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HAIF Election Night Central


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For all the Haify political nerds out there that will be glued to CNN or Fox tomorrow night watching the election results roll in, I figured we needs a dedicated thread to take it all in.

Plus.. Since competitions make everything more fun...

Introducing... HAIFY ELECTION 2010 BOWL ...


Get your picks in...

5 local races.. about 10 national toss-up Gov and Senate races.. and total House and Senate gains.

Remember... You're not voting for what you want.. but for expected outcome. Ballots will be closed down 6pm tomorrow.

Have fun.. and see y'all here tomorrow night.

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We have 4 signed up so far.

I was expecting a little more interest than this.. I guess Haify competitions are wearing thin.

Changing the closing time to about 5 since i'm not sure when some East Coast polls close.

Still plenty of room to join up.. see opening post if interested.

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We have 2 races where everyone except 1 person voted for the favorite... And its the same person who picked the 2 underdogs.. Bold picks..

And surprisingly, we are all over the place on House gains.. There is only answer that has more than 1 vote so far...

Still plenty of space and time to get your predictions in.

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darn! sorry i missed out on this. cool, very cool. thanks for doing this.

Hell.. You get to make write- in picks...

Think Reid will win? How many House seats will the Rs gain?

It;s not like there's a prize.. I wish this thread were more active.. certainly feel free to still make your predictions on the races that havent been called yet

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Most people here know I lean right most of the time, but I have to say, I much more enjoy watching CNN on election nights.

I love that they have like a dozen different pundits chiming in.. and they certainly kick FOXs ass in the technological toys department. I love their touch jumbo screens.

Their election coverage budget apparently swamps FOXs ....

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never been a fan of boxer...would like to see her go down.

i doubt the republicans will take the senate, but fully expect the house to change hands.

i wish libertarians were better represented. i do not think the majority of americans understand what they are. it would be interesting to see the contrast between libertarians & the other two parties in the public arena. unfortunately, the media focuses on the lightening rod issues (decriminalization of drugs/not legislating morality) rather than issues of smaller government and states rights. all of this is a moot point in light of tonight's results. i digress.

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never been a fan of boxer...would like to see her go down.

i doubt the republicans will take the senate,

Don't think she's going down.. but damn would that be a statement loss if it did happen.

I think I miscounted when I made my Senate pick of 10... I'm not sure if that's possible if I also though Dems would keep West Virginia.

I also forgot that for Rs to control the Senate they actually need 51 since tiebreaker Veep is Biden... no way they pick up 11.

Edited by Highway6
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I predicted the general outcome two years ago. It was a sure thing, as the sitting president's party almost always loses influence in a mid-term election.

For 2012, my prediction is that I cannot predict the outcome. The presidency is much more about personality, and like 2008, the presidential victor will influence the outcome of every other race throughout the country at every level of government. Having said that, the cards seem stacked against Democrats.

For many Republicans, the only thing worse than the prospect of Obama in 2008 was the reality of Obama (such as they perceive it). Those people are highly motivated. Whether the economy continues to stagnate or gets better, the Republican Party will take and/or shift the blame accordingly and the base will turn out again.

Conversely, many Democrats were highly motivated by the nuance of a black-skinned person in 2008 and by promises of sweeping change (such as they perceived it). A large segment of the population felt tremendous catharsis from the symbolism of it all. But that's a one-shot deal. Democrats still control the presidency and senate, and no matter what they do about the economy--austerity, Keynesianism, inflationary fiscal policy, or nothing--Republicans will fight them on the short-term adverse consequences. And there will be short-term adverse consequences.

The other side of the coin is that for a mid-term election with an electrified base, given very favorable odds, Republicans were unable to pull victories in many western states. It will be a challenge for them to maintain even this level of momentum going up against an incumbent president.

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