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Posts posted by exmidtown_resident

  1. folks, i visit this site after 3 years. i used to live in midtown and was super excited about it's prospect for growth and still excited about it! I remember i met a taxi driver in midtown that turned out to be a guy that i would chat with on this site 'back in the day'.

    I am one of those on the outside, texting, messaging, emailing, calling etc...

    I remember evacuating for Rita...hated it.

    I don't know what to tell you except that me and my family are thinking about you guys and keeping you in our prayers. The coverage of this on the major "news" networks is totally self serving and un-informative. When I tune into the web broadcast of KRIV, they do much of the same.

    So sitting on the outside, i've shutdown the mass media coverage and came back home to HAIF where I used to be "midtown_resident". This is a much better source of information than Anderson Cooper and Geraldo.

    I wish you all the best and please stay safe tonight - i will read through the night and be with you in spirit.

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