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Posts posted by CandacitaBonita

  1. on the bright side, i seriously doubt anything will happen in the near future. if someone did buy the land, it would be a safe assumption they would keep the current structures for cash flow until things turn around. on the flip side, the dickey estate is not in a position where they have to sell. if someone pays their price, no problem. if not, they know over time it will continue to appreciate.

    edited to add: since someone asked, see the attached marketing flier. c&w emailed it to me back in nov 08.

    I have seen the site plans as well as the architecturals for this project. If Phase II ever gets built it will most likely be directly behind the current Gables West Ave. at what is now the construction offices off of Kipling. As far as I know, that C&W map has nothing to do with Gables West Ave plans.

    Last I was told Phase II has always been in the plans, but with the economic downturn it was halted. Gables happens to be one of our bigger customers, so I would imagine I'll see plans for Phase II if it ever comes back up.

  2. In my opinion the location of this project is completely ridiculous. The intersection has no need for a high rise development. I understand that they plan to demolish older apartment buildings, but the existing structures fit the look and feel of the overall neighborhood. A high rise would be completely out of place there. I am all for building up, but I am also all for preserving the exitisting integrity of certain areas. I have to say that the people who think it's a good idea to continue this project at it's currently proposed location are out of their minds. I equate this with slapping a high rise in the middle of Heights Blvd.

  3. Wow, been waiting for so long to see some interior shots... so far not what I expected, but is a work in progress. Also these individual units are designed how their owners want them, so this may be a one and only unit. Personally this wouldn't be my taste in interior design either.

    CandacitaBonita, under what pretense were you able to walk the building? I'm asking cause I'd love the opportunity to enter and look around too, but since I'm not in construction, real estate, or planning to buy I'm sure they wont allow the simply curious to enter and wander around. At best I could apply for the job of Chief Engineer for after the building opens :D

    I work for one of the companies building this project. We also have a hand in several others listed on the site, such as One Park Place and Gables West Ave. I haven't walked One Park Place, but I have walked West Ave. West Ave is my favorite.

    As for 2727, each unit is different. The units I walked are spec units, so they'll have a variety of options in them. The pictures don't do it much justice, but you can look at them on my flickr stream for a full description of each photo.


  4. ..

    Welcome to HAIF, I just want to warn you that your life will never be the same after you've joined (In a good way)...Anyway can you give us more details, as in how the project looks from a ground level, how close it matches the renderings, etc...


    Thanks for the welcome! I stumbled upon the forum when I was looking for information on another project (which I was happy to find in The Heights Forum) and just thought I'd see if there was anything here about Gables West Ave. while I was browsing around.

    It's fairly close to the renderings, although I don't know about the actual exterior color or those awful palm trees. The picture to the left appears to be a rendering of the view from Westheimer, and the right appears to be the view from Kirby. If I am correct, then the street between the buildings in the left picture is intended to be a sort of pick up/drop off lane between the buildings with store front on either side. It is all intended to be pedestrian, as well as vehicle friendly. Also, there is a rather large parking garage, which I typically loathe. Parking structures are just eyesores as far as I have seen, but this one is strategically placed behind the buildings, so all that will be seen driving by is actually a really pretty building.

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