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Hotel in China Built in Two Days

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Nothing built in China can be considered safe!. That is not in their vocabulary, everyday I see tools, products and goods from China and the Chinese actually think this stuff is quality. Right now there is more criminal activity in commerce in China than has ever been seen in any Country at any period. The desire and greed to make mo money makes us capitalist look like beginners. Now I wish I could say everything we manufacture is safe and of quality but we also know that ain't true! Half the stuff we manufacture here at home has parts or whole assy's made in other Countries and re shipped back to our plants where it is assembled and stamped made in the USA. I don't think we build anything that is actually quality, the old school way of making your customers come back to buy or replace a good product was gone decades ago. Most of the companies well known are living on their past reputations made even 40 or 50 years ago, and the products aren't the same. Now maybe this long post gave that concrete enough Chinese time to set.

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Tragic. The death and outcome.

Some poor fool is going to lose his life over this and the leaders / process responsible will go on producing crappy, unsafe products with stolen technology/ideas. dry.gif

I think I have a handle on this unsafe building that appears to be rampant in China, they must be using most of the cement supply in the drugs and dog food they ship to the West. This is what happens when you cut corners.....

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Tragic. The death and outcome.

Some poor fool is going to lose his life over this and the leaders / process responsible will go on producing crappy, unsafe products with stolen technology/ideas. dry.gif

Since they're show-boating with this project, particularly with regards to workplace safety standards, I would suspect that it has been over-engineered (by Chinese standards) to avoid an embarrassing situation such as you predict.

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  • The title was changed to Hotel in China Built in Two Days

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