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Posts posted by editor

  1. There are some quirks in the park's design (you have to expect it) but I love the sentiment behind it, and I think it's location is great as well. My trip there last year, when they were still constructing it, provide some bonechilling effects. I can only imagine the vibe now that it's finished.

    I agree about the broad on the building, though. Not necessary.

    It's not always that broad. There are 999 other people it rotates through, and sometimes shows nature scenes like waterfalls. It's not a building. More like a monolith with an integrated video system.

  2. The metra rail yard has always been below street level so I guess I don't consider MP being elevated anymore than I considered Grant Park elevated - it is all at street level.  And I will give you the 'gentle slope' aspect I guess...hehe...I grew up in central PA so anything more than a gentle slope requires a 4x4 to get up...everything looks pretty flat in this part of the country.

    How is the sound system there?  Concert-wise...was it as good as they were saying it would be???

    It's so good that you don't notice that it's good. I know that' strange, but when somethingn "just works" you shouldn't notice it.

    I sat up close for the first part of the performance, then when I'd gotten back from the men's room my patch of grass was taken, so I had to go to the back. In either location, there was no echo whatsoever. It all sounded perfectly the same, which was the goal of the designers. No echo. No diminution of sound quality. I think they got it right, at least with the sound system.

    I don't know how they're going to keep that grass green with all the tourists stomping across it. But I guess that's their problem, not mine.

  3. Where did Chicago miss the part about an up hill grass section? You can't see threw people's heads...

    Not smart, not a smooth move by the park's planners...

    The grass gently slopes downhill toward the stage. I know because I've been there for a concert already. If you look at the photo, you can't see the thousands of seats in rows around the stage because of the slope. The "Great Lawn" slopes just enough that you can see over the person in front of you. Unless that person is using a lawn chair instead of a blanket. It's the outdoor concert equivalent of a Ford Excursion.

  4. you know...they did make some sidewalks that are above street level going thru it....so i guess there are higher vantage points than the street. 

    you know...i do have to say that they planted a TON of flowers and plants to spruce up the place around MP -

    Actually, the entire park is 45 feet above a Metra (suburban commuter) rail yard. Walking into the park from the street, you don't notice it. The Pritzker Pavilion and the BP Pedestrian Bridge are by Gehry.

    Here are some informative links from our sister site Chicago Architecture Info:

    Millennium Park overview

    Cloud Gate (the bean)

    Millennium Monument

    Crown Fountain (the spitting fountain)

    BP Pedestrian Bridge

  5. It's all very optomistic, but there's a big problem with natural gas -- it's hard to move around. There aren't enough pipelines and especially terminals to handle the gas demand now. Every time a new terminal is proposed, it gets shut down by one lobbying group or another. I suspect the domestic coal producers have a lot to do with it. They have some powerful friends (Senators Rockefeller and Byrd). I don't see that changing any time soon.

  6. Earth, Fire, and Wind

    A Series of Three Civic Forums Sponsored by the Rice Design Alliance

    This season, RDA's civic forums will focus on the Houston region's self-assessment at the beginning of a new century. In June, Part 1, Earth, addressed the successes and challenges in shaping the face of our residential life through various neighborhood organizations and activists. The series will continue with the following discussions.

    Part 2: Fire

    Wednesday, September 22, 7 pm

    The second forum will focus on the current economic engines and their impact on the city form, such as the growth of the Texas Medical Center (e.g. biotechnology), the future of energy companies' investment in the city, the NASA/space campus, and transportation infrastructure.


  7. Thanks for all the hard work to get the site back in order.  Everyone needs to be patient though.  It will take several to many months to get the quality and quantity of information established again.

    I need info on posting photographs on this forum.  I may have missed it but I find no help in the help section.  I know I can not take them from my own PC but only from another website.  Are there any ways to get around making your own website to post a photo?

    You don't need to have a web site to post your photos. You just need somewhere to store them online. Most ISPs give each customer a certain amount of web space they can use for their personal home pages. All you have to do is upload it to that space and then type the proper address into the URL dialogue that pops up when you click the IMG button. It's not as hard as it sounds. Which ISP are you using?

  8. I can rest easy knowing the Mongol hordes won't burn my home down at night.

    Actually, the gates around the communities seem pretty useless. River Oaks is mostly ungated, and they're pretty efficient at keeping the rabble out. They stop your car if it is worth less than $75,000.

    That notion is mostly stereotype and hyperbole. My wife and I used to drive around River Oaks once or twice a month just to admire the houses and dream of where we might live "someday." Christmas and Halloween were the best times because of the decorations. We drove around in my beat up Probe and never once were harrassed by the River Oak Patrol.

  9. Bellaire Electronics Recycling Event

    Did you get a new computer for school and don't know what to do with the old one? Do you have an old TV that quit working? What do you do with your old electronic equipment? Here is an opportunity to recycle them.

    The Bellaire Recycling Committee will hold an electronic waste recycling event on September 11, 2004 from 9AM- 2PM at the Bellaire Department of Public Works, 4337 Edith. This is one block North of Beechnut just off Newcastle St.

