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Posts posted by Moore713

  1. Wow, what an awesome thing to log in and see. In one of those renderings, the building looks to be significantly taller than MainPlace. Is that accurate? 41-stories should make it SHORTER than MainPlace...even with the slant, yes?


    They said 41 but they have not ruled out  something taller. I take the compares as them getting it serious thought

  2. come all the rest of you guys who have been  talking about  building DT ,time to move, while you twiddle you thumps hines is going to steal all the prosective clients..lol


    I am hoping the fear of hines  getting started before them will spark the others to finally  get going




  3. Thanks guys. Much crisper. Between the building and garage, is that an area for a restaurant?


    if its sitting where I think it will sit  it would be stupid not to have something at ground level , a restaurant, a bar, retail something

  4. Dd?

    The rendering isn't very crisp for me. Is it just my iPhone?

    I can't tell, is there a garage behind it?


    those look like a tent shaped part of the structure, but there is a gargae behind it in the pic.


    It not a mind blowing design to me, but its nice and I am always for elimating one more parking lot

  5. It's coming down for a reason... There WILL be a new high rise on the Macy's site, there's already a design team in place. The design of the replacement building went as far as DD (fairly certain it was DD), prior to the "owner" making a design team change.


    Good  like it when They have a game plan , never been a fan of when They tear something down and leave it for 3 or 4 years while they figure out what they want to do.

  6. I kinda cant wait for them to tear down the Macy lot, tthat plot of land would not stay vacent for long, with the slow but steady gains main strett has been making the  city would not stand for a big hole to be sitting their for to long and would pressure the company to do something with it

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