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What is a minority company?


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My uncle is a Trader (petrochemicals) for a company he partially owns. I'm looking for a job and possibly getting into the oil/petrochemical industry. So he told me to research and let him know what a minority company is because he set one up. That's all he told me.

So I researched but all I can come up with is a company that is at least 51% owned by minorities or possibly women. For some reason, I don't believe that's what he's talking about. I could have guessed that when he told me to research it in the first place, but I just thought that was too easy and it must mean something else.

So, anyone know if that's really what it is or is it something else?


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Yeah, and I know you even have to get a certification to have the official tag of a minority owned company.

The weird thing is, all he said was Minority Company. Not minority owned.

Just seems too simple for him to ask me to research and find out what it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Please share the name so we can be sure to never use your company.

What a scammer.

Finally talked to my uncle about it. He was indeed talking about a minority OWNED company. It wasn't a trick question after all.

And midtown...his wife, my aunt, owns this company. She's Mexican. I asked if the govt cares that the loophole exists and he said no. He asked a lawyer. Now whether you think that's unethical or not is a different story. It's a pretty obvious loophole so I'm guessing the govt is acutely aware of it, yet is still okay with it.

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Ben Reyes set up one of these HUB companies back when the George R. Brown Convention Center was being built. A certain amount of plumbing materials had to be purchased through this company. It was a scam and eveyone knew it. There were no assets, no employees, or a building. It was just a P.O. Box that rebilled with a mark-up. Nice contract for him. Really unfair for the citizens though. He eventaully got convicted of other crimes.

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Ben Reyes set up one of these HUB companies back when the George R. Brown Convention Center was being built. A certain amount of plumbing materials had to be purchased through this company. It was a scam and eveyone knew it. There were no assets, no employees, or a building. It was just a P.O. Box that rebilled with a mark-up. Nice contract for him. Really unfair for the citizens though. He eventaully got convicted of other crimes.

Well, I know my Uncles is legit. He's just taking advantage of the fact his wife his Mexican. The government could do something about that loop hole if they wanted, but they haven't.

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Ben Reyes set up one of these HUB companies back when the George R. Brown Convention Center was being built. A certain amount of plumbing materials had to be purchased through this company. It was a scam and eveyone knew it. There were no assets, no employees, or a building. It was just a P.O. Box that rebilled with a mark-up. Nice contract for him. Really unfair for the citizens though. He eventaully got convicted of other crimes.

Whether you agree with the premise of the HUB program or not, it is costing the taxpayers money.

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