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Life Forms Is Gone

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I am trying to find someone that worked with LifeForms to get original floorplans. How would I go about that? Any ideas?

gary greene prudential on forest crossing drive had a small library of the histories of some homes in the woodlands that contained original floor plans. not blue prints, mind you, but floorplans like you would find in a brochure in a new home sales office. a realtor there might know what i'm talking about.

it would be interesting to see who was responsible for selling your home each time over the years. one of those people may have some information for you.

good luck.

Edited by bachanon
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Not really, but I have been so busy lately going back and forth with the owner of a LifeForms on the market--we've given three offers (as her first two choices fell through) and she's turned down each one for various reasons, even though we've offered her $2K over her asking price. We have to have a June 1 closing though, no earlier, and that seems to be her big problem...the buyers that were chosen over us this latest time can close April 30, so... *shrugging shoulders* whaddya gonna do, ya know?

It's been quite the emotional rollercoaster. Hopefully her last choice will stick and she won't come back to us again--I don't deal with rejection well, and three times in a month is really my limit. She can find someone else to mess with!

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