email I wrote the writer, and I had NO clue that it would/could be published, let alone that it WAS published until a week after when I heard from an old colleague from 7 yrs ago! I learned my lesson though - 1) duh - emailing a newspaper employee is fair game for publishing 2) they don't ask you if you are ok with them publishing anything before they publish it 3) check who the editor is before you email a writer to see if the writer is in fact the editor 4) don't email a writer b/c it will get published).


    I have been in meetings all morning and then went to the appeal. I don't know how to post from an iphone (can someone PM me how to do?), so apologies for my delayed response.


    To be clear, I went and spoke to support the Starr's (not Creole), and the Starr's won unanimously. I'm very happy that they can stop worrying about this now and get back to the headaches of sleepless nights with their 3-mo old vs sleepless nights worrying about their life savings and ability to provide shelter for their growing family.


    Thank you for all that wrote in for them. They had over 30 support letters, which is a much nicer welcome to the Heights, and shows them that it IS a great neighborhood, full of nice/welcoming people.


    Again, I will post specific answers tomorrow (I promise that I am not avoiding the question). I started a detailed response, but I want to sleep on it to make sure my words are carefully chosen and mean what I want them to mean without unintentionally offending someone.



  3. sorry! I thought I was clear that I was NOT accusing anyone of anything...i was asking. That's why I typed these lines and used "he/she" vs "you":


    "To be clear, I am NOT accusing you, but asking. I don't think it is right to accuse anyone of anything if you don't know for certain if it's true. For the record, whoever sent this really hurt my feelings, and he/she clearly does not know me"

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  4. Thank you angosta! I completely agree. I followed the ordinance the entire time, including when I chose to appeal (to be clear, when I chose - not when my architect chose - it was 100% my decision). If someone likes the ordinance, then they should be happy that families like mine followed it.

  5. Hi Jetober,


    I posted my last post before I read the your new post. I'm sorry that you don't think that this project satisfies the 11 criteria for new additions like the Preservation Staff did. I realize that as a former Historic Commissioner, you ARE more qualified than most of us.


    Do you think that the attached photo of a recent project on the 1600 block of Cortland is better? It was clearly approved by the HAHC and (in my opinion) just looks weird - not like Historic Preservation at all.


    Also, I have been wanting to ask you this but haven't had the guts...did you write this incorrect email below about me and send it around to some neighbors? To be clear, I am NOT accusing you, but asking. I don't think it is right to accuse anyone of anything if you don't know for certain if it's true. For the record, whoever sent this really hurt my feelings, and he/she clearly does not know me (seeing that he/she doesn't even know my name..."Bree" is a common/understandable misspelling, but "Kelner"?).  


    I think we have a lot more in common than you realize and hope that your incorrect perception of me can be ratified if we actually were to talk. You were very nice to me originally when we talked when I was going through my own project. Not sure what changed? I spend my weekends trolling through local antique and architectural salvage shops to find 1920's doors, hardware, etc. My current house is a 2/2, 1300 sqft from 1920 with painted-shut, original windows that I think are beautiful. As a mom with a young baby, you know that it will be tough to have another kid in a house that small, let alone have grandparents who live in New Zealand and Kansas City come visit their grandkids. I reached out to Kent Marsh after he spoke at the last HAHC meeting about how he and several neighbors who care about the neighborhood get together to talk about the recent projects to see if I could volunteer to help. For the record, I care about our neighborhood too and preserving it. At the same time, I also care about consistent enforcement of legal documents - not more and not less.  


    I assume that I will see you at the appeal tomorrow? You are always very well-spoken. I hope that you and I could talk sometime. To be clear, I do not work for Creole. I hired him to design my project originally b/c I see his signs around the neighborhood and he has lived here since the mid-70's. He lives in a 1915 home with an original stove and sink! I chose him over another designer b/c he charged a fixed fee, where the other guy only charged by the hour b/c the historic process was so unknown. Since restoring an old home is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive than new construction, I was very uncomfortable with an unknown hourly fee if I could have it fixed.




