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Status Updates posted by raffettospeaks

  1. "You're at funeral, and you're quoting Highlander?" - @Suits_USA Season premiere has been great.

  2. John Green talks about Book Expo America and turns it into a metaphor. As he is prone to do. http://t.co/9ZWPWGxq

  3. I don't care which team wins, but I do hope all the #Miami fans die in an arena fire.

  4. Matchbox cars: a parent's best friend. You spend 99 cents, and they're happy for a week.

  5. He's such a bad influence. Elliot, I mean. http://t.co/Ct5GcxCZ

  6. Bradbury didn't get his timing wrong. We got our priorities wrong. [2 of 2]

  7. No better night to open this. For you, Ray. http://t.co/SdDl80lZ

  8. Thank you for Douglas Spaulding. Thank you for Halloween. Thank you for Mr. Electrico. #Ray

  9. What's up with this helicopter circling south of downtown? Manhunt?

  10. This US squad is slooooow.

  11. The greatest speller who never won. We'll always remember you, Samir. @SpellingBee http://t.co/G83BGYkx

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