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This is the 5th thread in a span of 30 minutes that orders us to read Texas Monthly. I think we get it. You want us to read Texas Monthly.

Can you just post things once? We can figure it out from there. And, why do I have this creepy feeling that Temont Towers is mentioned in the article? Why do I also suspect that it is just a rehash of Mother Jones and Houston Press? (It is Texas Montly, after all.)

Just the cynic in me, I guess.

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This is the 5th thread in a span of 30 minutes that orders us to read Texas Monthly. I think we get it. You want us to read Texas Monthly.

Can you just post things once? We can figure it out from there. And, why do I have this creepy feeling that Temont Towers is mentioned in the article? Why do I also suspect that it is just a rehash of Mother Jones and Houston Press? (It is Texas Montly, after all.)

Just the cynic in me, I guess.

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This is the 5th thread in a span of 30 minutes that orders us to read Texas Monthly. I think we get it. You want us to read Texas Monthly.

Can you just post things once? We can figure it out from there. And, why do I have this creepy feeling that Temont Towers is mentioned in the article? Why do I also suspect that it is just a rehash of Mother Jones and Houston Press? (It is Texas Montly, after all.)

Just the cynic in me, I guess.

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TEXAS MONTLY ..There is no mention of Tremont Towers, Mother Jones or Houston Press in the Novemeber issue of Texas Monthly. It is an informative article on the rights of citizens living in Texas... rights that you know longer have. It deals with insurance, lawyers, torte reform and many other issues. It is one of the saddest articles I have ever read. I did post it a few times in different bogs but many people don't read the enitre forum, or just keep a check on what I do?

After reading some of your comments , I hope you read it. I think you will learn a lot. I had to learn it all the hard way. I wish it was required reading. Only with an informed public can we change the system.

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...torte reform...keep a check on what I do?

I make a mean cheese torte-it needs "know" reforming.

...and "know" one is checking on what you do if you don't count your absolutely horrendous spelling and grammer.


Edited by nmainguy
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I make a mean cheese torte-it needs "know" reforming.

...and "know" one is checking on what you do if you don't count your absolutely horrendous spelling and grammer.


My hat is off to you.

Your ability to zero in on the core issues is remarkable.

It is quite obivous you are the more educated, and intelligent.

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