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Great Collection Of Katrina Pictures


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I was doing some work on the web site and had to go to DirectNIC.com (our domain registrar) to take care of some things. I forgot that DirectNIC is located in downtown New Orleans. There is a group of people from the company keeping things running from the skyscraper where they're located. They have three weeks worth of backup power and it doesn't sound like they want to leave. They have a digital camera and are posting hundreds of pictures on the city from their vantage point.

DirectNIC Katrina Pictures

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You're right -- there are a lot of duplicates. I think it's because they cobbled together a system quick to unload the photos from the camea and put them online.

I think they can be forgiven for not being the best quality since these people are sleeping on empty Hewlett Packard cardboard boxes in the middle of a disaster area.

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  • 3 years later...

Just wanted to share my experiences of Hurricane Katrina. I was born and raised here in Houston TX but moved to Waveland MS in 1997. I worked at Biloxi Regional Hospital the day of Hurricane Katrina. It was worse than a nightmare. I was used to hurricanes after growing up in Houston and living in MS i knew all about the destruction and the damage and the fear that they bring.

I never imagined how horrible the fury of those storms could be until Katrina. I was on the 3 rd floor of the hospital as it came ashore we could see Beau Rivage Casino from the hospital room window we watched and felt that storm take out the Shell station that sat on Hwy 90 right across the road from the beach.

I knew I was gonna die. But God spared me this time. The fear of death for me had never been closer than during those moments and hours of pure terror.

I know what being homeless is I lived in. I know what its like to only have your car to live in. Thank God I still had my car. No bathrooms, no food no water no room far too many evacuees needed shelter more than us hospital workers so we shared every inch of hospital that was left.

Here are just a few pics I have if you want to see more I have alot more. Just contact me and let me know.

Thanks for letting me share alil of my story with you.




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