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Everything posted by SmellyHoustonian

  1. Bigger buses, or new buses, or transit for the future or whatever doesn't mean anything until METRO can get its inner city bus transit up to an acceptable level. I commute from near the Heights Wal-Mart to UH everyday, and use the bus. However, it's plagued with time issues (the bus is late, early, or doesn't come at all). Today, I attempted to ride the 34 bus and pick it up at Waugh and Koehler at 1:20 (it's supposed to arrive at 1:30). However, it never came and the T.R.I.P. app said the next 34 wasn't going to come until 2:20. It's not feasible to live without a car in Houston because METRO is so inconsistent. Until they fix their bus service, fancy buses are just lipstick on a pig.
  2. All this talk. Yet, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that actually lives near the Wal Mart, and whatever feelings someone has towards Wal Mart, the rest of the development is nice to have in the neighborhood. Convenient dry cleaners, restaurants, starbucks, and of course 2 AM Taco C. This thread (and anything related to do with a Historic District) is why no one can stand Heights residents, y'all are the worst with your champagne problems. Oh no, the Wal Mart, or oh no, I can't tear down my home to build a lot line home, NAZIS!
  3. The current discussion is kind of dumb, but as to the topic of the thread, I live on Koehler St. really close to the Wal Mart, and I think it's been a great addition. It's an easy place to get dog food and beer. Most importantly, the neighborhood has markedly changed since it went up in October, derelict properties are being torn down at a very high rate, and replaced with better things, townhomes, or other development. Closer to the Wal Mart at Koehler and Bonner was a really bad part of the neighborhood, someone over there sells drugs, of the four bad homes, three have been torn down in the last few months, and I have to think it has a lot to do with the shiny new development at the end of the block.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/NQABfnz.gif?1 We spread like a virus to the north and to the west.
  5. It's been passed by City Council. The hotel construction and costs have been approved. Looks like we'll have a shiny new building with a Texas shaped lazy river!
  6. Here is a discussion of what it will take from the city in terms of funds/development incentives that it's going to take to get the Hotel built. Looks to be a lot, totalling $138 million. Houston First will give $58.7 million in cash, $53 million in rebates on city property, hotel and alcohol sales over 20 years, $26 million in rebates on state taxes over 10 years and it will be owned by RIDA who will keep excess revenue (unlike the Hilton owned by the city) Houston First will also build a $31 million parking garage, which will be leased by the hotel for $62 million over 50 years. For the curious, it will be a Marriott Marquis hotel. I'm not sure about the project. It comes at a steep price, without a lot of the benefit that came with the investment in the Hilton. I'd rather the project take on the steps used to build the Hilton, it's a better deal for the taxpayers. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/City-to-offer-hotel-developer-138M-in-incentives-4109932.php
  7. I saw a rendering today from the presentation to City Council. The pool deck area will have a Texas shaped Lazy River on it. Pretty cool!
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