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Status Updates posted by sinister1

  1. Looks like its going to be another stressful week at work. :-/

  2. Los chucos suaves bailan rumba, bailan la rumba y le zumban....

  3. Make sure you shut down your computers tonight before you go to sleep. There is a virus that is supposed to hit millions of computers tomorrow. This is not B.S. I saw it 3 times on the news. It will change your settings so that you won't be able to get online. A group of hackers band together to do this.

  4. Man does Android suck. I've been using an Andorido tablet for about a week and for the life of me I don't understand why in the F@#k it's not compatible with Google play. I mean its a freakin' 4.0 tablet! I can't download apps fromt he stupid Goole store and have to download 3rd part apps just to download apps ?? WTF ???

  5. Man I miss my kids; their B#$@ch of a mom didn't let me see them this weekend. I hope she gets a viginal infection.

  6. Man it's so freaking hot outside.

  7. Man stress thousand dollarsen sucks!!!!

  8. My car radio went out :-( and I don't have $$ to buy another one.

  9. My kids are not coming over this week end so what's going down tonight? Hit me up.

  10. My mom bought me this 7 inch Android tablet and I've been trying it out. It works cool but I can't stand this Google Play bull shit, you have to log on to download or install anything.

  11. My phone has Facebook integrated and also Outlook so when its someone's birthday it alerts me. This morning it alerted my of Lora Betancourt's birthday. Happy Birthday Lora :-)

  12. Off to the thrift store with my moms. Let's see what I can find. LOL, I've been looking for an Atari 2600.

  13. Okay so I text my Kids mom and my Son to see if they are going to go trick or treating; I'd say around 3:30 - 4 o'clock and they again around 5 and never got a response from either one of them, I text them just now to let them know that they are wrong for ignoring me and they act like they don't know what I'm talking about; WTF?

  14. Okay, now I'm board, It's cold out and I'm inside trying to watch T.V. and they are showing stupid football...Agg.

  15. Okay, so why even give that sick thousand dollars, James Holmes a thousand dollarsent trial at all? Just shoot or hang that motherthousand dollarser already! What the thousand dollars is wrong with this country? Every time I hear about it on the news makes me whish I had the means of killing this motherthousand dollarser my self.

    1. fatesdisastr


      The court system and due process is what separates men from being savages.

  16. On my way to chick fil a.

  17. Pachucos por vida Y que?

  18. Props goes out to my gentes in Califas for taking to the streets and confronting the thousand dollarsen cops. Keep rioting and thousand dollarsing shit up!!

  19. Pues chinado homies, manana otra ves al jale! Ni modo; no hay otra.

  20. Screwston, now that just sounds retarded as hell. It's Houston eses!

  21. So I get a message and it says that Elizabeth Marie Moreno poked me.... :| Hum, WTF? LOL.

  22. So I go to the store and I decide thousand dollars it why not dress up. So I head out the door all Pachuco down. I get to Kroger and people just stare at me like WTF? Hey it's no my fault I'm all dressed chingon and your not.

  23. So I turn the T.V. on and turn it to Fox 26 to catch some Cartoons and they are showing freaking Socker...WTF? Are you for reals? No mamen.

  24. So people ask me..."Sam, you still into 64 Impalas, All Stars, G - Nikes, Dickies and shit"? and I'm like "Hell yeah, why? I'm down with all that shit and I even still wear my suspenders and Stacy Adams." And they are like "That shit is played out bro, you need to go out shopping with us so you can pull some hunnies, girls are not down with that old school shit." My response is "So! I don't give a thousand dollars, I'm not gonna dress like a puto swagger or a mayatero with braids in my hair o...

  25. So who won the the president thing last night? The Black guy or the White guy?

    1. JJVilla


      I don't see color - just saw croock 1 or croock 2.

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