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Posts posted by abarr2001

  1. Personally, I believe some hi-rises should be built for those that make LESS than a few million a year.

    I mean, would it be bad to make a highrise for the person can afford at about $100-175k?

    Why pay $175k for 733 sqft when one can buy 2,000 sqft for the same price plus a yard 30 minutes (on avergae) away in beautiful and exciting Pearland, TX? That is the argument high rise developers must answer to a select few in order to build more buildings. Unfortunately, it is a very, very, select few citizens who prefer to live this way here in Houston.

  2. I agree. Houston is one of the dirtiest major cities that I have ever seen. Even New York is cleaner. However, trash cans are rare in downtown. Some bus stops have them but otherwise there are not many.

    The other day driving home from downtown I saw a man eating a hamburger and then tossing the wrapper on the ground instead of in the trash can mere inches from where the paper hit! Some people just don't care and see nothing wrong with throwing trash on the ground trash can or not. The challenge is to get everyone to care about living in a clean environment and too some extent about getting people to care about the welfare of others.

  3. I have two things I dislike. One is where the entire front of the house is a garage. You can barely see the front door. This isn't a residence, but a warehouse. The second is the homogeneity of subdivisions. Thousands of houses built using 4 blueprints. It drives me crazy. I prefer older homes and/or those inside the loop. Diverse forms and rarely a garage in front of the house unless it is a townhome.

  4. It is possible to repair the superdome, but too many people have associated it with the chaos which ensued around New Orleans. The emotions associated with it may be too much for some to overcome. The saint's won't want to play there, and I don't think it is wise for Federal tax dollars to be spent on rebuilding it. If New Orleaneans want a football team then, after their city is rebuilt, they can foot the tab.

  5. However the local or state government decides to build (if they build) rail, it needs to be grade seperated from the rest of traffic. Not making mass transit seperate from street traffic will greatly increase trip times negating some of the benefits of mass transit e.g. metrorail.

    Something I'm curious about is why monorail is not considered as a mass transit option. Is it that much more expensive than light rail? I know Tokyo and places in Australia employee monorail. Even Disney world has a monorail. It was proposed for Houston back in the 1990's but was shot down. Could anyone please illuminate on this subject?

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