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Posts posted by Meggle

  1. are there any updates on this? My guess is it won't come to fruition until long after we leave the area, but I'm still curious.

    I know people do it, but I'm not comfortable pushing our stroller across the bridge at studemont because it seems like it would be hard for cyclists, joggers and dogs to get around without going into traffic.

  2. First off, Welcome to the forum. Don't take things on here personally.

    Been around for some time (see left), I just don't post, and don't worry, I won't run off crying.

    Your left hand turn onto Studemont from Memorial Court has always been a nightmare

    not really, as long as people are courteous about not trying to pack 4 cars in the median and jump ahead of people.

    Now considering there is only one way in and one way out of your "subdivision", I'm surprised you didn't complain about the lack of accessibility into and out of that place when you purchased it.

    not true. I like that there is only one entrance to the main development (no cut throughs off washington), but there are two ways to access the main streets, not one. One is just more convenient, as is probably the case for anyone in any neighborhood. As for not complaining when I purchased it, I wasn't the one who did. I married into it.

    if you were trying to avoid traffic and density, dont move near downtown.

    I love living near downtown. My husband takes the bus to work; I wish I could too but my job is not conducive to that. I love the fact that there really is no traffic in the area, at least not by general Houston standards.

    I don't think I will ever understand the logic involved in buying a townhouse, then complaining about the dense construction going up all around you. Isn't that the point of townhouse construction...density?

    See above. I just think there could have been some more thought put to things as far as entrances and exits to the building go. It's not like the traffic is coming out into a long, fairly free-flowing street. It will be coming into a short street that is often backed up with several cars on its own.

    Do people believe that everyone is going to suddenly leave and go to work at the exact same time? This is not a sports or concert facility where everyone leaves when the game is over.

    I don't believe this, and you are correct, there is not a mass exit or entrance from residential high rises. However, anyone who drives during rush hour in this city knows that traffic can be crazy one minute, and not so bad 12 minutes later. It all depends on when you have to/are able to leave. I guess I'm just not lucky enough to always get out of the house during that sweet spot in rush hour.

  3. Seems like turning left onto Washington from Memorial Heights, and then south onto Studemont at the protected left turn signal would be easier, but who am I to say.

    It depends on the time of day. Evenings it takes time and the cooperation of eastbound traffic to make a left. I'm also the type that likes to avoid a light where I can. I don't think it will make things better at that intersection either.

  4. I am too lazy to go back through all the recent junk in this post, but do any of you who are raving about this building actually live near it??

    We have a townhouse in the development up by Washington behind the walgreens. I make a left hand turn from Memorial Ct. (alongside this high rise) onto Studemont in the mornings, and to get just about anywhere else, any other time of day. I don't understand how in the world this intersection is going to handle the traffic! At our last HOA meeting people asked about a light at that intersection, but it is apparently too close to the light at Allen Parkway to stick another light there. The only entrance to these new apartments will be onto Memorial court (unless they tear the wall down along Studemont, but much of that is bridge!).

    It's bad enough right now with all the contractors parked on both sides of the street up to the intersection, no longer leaving space for people to turn both right and left onto Studemont at the same time. 300+ additional cars in and out every day?? Joy.

  5. I won't bother complaining about that stretch of Westheimer because I don't live out there any more, but I did want to make a comment about Raising Cane's. Are any of you familiar with it??

    I used to eat there when I lived in Baton Rouge (that's where it was started by a guy in his late 20's; he did copy of of Guthrie's in Auburn, AL but I won't go into that...) and it is no "Chicken Dump." Granted, I quit eating fast food about a year ago so it's a good thing I no longer live off of Dairy Ashford to be tempted, but it has great chicken. Super fresh, chicken fingers only (no bones, no greasy buckets, etc.) in boxes with fries or on sandwiches. And NOTHING like the chicken strips to be found at the nasty chains.

    Try it! I'm sure I'll you won't be disappointed. I'm sure I'll have to make a trip out there just for old time's sake.


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