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Everything posted by JustMefromLA

  1. I was hoping this wouldn't happen. I plan on going for 1 week this month - Aug. 22-26. I was hoping that would be enough to see how the neighborhood is around UH and downtown/midtown. The closer to UH the better for me, since I won't have a car. I don't want to rent either. But then again, the longer I think about, the better it might be for me to rent. On the other hand, Houston doesn't seem to have appreciated as much as the Los Angeles, so purchasing, IMO is a lot better option there than it is here. ?????????????????????
  2. Closer to UH? That's sounds good to me. My parents definitely don't want me to rent, so a purchase it must be. Where did you see these listings? (28sale/3rent) I've gone to the HAR website but it's hard to find a house/condo close to UH. The area used in HAR extends out very far, too far from the school. I've contacted a couple real estate agents, but seems like they don't really want to make any money. Weird, people in L.A. would kill to have someone purchase a condo from them. Ideally, I would like a condo, because I don't want to deal with maintaining a yard or paying so many different bills. I thought 2016 would be good, but maybe I'm wrong. I really have no idea how Houston is or how any areas are. Thank you guys for all the help.
  3. Cool LTAWACS...can't wait to see the REAL pics.
  4. Thank you!! I can't wait! I'm gonna love living in Houston! The bayou looks like a keeper! and those cars... sheesh, I thought I was gonna have to settle for public transportation! but man! have I got a choice or what? Looks like I even get free child labor! Talk about being lucky!
  5. I'm thinking of purchasing a condo at 2016 main. How is the neighborhood? I'm hoping that someone can post pics of the building, besides the ones I've found online. The condo is very small (under 400 sq. ft.) but for that price, I think it is worth it. Maybe pics of the neighborhood? the building around this building or the people or the wild-life! something, anything. I'm moving from L.A. and will be studying at UH main campus. Thanks "y'all" (do people say that is Texas?) http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b43/samceb/2016main.jpg Here's one I found online, but it doesn't say much as to how the neighborhood is.
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