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Everything posted by raffettospeaks

  1. On Friday, I'm scheduled to close on a house in Clear Lake. It was built in 1963. The ownership history on HCAD's website only goes back to 1988, though. Out of my own curiousity, I like to research previous owners. I just find it interesting to know who lived in the house previously. Does HCAD's site not have older information because that doesn't exist? Or is there some way to request hard copies of older records? I'm sure some of you run into this before.
  2. "You're at funeral, and you're quoting Highlander?" - @Suits_USA Season premiere has been great.

  3. John Green talks about Book Expo America and turns it into a metaphor. As he is prone to do. http://t.co/9ZWPWGxq

  4. I don't care which team wins, but I do hope all the #Miami fans die in an arena fire.

  5. Matchbox cars: a parent's best friend. You spend 99 cents, and they're happy for a week.

  6. He's such a bad influence. Elliot, I mean. http://t.co/Ct5GcxCZ

  7. Bradbury didn't get his timing wrong. We got our priorities wrong. [2 of 2]

  8. No better night to open this. For you, Ray. http://t.co/SdDl80lZ

  9. Thank you for Douglas Spaulding. Thank you for Halloween. Thank you for Mr. Electrico. #Ray

  10. What's up with this helicopter circling south of downtown? Manhunt?

  11. This US squad is slooooow.

  12. The greatest speller who never won. We'll always remember you, Samir. @SpellingBee http://t.co/G83BGYkx

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