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Reliant Park The Largest Natural Disaster Shelter In U.S. History

DJ V Lawrence

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I'm not sure if October 11, 2005 would be considered too soon to be called historic to you guys, but as I'm doing research on Houston's stadiums for a school project, I run into this fact sheet from www.reliantpark.com. I thought I knew it all, but as I went down the list posted up on this humble site, I noticed quiet a few things that caught my eye. There's a lot I can tell my unborn grandkids from this factsheet. Check it out :) :


Edited by DJ V Lawrence
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(250 Cool Points awarded to TheNiche. That's dirty...so dirty U get props 4 catching it first, U gutter-brother you!)

Of all the Baldwins, why Steven? B) And why does it look like a Democratic Convention list. Tom Delay seemed to be the Republican representative in that list. Were those genuine visitors, or were they all politically motivated-looking visits?

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(250 Cool Points awarded to TheNiche. That's dirty...so dirty U get props 4 catching it first, U gutter-brother you!)

Of all the Baldwins, why Steven? B) And why does it look like a Democratic Convention list. Tom Delay seemed to be the Republican representative in that list. Were those genuine visitors, or were they all politically motivated-looking visits?

Thanks! ...I think.

Politically-motivated. No doubt about it.

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  • The title was changed to Reliant Park The Largest Natural Disaster Shelter In U.S. History

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