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Posts posted by theycallmeamili

  1. From chron.com..

    Medians divide FM 1960 community

    A debate is raging along the FM 1960 corridor over whether medians should be installed in the seven-lane road.

    The Texas Department of Transportation awarded a bid to SCR Construction Co. Inc. for the “FM 1960 Roadway Improvement” project, which includes the installation of almost nine miles, from Interstate 45 to Texas 249, of raised concrete medians in what is now the roadway's center turn lane. Left-turn bays will interrupt those medians at key points leading into intersections, side streets and business entrances.

    I personally think the medians will decrease accidents a lot, especially if they make the medians a dedicated left turn like it is on westheimer, accidents have gotten way out of hand. Plus, if 1960 becomes safer, more people would travel on 1960 instead of avoiding it and can increase business for area merchants.

    Any other thoughts?

  2. I think you are unintentionally confusing matters. All UH universities and campuses are run by the UH System. The UH System includes a number of separate universities.


    UH Downtown

    UH Clear Lake

    UH Victoria, I think

    The Cinco Ranch and Sugar Land campuses are part of UH I believe, meaning campuses of the central university.

    yeah thats pretty much accurate.. UHD..UHV..UHCL are under the UH system but not under UH-Main campus.. just like UT-San Antonio and UT-Arlington, etc are under the UT system but not UT-Austin..

    Sugar Land and Cinco Ranch run under the UH System since they offer classes from UHD UHV UHCL and UH-Main

  3. UH wanted to expand to the Northwest but was blocked by Prairie View A&M and the THECB sided with A&M. They thought UH expanding to the northwest would compete with their school for students in the NW. There are more then enough people in the northwest to serve both schools and not only that the they mainly serve two different populations anyways since Prairie View is a historically black university.

    UH is now able to go around this by collaborating with Lone Star.. which maybe why Lone Star is trying to acquire land.


  4. I dunno...if whatever replaces Cougar Place is more expensive, then I think it's a bad idea.

    Edit: also, because it's already such a crowded campus, I think the school should look into building dorms (particularly upperclassman and grad student dorms, since those are the most likely to be tired of campus living) off-campus along the proposed LRT route and save space on-campus for academic buildings and stuff like that.

    the new calhoun lofts are for grad students, and i'm pretty sure if they dont get enough grad students they will open it up for upperclass man as well.. also there is a plan in the works to build new dorms off of wheeler in the summer so UH is definantly making an effort to increase the on campus population

  5. UH I believe has now approved the construction of three new buildings, with two of them being around the business/engineering section and the third to be an addition to the optometry school.




    as a UH student, I'm thrilled that the school is expanding.. but they need to start focusing on other parts of the campus instead of that corner where Bauer is.

  6. That's great news, as long as they have respect for the old girl...and don't change her too much, or shall I say, "bring the property up to code or make it usable" with respect to the original design. What a great research subject, as well.

    yes i hope that this can be a kickoff to revitilizing the area since the building looks old and unused its finally being put to some use and UH can lead the way in wind and alternative energies. only fitting for UH being in the middle of the energy capital of the world.

  7. This was just posted on the Daily Cougar..

    "The UH-led Lone Star Wind Alliance is a cooperative partnership between corporations, such as the Houston Advanced Research Center, British Petroleum, Huntsman and Shell Wind, and several universities, including the University of Texas-Austin, Texas A&M and Texas Tech. The goal of this partnership is to research wind energy, train faculty and develop undergraduate research, Birx said.

    Another major step was the purchase of an industrial research facility. Schlumberger Complex, a 550-acre complex, will serve as the future site of the UH Energy Research Park, Provost John Antel said.

    "We are going to extend (Schlumberger) buildings 4 and 7, both about 500,000 square feet, and extending Wheeler (from Schlumberger) to the campus to meet the Energy Park," Antel said.

    The Energy Research Park will add more facilities and space for the researchers to make innovations or improve on different ideas. Space is a real problem at UH, and even if researchers get funding to build out, there is nowhere to build out to, Khator said.

    "The Energy Research Center gives academia, industry and community a chance to come together," Khator said. "


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