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Posts posted by rippedoff

  1. My relatives are in Olde Oaks as well. This story was also depicted on tv. Can't remember which show it was.

    Few other murders in O.O. One right across the street from relatives several years ago. I don't think any of them had the notoriety the particular story you mentioned had though. There are still people in O.O. who remember it. Maybe they will post something.

  2. Once you have a few schools in mind you may want to drop in (unannounced) , say you are thinking of moving to the neighborhood and if there is someone who could spare a few minutes to escort you around the school. They may do it for you. If not they will ask you to make an appointment but more likely then not, staff and students will be alerted to a guest visiting.

    This will give you a good indicator of the school's climate. You may also want to find out what clubs, activities etc. are offered to the students at each of these schools.

    Also look at the zero tolerence policy and how that is handled.

  3. No kidding! That doesn't mean that the homebuilders can't come back and fix the problems though. Defects will always occur, but they can always fix the mistakes they've made. Let's face it, homes built nowdays are of lower quality than those of 20yrs ago. They're cranking these things out like there is no tomorrow.

    That is the point. If one ends up with a bad house the builder should fix it. If it turns out the home is not inhabitable or marketable because the defects are so bad it just needs to be bought back. I will not go through this buyer beware issue.

    I just came back from the store and a guy was complaining about his 6 month old new home. Said it was just falling apart and he can't get his builder to fix it. Another guy in back of him said a new group of townhomes went up near where he lives. He said you can see the mold growing. Also indicated people have had to move out. It just goes on and on.

    I would just like to see this new house bill pass. At least consumers would have some protection.

    For me, it is about acting in an ethical manner and doing the right thing. We seemed to have lost that ethic somewhere along the line.

  4. I'm sorry, but trying to justify retaining Gus Wortham as a golf course by saying that it "gives disadvantaged kids an opportunity to get themselves introduced to the game" is such a stretch. Give me a break.. :wacko: If the disadvantaged are really the issue here, don't you think they might prefer soccer?

    Why does the whole course need to be saved? Want is wrong with a 9-hole compromise?

    You have taken my words and "strecthed" them into your own interpretation. :wacko:

    If you want to play putt-putt there are probably several places you can go. This course is historic and should be maintained as an 18 hole course.

    Why don't you go to City Hall and voice your objections on keeping it as an 18 hole course. :blink:

    As far as the kids, there are quite a few afterschool programs involving soccer. Don't know of any involving golf in that area.

    The course is open to these kids to learn the game and what is wrong with that? Or is it the word "disadvantaged" that you object to?

  5. I recieved word-on-the-street that another location outside East End may be in consideration for the soccer complex. I'm going to hold off until I know the info's legitimate, but I think the whole city would like it...

    The mayor did back off because so many objected to the demise of the course including council people. I did hear another site for the soccer field is in talks, maybe Milby Park-not for sure.

    Now it was stated maybe saving 9 holes for the course. These people must be thinking in terms of putt-putt. The entire course needs to remain.

    There are not many sites anywhere in this city that has such a fabulous history like Gus Wortham. The course also gives disadvantaged kids an opportunity to get themselves introduced to the game. People will be at City Hall this week to make their feelings known.

    It took one day to get a 1000 names on a petition to keep the course up. Not much more needs to be said.

    Will keep you informed.

    • Like 1
  6. Although I do not live in the East End I have worked in the area for many years. I work very close to the Golf Course and it is something I look forward to seeing each day. The history of Gus Wortham G.C. in itself should declare it a landmark. It is, imo a treasure of the city. Unfortuately, the city has not kept it up very well and a movement in the East End has begun to save it. Below is a wonderful editorial by attorney Walter Boyd. A committee is being formed called Friends of Gus Wortham that will do whatever it needs to to raise funds, clean it and hopefully perserve the entire course for future generations.

    If you know of anyone in the East End who would like to help please pm me and please read the outstanding editorial Walter wrote. I know he has gotten much feedback on it.

    ( a friend of mine whose dad is a WWll veteran was a caddie at that golf course when he was a teenager, lots of wonderful memories there)


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  7. You may not care to hear it, but problems with construction will ALWAYS happen. Nearly all are very minor and would result in cosmetic deficiencies. But you still need to have inspectors check and double check homes. Framers will nearly always miss a few items on a house be it joist hangers, rat runs, stiffbacks not being complete, a double joist needed etc..etc.. Plumbers usually get their things right, but often times the other trades will cause damage to their work. At any rate, I could go on and on, but unless you have built homes you cannot understand the challenges involved and the sheer scope of systems/items that need to be reviewed. That is why I urge every buyer to check into the company's policy regarding their own inspections and also hire your own.

    I don't really care what One Tough Granny says about building homes. To make the process where you have nearly no defects would cause the prices of homes to go through the roof to the point that average people couldn't afford them. Take a look at Tillman Fertitta's home on hcad. It is a grade X+ I believe which is the highest or right at the highest grade home you can construct. Even his home is likely to have some issues arrise.

    All homes come with warranties to take care of these things. I realize that doesn't solve every problem or even comfort many who do have major issues, but it isn't much different than the automobile industry. You just have to realize that occasionally things will happen.

