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Need help with soundproofing a balcony glass door

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I live in a condo with a large glass sliding door to the balcony. There is a lot of street noise, so I'd like to soundproof it. I was told that another door with a special glass has to be installed in front of it to create an air gap. The problem is that the installation company couldn't find a supplier for the special glass, so they had to cancel. Does anybody know other companies in Houston that do this sort of thing and have a good record?

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Don't know about the special glass. Maybe laminated? You could just use insulated glass, that would help with the noise. On the north side of 2016 Main (high rise) there is a lot of noise off the Pierce elevated and some residents have installed a second set of sliders inside the original ones. Some angle the new doors slightly (into a vee, with the center stile further away from the old doors) to create even better soundproofing performance.

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Don't know about the special glass. Maybe laminated? You could just use insulated glass, that would help with the noise. On the north side of 2016 Main (high rise) there is a lot of noise off the Pierce elevated and some residents have installed a second set of sliders inside the original ones. Some angle the new doors slightly (into a vee, with the center stile further away from the old doors) to create even better soundproofing performance.


Thanks. But I can not do such installation myself, and the only company I could find (Sun and Sound) told me after about two months that their supplier couldn't deliver. What other companies do it in Houston?


Edited by Jedidiyah
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