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Posts posted by TreaderCRC

  1. I was reading this thread by chance, for a story I am writing. Though I live in NYC, my home will always be Houston. I just wanted to respond to Poppahop's response - his "Who Cares" about everything regarding fine and performing arts. First, you say this does not matter? TO YOU. I personally enjoying taking in a show or play. I also love art exhibits, and so do all my friends. Obviously there are different tastes running the gamut and the point of a great city is to provide entertainment, culture, and opportunities for all interests and walks of life. Just because YOU don't know anyone who likes these art things doesn't mean anything other than your friends are similar to you and mine are similar to me - that is how friends form a bond, common interests.

    Further, you (and someone else?) mention that the number of square footage does not mean too much? And that maybe a permanent symphony/ballet means they don't tour? Well, first, most cities have performing companies but are not year round due to lack of funds to pay artisit and performers. To know that Houston has year round companies shows great interest in the arts and that people are getting a little more culture, other that a football game (of which I have season tix mind you). Also, Houston companies tour all the time, they have more money to gear up for a tour! ADDITIONALLY, because we have so much square footage and venues, we are a perfect candidate for other travelling companies that might otherwise forgo other cities with limited or lacking facilities. This in turn makes us a destination for art and for entertainment, especially from an outside perspective. Locally, I get to see international talent from around the world, and from a business standpoint, investors might one day see Houston as a place to do something great. You never know, but at least we have infrastructure on par with other premier cities.

    P.S. - who cares about having a one of the world's largest port system?????? What about the employment it provides? Jesus, that is worth its weight in gold!

    Also---we all know Chicago is ahead of Houston in terms of development. They have alot more people. That is key. When we reach certain popular statistics, that spurs development, if not by vision, but by neccesity. When we reach that saturation point, we will have what we always knew Houston could be. Until then, enjoy the ride.


  2. Are you insane?! 700-800K is like adding San Antonio to the Houston population. That figure makes no sense at all when you take into account that the high estimates for illegal immigrants entering the US annually is 1,600,000. No way Houston gets half of those.

  3. I just googles la airports the first listing says LAX, Ontario, Van Nuys and Palmdale airports.

    here is the linkĀ 


    Well, I lived in L.A. for 5 years (im now in NYC) and I've flown into these airports, which are in the vicinity:

    LAX, Burbank, Ontario, John Wayne, Long Beach, and Santa Monica. THere seems to be several smaller ones as well.

    What about expanding Ellington Field?

  4. You know that when they say that Phoenix grew by 45% versus an 25% growth in Houston, that still means we grew faster or at the same rate because we have more people and in raw numbers one is not neccessarily beating the other---I think we are growing in line with each other. In fact, percentages put aside, southern and western cities are growing at pretty comparable rates.

    Also, in terms of competition between size and growth of cities---I think it is important that we care because the bigger and more impressive our population and population growth, the more that developers, advertisers, companies, etc will pay attention to us. Can you imagine a Houston fashion week? A "im pei style" tower in downtown that would be the tallest in the world? a true shot at the Olympics? A United Nations center for Latin and North American affairs?

    All these things are possible only if we make a splash on the radar--namely through size, because it is tied with economic and social growth.

    So I say, lets be competitive and applaud our qucik growth!

  5. I'd have to agree with everyone, the women here are probibly the most attractive then some other cities. Maybe thats why were Strip Club Capital USA! (you can be proud and loud, or ashamed and discreet).

    LA, NYC, Milan, Paris (etc) have always been known for there High-Fashion sencibility, but who really sees the clothes they wear on the run-way, when your doing about your everyday life?

    Houston has many stores with "hip" clothing, or the lastest trends, but what is distinctivly Houston apperal? I think its just about everything. And the Galleria opening up new stores only throws more flavor (for lack of a better word) into the mix.

    Wow, I didn't know that this thread would start such a discussion!

    First, I would like to say that Sean Jean is divided between the cheap urban-style line and the newer, ridiculously more expensive couture line, so in that case, it will definately appeal to Houston residents, especially those shopping in the Galleiia and visitors as well.

    Second, L.A. and New York have much better looking women, with an emphasis on L.A. Think about one thing, most of the most beautiful women (and men for that matter), if they know that this is a major quality in them, will seek out places where they can gain from this--whether it be to become actors, models, or entertainers, the place to do it is L.A. or NYC. If any of you have been to L.A., it is craiwling with lovelies like you have never seen. Houston doesn't compare--and I love Houston and know there is good looking people, but please, most are overwieght and don't dress well at all. For whatever its worth, a girl looks hotter in a pair of Seven Jeans and a Cavalli top than in Levi's and a Gap shirt. Statistically speaking, Houston has more discounted clothing stores than L.A. or New York, mainly because of demand.

    In short, people in L.A. and NYC dress more fashionably and sophisticatedly than Houston (which I love), but does not mean that they dress hotter, which is another way to go. In time, Houston will be more fashion and aesthetically forward, but it is still young and coming into its own.

    Lastly, Hispanis in all of Texas are increasingly REPUBLICAN, mostly voting for Bush in the last election (GO BUSH!!) and voting Republican more consistently in the last several decades. Further, in the Hisoanic Americans are more likely split when it comes to voting for the 2 parties---in Florida, the Cuban vote Rep., in CAlifornia, it is the Democrats who win, as well as NYC Hispanics, who vote Democratic. As for conservatism, Hispanics are overwhelmingly so, casting family values, marriege, and negative opinions on gay marriage as top priorities.

    Sorry for the verbal vomit, thanks for reading!

  6. Does anyone have any info on the new Galleria stores opening up soon? I heard there was a Carolina Herrera store, a Michael Kors store, and also a Sean John store? I live in L.A. and I am writing an article about the Houston cultural change and this is a part of my article. If anyone has any info that would help me out. Also, what is gonna happen to the Lord and Taylor spot?

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  7. I am now living in Los Angeles, but on a recent trip to Houston, I saw the difference in retail outlets in the Galleria and even Highland Village. Both places have gotten pretty big chains and specialty stores, like Burberry, Dior, Bose, Jimmy Choo, and Luca Luca.

    Although most people don't care for this, since it is outside of most people's reach, I work in this industry, doing marketing for luxury brands, and I know that stores moving into a city at this pace signifies growth and confidence that the city is chic enough and diversified enough to open shop. In Houston, there have been 13 store openeings of a high caliber, those found in Rodeo Dr or 5th Ave. 10 years ago, that would have been impossible, I think that Houston is on the ap like never before.

    But those are just my thoughts. Though it is not the architecture phenomenon we all wish for, at least people visiting---for pleasure or business---will see the Gucci store or the Sony Style store and not feel that they are in a country town with big freeways. Not to up-play it, but this type of thing makes a difference when producers look for a city to host a show in, like the REAL WORLD or and awards show. It puts us on the cultural map.

    What do you guys think?


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