    There will be a recycling fee of $5 that includes the recycling of one computer or TV and all your other electronics. There is an additional charge of $5 for each computer monitor (CRT) or TV that is 19" or smaller. Larger CRTs and TVs will have an additional $5 surcharge for each. Please use cash for the recycling fee no checks or credit cards.


    Houston - Governor Rick Perry has selected Harris County to host a Bio-terrorism Weapons of Mass Destruction Modified Full-Scale Exercise (MFSE). The MFSE will test the command and control nodes of the incident itself and the actual response capabilities of the combined Harris County and City of Houston Health Departments in the event of a potential bio-terrorism attack.

    "We appreciate the opportunity to conduct this drill," says County Judge Robert Eckels." This MFSE will allow us to sharpen our coordination of our response to any potential terrorist event. We are also grateful to Governor Perry and the Department of Homeland Security for providing the funding that will enable us to ensure that our county is prepared. The exercise will be a valuable lesson for our city and county departments to learn how to better work together in the event of any disaster--whether natural or manmade. We can never be too prepared."

    The scenario developed is a worst case, realistic scenario intended to demonstrate and test consequence-management ability. A tabletop exercise will be conducted to emphasize coordinated strategic responses from the federal, state and local decision makers. A decontamination site and the dispensing of pharmaceuticals to the public will also be tested.

    The Emergency Operations Center located at Houston Transtar and the City of Houston's Emergency Operations Center will both be activated.

    Reliant Center, Hall "A", will be the staging site for the tabletop exercise, as well as the decontamination and dispensing activities.

  11. i noticed that a handful of peeps in this forum like to run up their post stats with one or two word replies.  I don't see the point to having the number of posts listed.  It seems to be more of an egometer.  Quality, not quantity.

    It's easy to say that when you're Smith Street.

    Just wait 'till you're Williams Tower. :P

  12. I took a tour of that building when I was looking for a new place to live. I was unimpressed. Concrete floors and metal stairwells everywhere -- even in the apartments. It was like living in a dorm room.

    The worst part was that the unit the agent showed me was occupied by a man who hadn't left yet. It had two bathrooms, and apparently he never cleaned one of them. He just let it get dirtier and dirtier and more disgusting until even he couldn't stand it anymore and he then started using the other one.

    Imagine what a year's worth of man-funk does to the porcelain.

    When I jokingly said that they'd have to replace the tub and toilet before I could move in, the woman had the nerve to say that it would be MY responsibility to clean it up. Um... no. I don't think so. I went somewhere else.

  13. Connecticut is the only state I've ever heard of that actually took down the toll booths. I-95 used to be the Connecticut Turnpike. When the booths went up the state promised that they would only remain until the road was paid for. I've heard other states make the same promise and fail to live up to it. But some time in the 90's, Connecticut actually lived up to its promise. I was floored.

  14. I've had mixed success with H.E.B. Some of them are really nice and stock all those strange foods I sometimes have a hard time getting. Then some of them are GhettoMarkets where I wouldn't think of shopping.

    On a related note, I have a love-hate relationship with H.E.B.'s Central Market.

    Sometimes when I'm in there I'll just pick up stuff that I've never heard of before just because it's different. But I have a hard time getting out of there for under $100. Still, I think they have the best bread in town.

  15. Wow.  1/2 TB?  That's a big ass database....espescially considering how small our little forum was (and even smaller now).  Too bad you didn't have it in place sooner.

    So what exactly did they do?  Drop all the tables, scramble the data ??  Is data recovery an option?  Any of our readers work for a data recovery company?


    The 1/2 TB is just so I can keep daily copies. I'll set up a cron job to make backups daily and keep about a month's worth on the drive. Of course, there's more to the enterprise than just the forum. There's Houston Architecture Info,

    Chicago Architecture Info,

    New York Architecture Info,


    Prague Architecture Info,

    and the biggest of them all -- Glass Steel and Stone.

    Naturally, since I run them all by myself, some have gotten more attention than others. For some reason, every time a visit somewhere I have a hard time resisting starting a web site for it.

    Some day I hope to get some volunteers to help write and take pictures. But I intend to fill them all out eventually, even if I have to do it on my own.

    Coming soon:



    Tokyo Architecture Info

    The HAIF database was 44 megs uncompressed, but as it's all text it should compress quite nicely.

    What the vandal did was run through a couple of the index tables and overwrite every third entry. It's been an exhausting weekend, so I'm content to just put the old database behind us and start fresh. With 70 people signing back on in just two days, I think we have a good chance of seeing this forum return to its former glory.

  16. Avatar Uploads are once again allowed.

    Those of you who uploaded Avatars before -- I still have the files. Describe the picture to me, and I'll restore the Avatar to your account.

    Same for people who uploaded pictures of themselves.

  17. The only reason I ever voted for Brown was because of his stand on light rail and revitalizing downtown. He and I disagreed on every other possible issue. He would come into my office once a week to see other people and occasionally I would chat with him. Never about issues, because I'm sure he gets that from everyone. Just regular talk, and he always seemed like a real jerk to me. Like a salesman. All words and no reason. That's why I voted for White the next time.

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