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Posts posted by srm

  1. Ooh! The Wild Pair! My grandmother took me to the wild pair at the Galleria back in the early 70's and bought me a pair of dark brown leather desert boot looking shoes. I remember they cost 38 dollars which was a bundle for a pair of shoes back then. 38 years or so later I still have them, they still fit and I still wear them. I've gone through many shoe laces but I still love them and the old saying "you get what you pay for" is so so true. The rest of my clothes were from Foleys, Joskes and Size 579 shop.

    I miss Joske's ---- Dillard's has just never been as good as Joske's was. I was very petite and they had a teen section (not children's, not adults, but the section had sizing for teens with an adult look). That was the place we shopped all the time before I finally grew!

    That pic in another post of Miller's Outpost. Wow! Where did you find that? I loved Miller's Outpost. We also had a store in Texas City and I think there was one in Pasadena too and it was called "The Fair". They had great clothes, too. Those are some pretty steep prices for the 80's!

    And the prices on those clothes in that ad. Wow, clothing prices haven't increased as much as I thought they had!!

  2. What about Sander's BBQ on Park Place? Best everything in the world - and they were a meat market, too!

    I remember Perry's being a meat market also ---- that was years and years before they became a very expensive, fine dining restaurant all over town. I used to go to the Perry's Meat Market in Friendswood and buy the apartment pack of meat - great quality and good prices. Those days are long gone...

  3. We used to get music shirts from H&H music that said stuff like HAMMER GUITARS and D-DRUMS, we couldn't play a single note but the girls didn't know that. Parachute pants and Go Round are still things tied together in my mind and Chess King always reminds me of Michael Jackson's Jackets.

    Back when Michael Jackson was still Michael Jackson.

    I also remember a store outside the mall that we loved...Miller's Outpost. They had great jeans.

  4. I'd have to say Burger Chef...The Cellar Door...Shakey's Pizza...Monterrey House...Del Taco...Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor...to name a few.

    Monterrey House was basically "it" for "Mexican" food in the suburbs when I was a kid - unless you could go into an ethnic neighborhood and get real Mexican food. My biggest memory of Monterey House was the candy (compressed brown sugar) that they always hid under the chips. Does anyone else remember that? They would bring the tortilla chips out to the table and put as many candies under the chips as were people at the table. The candy was pure sugar and they had it tucked inside little wax paper bags. My mom always made me wait until the very end of the meal before I could dig those candies out of the bottom! :lol:

    Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor was the best place in the world to me as a kid. They had the great waiters in the straw hats and the clanging bells. And as you left, they had an awesome old fashioned candy shop with huge jawbreakers. I never left there without the biggest sugar rush in the world.

    Speaking of candy shops, does anyone remember the one right inside the entrance at Astroworld? It was an old fashioned candy shop. And right down the sidewalk was the Rainbo bread company where I would always beg for the "tiny" loaf of bread before we left the park.

    Astroworld in the 70's and 80's --- sigh!

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  5. I remember many of those places. I also remember:

    Units - Remember this fad?! It was basic knit pieces that you mixed and matched -most outfits were finished off with a fabric "belt" ( a tube of fabric). I remember the stores having walls of cubbies w/ the pieces in there.

    Contempo - didn't shop there much, but some friends did

    579 -I think these might still exist

    I remember Outback Red clothes, but can't remember who sold them.

    I also shopped sometimes at Gap, Express, Lerners (now NY&Co) and Banana Republic - all stores that still exist.

    BTW these would be mid -late 80's stores.

    Outback Red clothing - sold in the late 80's - was sold by The Limited. I used to love that brand.

    And as to another post, I do remember that County Seat jingle. Remember the old Gap jingle "Fall into the Gap..." I think it was duplicitous (and perhaps solicitous!). :blush: Kind of like, "Nothing comes between me and my Calvins..."

  6. As most teens did in the 80's, I spent a lot of time trolling the mall! I'm trying to remember all those shops we used to love to buy clothes at. Here are some that come to mind:


    County Seat

    Jean's West



    Chess King


    The Gap (when it was strictly jeans and t-shirts)


    Some other mall stores that are now defunct:

    Kinney's shoes

    Thom McAn

    Wicks n Sticks

    Morrow's Nut House

    Art Standing

    Hickory Farms


    Baker's Shoes

    The Wild Pair

    Anybody else out there have memories of great shops in the malls of the 70's and 80's? I know there are tons more. Open your memories!

  7. Anybody who truly remembers Almeda Mall from their childhood (mine was the 70's) remembers the best place in that whole mall ---- Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor. That was a dream trip when I was a kid to go to Farrell's and if someone was fortunate enough to have a birthday party there, it was awesome. Remember they also had the huge candy section as you left the store. The waiters/waitresses came out with the clanging bells and straw hats. The "Farrell's Zoo" served up to 10 people and two waitstaff had to bring it out. Those were the good old days!!

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