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Posts posted by playmkr278

  1. your arrogance and/or ignorance is disgusting

    how do you know for a fact that the majority of hispanics in the houston community are illegal, what if i told you most of them were here legally?

    better yet lets say they are here illegally, why do you think they are here in the first place?

    because the american factories in mexico pay them little to nothing

    More than what they make at Mexican companies is it not????  Oh but let's not go there and implicate the Mexican government's hand in their own people's oppression.  We wouldn't want to rock the boat on the bashing of the USA.

    what do you consider to be a "real american"

    do i have to be a WASP(white anglo saxon protestant)?

    and believe everything that is fed to me via radio and tv

    if that were the case id be some yuppy wearing Abercrombie and delicate flower

    listening to creed

    may i remind you that a majority if not all americans were "illegal immigrants" at one time, even your family probably

    Most European Americans (and other nationalities which most of us descended from) came here and went through the nationalization process.  Most of the Mexican immigrants who are sneaking across the border are not.  They don't pay taxes and they are getting free medical care.  Helrooooo!!!

    do us a favor and watch "a day without a mexican"

    where would our economy and society be if we couldnt pay hispanics or other nationalities to do our dirty work for us?

    So you are saying that if we had these businesses having to pay at least minimum wage that our economy would fail.  Our economy is failing right now because these illegal immigrants are one of the many things sucking it dry.  Wake up and stop watching propaganda videos

    in my opinion the majority of radio stations in houston suck

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