    I have no idea where you have come up with the information you stated. Nearly all are very minor, the plumber gets it right, framers will nearly always miss...etc

    My personal experience with a "new Home", the plumber got it all wrong- my inspector caught it. Plumber was in the home at time of inspection and was put out the inspector had him go back and fix things.

    Have you seen consumer web sites on new housing? There seem to be so many of them. Have you seen the pictures, met the people- I have. There is interest on this issue at a national level. As far as those warranties I was told by several people nearly 90% of the claims are turned down. I believe it because when I tried to submit a claim for a foundation problem I was told to hire 2 engineers, get written documentation, the cracks had to be ... and then they would determine if they would send someone out.

    I would assume you are a builder. If so your thoughts on TRCC?

    Have you seen HB1686 filed by Rep. Ruth McClendon. Fabulous bill. Outstanidng. It already has someof the biggest construction companies in the country talking.

    Please, go on some of the sites and see "the minor defects and cosmetic deficiencies..." you speak of.

    If you area builder and all you ever do is come up with the aforementioned minor deficiencies then it is too bad you did not build my house.

  8. I'm not going to completely agree with Bob in this thread, but I am a builder as well and can tell you that every purchase of a home both new and used should be "buyer beware".

    If you remember "buyer beware" is what former Comptroller Carol Strayhorn said buying a new home should not be. Lay people are paying the "professinals" to do a job and one would assume they would do it correctly, certainly not to the point of serious defects. Consumer reports stated a while back over 15% of new homes have serious defects; that could be anywhere from 150,000 on up.

    Homes, new or exisitng should be inspected by a purchasers own independent inspector, one who has been around a while and has a good reputation. It is worth every penny on that one, imo.

    When you start telling people to expect problems you are giving yourself away.

    There are too many variables involved to take a builder's name and tell anyone they will get a good home. Example-experience of the supervisior, do they care if they get it right, how many homes are they in charge of, who are the sub-contractors etc.

    No one can be guaranteed perfection. What is important is if defects do occur how will the builder handle the problem? That IMO is what makes the difference.

  9. I am very much aware of Giff's accomplishments as a FB player but what does that have to do with his antics in broadcasting?

    Whoever came up with the idea of him throwing those balls should have been demoted. As a veteran sportscaster he was probably in a position to step up and decline doing the ridiculous. Maybe he thought it was cute.

    I too have met him on several occassions and do not believe he is a mensch.

    Maybe he was having some bad days.

  10. Giff Neilson is so full of himself imo. One of the reasons I stopped watching khou was because I couldn't stand watching him throw those ridiculous balls. I was waiting for him to miss a net and break a camera or hit one of the anchors in the head.

  11. A reminder that Saturday , the 20th. the East-West Shrine game will be played at Reliant Stadium. Some of the top college players in the country will be playing. Tickets are inexpensive and it is a great way to support a top charity.

    A plug for the players who spent a great afternoon at Shriner's Hospital with so many kids. The players danced (including the limbo), sang kareoke, played hoops with the kids as well as sat down for arts and crafts, video games etc. They signed autographs, took pictures and ate with the children.

    If there is a good turn out chances are this may be a yearly event in Houston.

    Information is on the Houston Texans main board. Please let your friends and co-workers know about this game.

    Everyone involved ultimately benefits from it. :D:D

  12. The public may join in and help 2 great causes.

    (www.texachildrenshospital.org)- Texas Children's Hospital will have a fun run on January 13th. Bring the kids.

    Good fun, exercise and helping a good cause. Texan kicker Kris Brown is actively involved and will be there to start the race.

    Questions can be emailed to kidsruninfo@texaschildrenshospital.org.

    (www.shrinegame.com)-If you cannot get enough football Houston is hosting the East/West Shrine game. Top college players will participate/ Don Schula and Dan Reeves will be coaching. Tickets are inexpensive, game is exciting and again helps an outstanding cause, Shriner's Hospital. Make sure you go to the site and see some of the former participants, one being the late president Gerald Ford and many potential Hall of Fame players.

    Please spread the word.

  13. Really did not know where to post this.

    Today "Playgrounds without Limits" opened in Memorial Park.

    This is a park where kids (and even adults) with disabilities can join those who are not disabled and have a great time.

    A beautiful ceremony was held this morning with Deborah Duncan and Domiinique Sachse hosting.

    The playground itself is wheelchair accesible throughout.

    Two other playgrounds like this one are in the works.

    Carolyn Farb did a fabulous job helping raise funds to get the job done.

    The official name is The Vale-Asche Foundation Playground.

    Having a disabled nephew in a wheelchair a park was one place I could not take him.

    Today he was able to join other kids and enjoy the playground for the first time.

    With thanks to the mayor, parks department and so many people who generously gave their time and money to make this happen kids in wheelchairs can enjoy a great day out.

    Mrs. Farb was truly an inspiration today.

  14. Richards was way out of line and basically lost his mind from what I saw.

    Now the two guys have a renouned lawyer representing them and they are all over the tv saying they want compensation from him. The news said Richards is reaching out to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

    I remember back in the 80's Jesse Jackson loosing his mind by making what was an anti-semetic remark about Jews in New York. There was an outcry, he apologized, all seemed to have forgiven him and life moved on. Wonder if he paid anyone for that remark?

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