    Please call and email CM Ellen Cohen today and let her know you support Bart Truxillo as a replacement for Doug Elliott on the HAHC. I understand CM Cohen is nominating an individual who does not support the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Cm Cohen’s nomination may be as soon as next week’s council meeting.


    Bart is copied on this email and is agreeable to serving on the HAHC.


    As some of you may know, Doug Elliott is resigning from the HAHC. This is a loss for preservationists who have appreciated Doug’s continued support of the amended Preservation Ordinance.


    Doug holds a Citizen Representative position which is a position that can be filled by Councilman nomination. We understand that CM Cohen intends to nominate Bree Kelner which, in my opinion, is a blow to preservationist. Bree works closely with Creole Design who habitually proposes non compatible additions and new construction and has successfully appealed HAHC denied designs to the Planning Commission.


    CM Cohen must hear from her constituents that we do not support Bree Kelner and that we do nominate and support Bart Truxillo.


    PS: I may have mis spelled Bree’s name. If someone knows the correct spelling, please reply to all.


    CM Ellen Cohen Email: districtc@houstontx.gov

                                  Phone: 832.393.3004


  6. Hi everyone,


     If you haven't had a chance to send in a support letter, can you please do it? (assuming that you support the Starr's)


    They have received ~7 emails so far, but I think we can get more than that.


    Thanks in advance for your help!

  7. Hi everyone,


    The appeal for 1811 Harvard is this Thursday at 2:30 pm. Fiwki noticed that the appeal wasn't on the Planning Commission agenda, and when the owners started asking, they were told that they didn't originally fill out all the appeal paperwork right. After significal discussion / clarification that I won't bore you with, they were put on the agenda, thankfully.


    The documentation for their COA (attached) clearly shows that they satisfy all 11 criteria for new additions. However, at the bottom of the first page, you can see that it says:


    HAHC ACTION:                   Denial



    Blank - that's right: the basis for their denial is literally blank.


    There are countless other similar projects approved all the time, including the same meeting, which is why Commissioner Hellyer made a motion to approve the COA that ultimately got voted down.


    The Starr's don't know a lot of people in the Heights area, so I told them that I would help get people to write email support letters. It doesn't have to be long.


    Can you please send an email to show your support? I have drafted something simple below if you want to copy/paste. I put the Starr's emails in the cc line, so they can make sure to keep the Preservation staff honest that they counted/included all of the support letters. It sounds good if the staff presents it saying: "We have recieved X number of support letters from the neighborhood included in your packet" when they present to the Commission.


    To: Diana - PD" Diana.DuCroz@houstontx.gov

    cc: Jason Starr <jason.starr@mattressfirm.com>,Tera Starr <tera.starr@mattressfirm.com>


    Subject: Support letter for 1811 Harvard COA




    I am writing to show my support of the Starr's renovation project at 1811 Harvard and encourage you to grant them a Certificate of Appropriateness. I am unable to attend the Planning Commission meeting in-person to show my support; therefore, this letter must suffice.


    As a neighbor, I am disappointed that a young family is having so much trouble restoring a dilapidated structure. Their project will be a great improvement to the Heights. I am also disappointed that they were originally denied a COA when they met all 11 criteria for new additions, and especially that no basis was provided for their denial on the documentation.

    Again, I support the COA for 1811 Harvard; the renovation will be good for the neighborhood.

    Please respond to confirm that you will include this letter in the packet you provide the Planning Commission.


    Thank you,

    Historic Height Neighborhood (e.g. Historic Heights East, Norhill, etc....)

    Or just put "The Heights" if you aren't specifically in a Historic district, or wherever you live if you are outside of the Heights, or blank if you are not comfortable sharing

    1811 harvard coa denial.pdf

  8. Here is your chance to share your experience/opinion of the Historic District process with City Council.  Council Member Pennington asked how the new districts are operating at the May 1 City Council meeting. The mayor said "amazingly well." She said she would ask the Director of Planning to give City Council a report on how the new districts are operating. While I think it will be good to have the Planning department assess themselves, I also think it is important for our elected officials to hear from us: the homeowners. I want to collect ALL feedback - both good and bad to share with them. We are the ones that voted (or didn't vote) to make our neighborhoods protected, and we bear the consequences of that choice. Therefore, since there has been a few years of run-time, and since Council Member Pennington asked, I'd like to provide him with an answer from each person that has an opinion to share. It is an election year, so hopefully they will want to listen now more than ever.

