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Posts posted by kbates2

  1. Meltzer acts like he's scared of Payne as he rarely contradicts him...similar to that Fred and Ted show at night...its like they let the pro athlete get away with anything...problem with Meltzer is that he tries to be too hard to know football


    Innes...no comment...horrible..does not fit in with the company line guys at the Texans


    the rest are not worth even listening to...


    Can we have a non-former pro-athlete African-American ever get on the airwaves in Houston?  One that knows Houston meaning the college scene, high schools, etc...every thing is Texan talk but the local schools are suffering



  2. Morning is Lance and Adam.  Adam sucks but Lance is great.  Lunch war room with John Harris and Sean Salisbury.  Drive home switches between Pallilo and Sean & John on 1560.


    Every time 790 or 1560 is going really slow or somebody is off, I try 610.  Every time I end up going to 97.5 FM or just listening to music.

  3. I had a woman speaking incredibly loud behind me on a flight back from Chicago earlier this year.  The whole plane was giving her bad looks.  I got out a post-it note and wrote QUIET PLEASE on it with a sharpie and stuck it to the back of my head.  Many beers were bought for me by other passengers.  Many beers.

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