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Hallie Pritchard


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I loved that old house. My mom drove me from Sharpstown all the way downtown 2 or 3 times a week. I remember the dance recitals at Jones Hall that lasted until the early morning hours!! I stopped taking lessons when I was in Junior high around 1968. There was always a scholarship winner!! I don't remember what students did with it. We did Swan Lake one year and we had beautiful white ballet costumes. I also remember the dressing room for the girls in that old house and the other practice room that was closer to the front of the house. I wish people could post more dance pictures from the 1960's!

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Reviving a 5 year old thread.  I grew up in that studio.  My mother Rickey Ann Dixon taught with Hallie and eventually ran the studio with my great grandmother.  We have tons of old photos.  If you knew my mom, she would love to hear from you and love to reminisce about Hallie and the "studio" days.


Please contact me Nick Salem 713-725-7800

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Nick!  I remember you!!!    I remember the picture of you in a white tuxedo taking a bow!!   Yes, I would love to talk to "Miss Rickey!"     I will contact you soon.   Please you mom "Hi" for me in the meantime! 


Lanette Kowis


PS.   Tell her I was the chubby girl with red hair!!



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  • 3 months later...

Reviving a 5 year old thread.  I grew up in that studio.  My mother Rickey Ann Dixon taught with Hallie and eventually ran the studio with my great grandmother.  We have tons of old photos.  If you knew my mom, she would love to hear from you and love to reminisce about Hallie and the "studio" days.


Please contact me Nick Salem 713-725-7800

Ms. Rickey taught me when she was pregnant with you, at least I think it was you.  Do you have any siblings ?    I always thought she was Ms. Hallie's daughter.  I was there from 6yrs old till I was 10 or 11, from 1973 to about 77 or 78.  I would love to see some pictures.  I used to love that house, there was another young lady who taught but I don't recall her name.  She was a full figured young lady.  So many wonderful memories.



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Thanks for replying Nick... I do believe her name was Ellen, but if you both are close in age then it couldn't have been you that Ms. Ricki was pregnant with.  I remember Ms. Ricki having long brown hair, and she even came out in the newspaper with her baby boy regarding the topic of cystic fibrosis. It was so long ago, I could be wrong.  Just love that picture of you two !!


Thanks again, Debra


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  • 8 months later...

I was a student at Hallie's in the 70's.  We were great friends and spent a lot of time together.  I was waiting for the her to arrive in St. Louis, Missouri with Earl driving her across the country in an RV in the early 90's but I never heard from them again.  Earl, you out there?  Contact me at 713-385-6384.  I was curious to find out what happened.  How you doing?

Christine Lund

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  • 1 year later...

I took dance lessons with Hallie in the early 60's along with my 2 brothers and my cousin.   We were involved because my aunt "Buzzy" Johnson and her "Aunt Angie" made All the costumes for Hallie's dance recitals at the Houston Collusium.  My cousin, Sandy Johnson became a Professional dancer under her guidance.  All of the costumes were originals.  I lived upstairs from my aunt.  She and Aunt Angie made their patterns using newspaper .  They made Las Veges styled costumes with cutouts and the feather hats....for the professional dancers.  My uncle Harry Johnson, took all of the photos of the dancers....great memories.  I did dance at the Collusium...we did the Can Can....I have a pic somewhere...

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My older sister and I took dance from Hallie. I started in about 1957 or 58. I was very good at tap. So much so Hallie advanced me quickly. I was the youngest in the advanced class. My sister, Cheri Roy, was the ballerina of the family but she also did tumbling. She could walk on her hands almost the entire length of the studio. I remember doing the Mexican Hat Dance at a recital at the Music Hall. I also remember a tap routine costume malfunction. It was red and had strips of sequins on the front. My grandmother had glued them on instead of sewing. I spilled coke all down the front and the sequin strips started coming off right before we went onstage. Hallie was not amused. At the time we lived close to the studio but moved to Timbergrove in 64 or 65. We switched dance schools and started taking with Patsy Swayze. I didnt stick with it but my sister did. 

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