    Also, I am going to lunch with Council Member Ellen Cohen next Monday, June 17. She wanted to meet me after her nomination of me to the HAHC fell through, and especially after she heard from so many of you that you think I would be good for the neighborhood (thank you again!). I would like to provide her with a stack of people’s personal stories of their experience – both good and bad, so our voices as homeowners can be heard.


    Please send me an email with your story no later than Sunday, June 16, so I have time to print before lunch with CM Cohen. It can be short and sweet or full of as many gory details as you’d like. You can choose to remain anonymous, or put your name and contact info – I will leave that completely up to you. I promise that I will not include your email address if you do not want me to. The only thing that would be good to have is what district you are in, but if you don’t want to share - no worries (Council Member Cohen is District C; click here for a map of the districts http://www.houstontx.gov/council/2012maps.html). Even if you don’t have personal experience, please feel free to write something you’d like them to hear – I will give them everything anyone sends me.


    Send to: briekelman@gmail.com

    Subject: HAHC Feedback


    Thanks again for all your help, and sorry if you are tired of hearing from me! I started to lay low for a few weeks, as this was starting to really get to me. But after seeing that video linked below the other night, I feel like it is my duty as a citizen of our neighborhood to at least tell the honest truth about the facts from the people that actually live here and bear the costs. (I realize that sounds incredibly cheesy, but it is truly how I feel).


    Kind Regards,

    Brie Kelman


    p.s. To be clear, I very much support Historic Preservation (I would not have bought 2 homes built in 1920 if I didn’t). I also support legal documents and homeowners’ rights and am here because I truly believe that the process can be improved.


    May 1 City Council Meeting:


    • Click:  Items 1 - 4" on the right
    • Fastforward to the 8:56 min mark – it is only ~2 minutes long
  9. I finally was able to call Council Member Cohen back since my last post (I was in mtgs all day).


    CM Cohen has been shocked/impressed with all of the support that has flooded her office today for nominating me to the HAHC. Therefore, please keep it up and thank you!! Also, please send your emails and phone calls to other City Council members as well. It can be short and sweet: literally a phone call with a message to the admin and a 2 sentence email. This does spades in showing how many people think that I would be good for the neighborhood. 


    Bradford, Christie, Gonzalez and Cohen are all very supportive of me. During my appeal process, Costello and Pennington were supportive too, although I'm not sure if this is a big topic for them today (it might be, I just don't know if they are aware of these recent happenings, but I know the first 4 are very involved). Therefore, please send your emails to everyone copied below. If you have a couple of short minutes, please call too - you will only leave a voicemail or message with the admin, which takes ~30 seconds. If you are prioritizing (b/c I know we're all busy), I'd recommend the following order:


    Cohen: 832.393.3004

    Bradford: 832.393.3012

    Christie: 832.393.3017

    Gonzalez: 832.393.3003

    Pennington: 832.393.3007

    Costello: 832.393.3014


    If you're still reading, here is the update since talking to CM Cohen. Even though I was vetted and approved through the system (but not voted on by City Council yet b/c they didn't have a public meeting this week), they are likely going to withdraw my nomination. This is because they received a "legal opinion" yesterday from the city attorney that the citizen who's position I was going to fill, is not at his term limit and can serve another term. She was embarrassed and sorry that things have turned out this way, and I truly believe that she was blind-sided by all of these events. She does not conduct business this way, and I believe her. My hunch is that this certain citizen representative was going to step down, and then somebody who doesn't like me heard about my nomination and called and asked him to stay.  I'm still a bit confused about this, but somehow this prompted legal department to "advice" on his term limit, which he is not at the max yet (he started in 2008). It is unprecedented that the City Council would nominate somebody against an incumbent, so it is likely that they will withdraw my nomination. However, when I asked how that works, she said that is an excellent question!! They have not withdrawn my nomination yet, so the more vocal you can be in support of me, the higher the chance (albeit small) that my nomination will not be withdrawn. I truly believe that CM Cohen has been put in a very bad spot, and this is not fair to her or me or our neighborhood. 


