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Status Updates posted by sinister1

  1. Free Ringtones collection for Windows Phone http://goo.gl/Fe2TF .

  2. going to bed and going to try to go to sleep.

  3. Happy Thanks Giving every one.

  4. Have mean migraine at the back of my head that won't quit and I feel like throwing up. WTF? I wonder what this means.

  5. How lame can you get? I'm at home paying bills, thousand dollars!

  6. How many time do I have to keep telling people to stop calling me "nigga"?

  7. I feel like going for a walk through the park but I don't want to go solo.

  8. I hate computers!!

  9. I have a question for you fellow Houston Historians and Old Schoolers. There use to be a bowling alley off of North Shepard at Westcross St. once you crossed Crostimbers, later on it became a flea market. it now is the site of an L.A. Fitness and some town homes. The question is, does anyone remember the name of it?

  10. I need a girlfriend, any takers?

  11. I needed a good laugh, Thank you God for TMZ.

  12. I only love those that love me back. All the rest are on the leva.

  13. I saw all those people in line at the flying sauser and I was like WTF? Seriously like there aren't any other pie places on the planet.

  14. I seriously need some ass.

  15. I was just watchando TMZ and there is going to be another Friday movie featuring Smokey. Orale..

  16. I'll be so happy when this election shit is over with; enough already!

  17. I'm bored without my kids.. really miss them alot.

  18. I'm dreaming of a broke Christmas....

  19. I'm sleepy but can't go to sleep... :/

  20. If an older woman chases after younger guys, that makes her a cougar but if an older man chases younger women, then what does it make him?

  21. If ther is any thing going down tonight hit me up.

  22. If your at home watching the presidential runn off thing .... LOL... Chale!

  23. It feels nice out side, just wish it wouldn't rain.

  24. It's funny how people now days make refrence to 80's music as being gay when todays artists are gayer than hell. Look at Lil Wayne and the Taylor Gang, now tell me that shit ain't gay.

    1. IronTiger


      You can't make broad sweeping statements about music by decades. Period.

  25. Just stopped by T-shirts Etcetera and it was a huge fail, they no longer carry the old school Lowrider t-shirt iorn on patches. They told me that was too 80's WTF?

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