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  1. A POSITIVE LOOK AT TTC Once known as the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC), this tollroad has been renamed Perry's SuperCollider 2005 Taxpayers and residents in the state of Texas are debating an issue concerning the proposed construction of SuperCollider 2005 or Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) with the state governor and our state representatives. Our legislature can't understand why residents aren't thrilled with this new tollroad proposal...after all, they are all as happy as a hog, belly deep in slop. Although most residents of the state are not as educated or intellectual as our esteemed governor they have discovered a few minor problems with his newest SuperCollider project aka Trans Texas Corridor. It seems that the SuperCollider will be built by a foreign company named Cintra, that will be getting the all of the proceeds from truck and car tolls, gas stations, motels, fast food joints, side roads, freight lines, electric companies, water companies, oil companies, bus lines, fiber optic companies, telephone companies, and signage. I'm sure that when they realize that people will need to stop and use the restrooms they will also receive the toll on pay toilets. Because they weren't sure how this would be received by us hard-nosed Texans, our governor has agreed to let Cintra set a vehicle cap and if that number of vehicles doesn't use the road then our tax dollars pay the difference until they start making a profit and as many people as there are at this time that are opposed to this SuperCollider, it probably won't ever make a profit. But however it works out, for the next 70 years after the tollroad is built Cintra gets all the money. I heard they have hired a truck line just to haul their money from the SuperCollider to the port where they can ship it back to Spain. In Texas, we believe everyone has a right to make a fair profit and our governor is no exception...in fact he has agreed to maintain this SuperCollider for the 70 years, so they don't have to worry about expensive maintenance. Since TXDOT has said they won't be building or maintaining any more roads for Texas anyway after this SuperCollider gets built, they will have plenty of free time. Texans aren't going to begrudge these foreigners, (who have invaded a sovereign state) a little profit, but they are getting a little peevish about having their houses and barns bulldozed and their farms and ranches confiscated by the state. Seems like a small thing to get upset about but there are always a few people who will gripe about the smallest things. In fact, some of these unreasonable people are also whining about the way they are being compensated from the state. They think they should get cold hard cash for their land instead of getting a minuscule interest in this SuperCollider that won't pay a dime for about 30 years, if it pays then. Some folks just have no patience. There has been some talk of swapping land for this project for the land that the state confiscated a few years ago to build the 1st Super Collider project that went belly up before it was completed. Personally, I think having the state divided up into tiny little separate pieces might be fun. It will be like living in the east where a state is not even as big as one of our counties. Just think how much fun it will be trying to figure out how to get from one section of Texas to the other when none of these sections will have any local access roads or on ramps. We could drive for days looking for an on ramp...like a perpetual treasure hunt. How exciting! We have been told that our legislature has spent our state into bankruptcy and that we can't afford to build any more decent roads and we all feel bad for them...we know they did their best. Especially those poor, misunderstood representatives that voted for this Super Collider Project but couldn't understand it or didn't have time to read the bill. They shouldn't feel bad, we didn't elect them to read those boring bills and look out for the good of the residents...we elected them to party and socialize and hob nob with the elite. We never expected them to read and understand reams of legislation, lookout for the welfare of the Texans who elected them to office, or even to understand it. Most voters just go to the polls and close their eyes and vote...no one really cares whether the person running for office is one that you can depend on to represent their district's views and opinions...right? My feeling is that this Super Collider is just misunderstood. It has some really good aspects, such as the fact that it will help get the pollution out of the cities and into rural Texas where it belongs. It will cause the cost of our utilities, water, oil prices and freight costs to skyrocket and all the money circulating around has got to be better than just sitting in our bank accounts drawing interest or paying house payments, taxes, car payments or school tuition. Because it will be fenced on both sides it will keep native wildlife it one section, with limited food supplies, isolated from other sections so they can imbreed and get smaller and punier until finally they get so small and weird that they don't eat much of anything anyway or just disappear completely. All that wildlife had way too much freedom anyway. Water runoff from rains on this quarter mile of asphalt will form huge new gullys and washes where there were none before, thereby exposing miles of Texas lanscape we have never seen before. Rural Texans will be exposed to the exciting sights and sounds of the cities as they are lulled into peaceful slumber each night by the sound of multiple 200mph trains whizzing by and motorists honking their horns and by loud motors and absent mufflers on 100,00 pound trucks from Mexico. What an experience awaits us in the not so distant future! I can hardly wait to see if it is lighted. We won't have to stare up into the sky looking at tiny stars like we've always done, we can just look toward the horizon and see miles and miles of bright glaring headlights and enormous outdoor bulbs. Some folks believe that runways for aircraft should be incorporated into this SuperCollider. By doing that, Cintra could have a monopoly on ALL of our modes of transportation, instead of just cars, trucks, rail, buses and trolley. Maybe our Legislature will add that to the next bill they pass at 2:00 in the morning. It's hard to believe that some people object to the amount they will be charged by Cintra to drive over this futuristic monstrosity of a road. Estimates are that we will ONLY pay $120 dollars each way from Dallas to San Antonio... at least until the rates change and Cintra will decide when a rate increase is warranted, not the state. The rates double on a regular basis on the other tollroads Cintra has built so for the next year or so look what a bargain we are getting. This new SuperCollider will also solve our problem with illegal aliens sneaking across hundreds of miles of Texas/Mexico border. Now they will be able to load up in an air conditioned trailer of an 18 wheeler or climb aboard one of the rail cars and arrive in Texas in style. Since it will become so convenient we might as well invite the Terrorists to enter the US the same way. Much easier access this way and it eliminates all that sneaking around and crawling through the rivers. We won't need our border patrol so we can fire all of them and save that money too. How convenient can you get? If this system works for Texas, aliens may just stop trying to cross the border in New Mexico and California and just ride the tollroad exclusively. I have heard that some trucks might not want to use this fine SuperCollider, but our state legislature was on the ball and saw this one coming. They propose to ban all trucks, especially trucks carrying hazardous waste from any of the existing interstate roads. How insightful! That will FORCE them to use this huge tollroad. I don't understand why trucks would object to the toll charges as they will pass them on to the consumer anyway. I can hardly wait for this SuperCollider to be built! Can you imagine? A quarter mile+ wide road that winds its way into every corner of the once pristine Texas landscape. Thousands of miles of massive power lines, oil storage tanks, lift stations power stations...all bordering a quarter mile wide asphalt roadway with traffic driving 90+ mph. Truly a Texas sight to behold. It has been said for ages that "Everything is bigger in Texas" and this SuperCollider is the epitome of that. A huge slab of asphalt covering thousands of once productive acres of Texas, built especially for a few select Texas legislators who got campaign money from Cintra, designed to benefit a Spanish Company, Cintra for 70+ years. But wait...in less than 50 years this SuperCollider will be worn out and obsolete... Never fear, by then we will have paved over Texas from one end to the other, from border to border and even though we won't be able to produce crops or livestock as we have in the past, we will always attract tourists who want to gaze out at our beautiful asphalt slabs and breathe in the exhaust of millions of non compliant vehicles from Mexico. People of Texas should rise up and welcome Perry's SuperCollider 2005. This is called progress and we should welcome it with open arms. Too long has Texas been known as the state with the freedom of wide open spaces and stars shining bright in the unpolluted clear night sky. It's time we were known as the state that built futuristic roads 50 years before their time, confiscated land that Texans earned by their toil, sweat and hard earned cash and was on the cutting edge when it came to figuring out how to tax its residents into oblivion and bankrupt the state at the same time. Good work governor and representatives, you managed to cover everything.
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