    I know fwki likely thinks I sound cheesy, but all we have are our voices. All of your support calls/emails made a serious impact to CM Cohen today. If the other council members get similar calls/emails, it can do nothing but help.


    Thank you again for your support.


    <Jonathan.Newport@houstontx.gov>, jack.christie@houstontx.gov, <sandra.puente@houstontx.gov>, <Brad.Bradford@houstontx.gov>, annise.parker@houstontx.gov,Brooke.Boyett@houstontx.gov,ellen.cohen@houstontx.gov,mayor@houstontx.gov, districta@houstontx.gov, districtb@houstontx.gov, districtc@houstontx.gov, districtd@houstontx.gov, districte@houstontx.gov, districtf@houstontx.gov, districtg@houstontx.gov, districth@houstontx.gov, districti@houstontx.gov, districtj@houstontx.gov, districtk@houstontx.gov, atlarge1@houstontx.gov, atlarge2@houstontx.gov, atlarge3@houstontx.gov, atlarge4@houstontx.gov, atlarge5@houstontx.gov,john.moss@houstontx.gov

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  10. The only thing anyone can do is speak with their voice. Several have spoken against me, and if you think I would be a benefit to the community, please speak with your voice to show support of me. If they only hear one side, they have no incentive to act any differently.

  11. Hi everyone,


    I have been nominated and already vetted/approved through the Committee Boards and Commissions to be appointed to the HAHC. Council Member Cohen (my council member) nominated me. I really want to serve, as I think I could bring significant value as someone who has been through the process. I support both Historic Preservation and owners' rights as outlined in the Historic Preservation ordinance. Recently (the past day), there have been several people that have called Council Member Cohen's office against me. I had not told anyone about my nomination, but apperently it leaked ONLY to people that are vocal against me. I'm not sure who they are, but it's unfortunate because they are saying things about me that are simply untrue.


    It's unfortunate that Council Member Cohen doesn't know how many people actually DID, DO and WILL support me.


    Therefore, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please take a minute out of your day to call Council Member Cohen's office. Please keep your message simple and positive. All you need to say is:  


    "I've heard that Brie Kelman has been nominated to serve on the HAHC, and I support her nomination. I think she would be good for my neighborhood."


    Her number is: 832-393-3004 and her and her chief of staff's emails are: Ellen.cohen@houstontx.gov,districtc@houstontx.gov,Brooke.boyett@houstontx.gov


    Thank you!


    p.s. I am running out the door for a business lunch, so I owe Council Member Cohen a phone call back. I will call her as soon as I return, but would appreciate your calls in the interim.

  12. hey everyone...the banter has been pretty quiet lately (I'm going through a bit of withdrawl!).


    I don't really have much interesting to say, other than to let folks know that there is a Historic Preservation Fair on Saturday. I have read up on how to make old windows as energy efficient (or more?) as new windows, but I want to hear what the group has to say about it since I'm keeping my old windows, as well as how easy the process is to get a CoA in Historic Districts. I also want to shake hands with and meet several of the key players that had a big voice in my CoA process. I actually consider myself a preservationist and spend my weekends trolling through local antique shops to find things like old 1920's doors and light fixtures. I was painted a bit differently by a lot of people (a destroyer or historic material), which is quite unfortunate. 


    See the agenda below. If you end up going to, I hope we cross paths and please introduce yourself (my photo is on my profile and there are videos of my cases in earlier posts)!



  13. Who is able to come Thursday - on both sides of this issue? I will be there speaking in support of the owner, as someone who likes and has 2 houses with 1920 windows.


    The only way we can make an impact in the short-term under the current regime is to go to the public meetings and show our support. I was out of town for the appeal, so I couldn't go 2 weeks ago. However, I am in town now and will take off work Thursday to go.


    This woman needs us b/c the opposition will likely have many more people there to talk against again. It all comes down to a vote, and human nature tends to go with the majority of what you hear, in the moment....if someone on the commission thinks she should be able to replace her windows, but hears 4 neighbors saying they don't want her to be able to do it, then that could sway their vote against her...."well, I would be ok with her replacing the windows, and the ordinance does allow it, and the director promised the neighborhood that they could do it, BUT it sounds like the neighborhood doesn't want her to do it, and I don't want to vote AGAINST the neighborhood...." etc, etc, etc.


    Who's coming? 


    (Private message me if you don't feel comfortable posting publicly.)

  14. Great videos fwki!


    Here is a video of the window appeal to the Planning Commission, heightslurker mentioned, where they deferred it to this coming Thursday, April 25.



          Click bottom: Item III - Consideration of an Appeal of the Decision of the HAHC


    Everyone, we need to rally the troops and come out to show our support for this poor lady Thursday, April 25. The ordinance CLEARLY states that replacing your old windows is ok, as well as Marlene Gafrick herself on 3 different occasions: 1) in the 2010 Woodland Heights video posted by fwki 2) at the HAHC meeting where they denied the owner, and 3) during the appeal to the Planning Commission. At the appeal, there were SEVERAL people who came to show opposition to the applicant replacing her windows. We need to counter them by showing our support in person. One of the people who talked against her lives in a THREE-STORY 1996 house at 16th and Arlington....really, you can have new windows and she can't?!? Who are you to say that old windows are better and more efficient than new ones when you have new ones yourself! Hypocrite! The only thing we can do to help is show up to speak in support of letting people do what the ordinance clearly allows them to do. I own 2 homes with 1920 windows, and I like how they look personally. However, I don't like that they don't open and cost me a fortune in energy....not to mention the fact that my preferences have nothing to do with another person's ability to do what they want if they are following the ordinance.


    Also, this is even MORE important b/c the ordinance clearly states that if the Planning Commission denies you, you can appeal to City Council. HOWEVER, Marlene opened the meeting saying that the Planning Commission's decision will be final b/c the applicant didn't request a court reporter for the Planning Commission meeting. She said that they notified the applicant about the court reporter in writing. This is simply not true - the applicant had never heard anything about a court reporter until the Planning Commission meeting. It is COMPLETELY unfair and WRONG to deny somebody their rights to appeal to city council, especially when this is actually outlined very clearly in the Ordinance (unlike other subjective parts).


    I will be there, and I hope to see you there too. This is just not right.

  15. Hi everybody! I am the owner of 1207 Harvard, Brie Kelman, who was in the tragic video posted earlier. I didn't know about this site until a day or two ago, when I was pointed to it from a fellow Heights mom I have never met on the Heights Kids Group site. WOW - HOW GREAT IT WAS TO FIND ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT AND COMMENTS! Thank you so much! I am amazed, flattered and grateful for all of your thoughtful comments and support.


    Our appeal to the City of Houston takes place at 2:30 pm on Feb 14, and is an open, public meeting. Please come to support us! I spoke with one of the commissioners ~a week after our denial, and he said that they only hear from neighbors that are complaining about bad development or developments that are too big. He said that if there are neighbors that feel differently, they would love to know that b/c they don't want to act in isolation, differently than the neighborhood wants. Therefore, it would mean a LOT to have any of our supporters there in person and would have a huge impact.


    WHEN: Feb 14 at 2:30 p.m.

    WHERE: 900 Bagby St, Houston TX 77002, City Council Chambers, City Hall Annex


    Also, you can help by sending the petition along if you care about historic preservation and restoration of neglected properties. I just updated it so that it will be sent to the mayor and ALL city council everytime someone signs. It seems to be working....I had no idea how much impact a simple, online petition made by little old me could make!

    I have also recently updated the facebook album for photos of the house (as-is), as well as the proposed (currently denied) plans, as well as a few design inspirations:



    Again - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I can't reiterate enough how shocked and grateful I was when I read through the multiple pages of comments, and I didn't know the video existed until finding it on this site. My husband was traveling for work, so he hadn't seen anything until I found it on this site (not that it made it any easier for him to watch!).


    p.s. here is a link to the petition in case you haven't signed:


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