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Posts posted by mehul

  1. This area is "sketchy", but not terrible or life-threatening like people want to make it out to be.

    I live in Eastwood (near I-45 and Lockwood to be exact) and I ride my bike down there all of the time. The vast majority of the area is middle and lower-middle class Hispanic neighborhoods. It's nothing to worry about. It is also changing rapidly through diversification, and in my opinion is becoming safer by the day.

    FYI though, you might check out the upper East End by downtown. Condos and townhomes are springing up over there, and these will be hot commodities once the East End rail line gets built. They're still pretty cheap right now though.

    what do you mean by upper east end? How would I find these townhouses or condos? I dont have kids. I just started working and i'm not even married. The ones that you were thinking of probably are the exact townhouses that you saw. they are right off of the loop. Where are these other properties that you guys are talking about? I searched har.com and havent found anything.

  2. what type of things are you looking for in a home and its surroundings?

    i'm looking for a two bedroom two bath townhouse for under 110,000 dollars inside 610 loop. I work near minute maid park so I want to be within 15 miiles of that location. This place isnt exactly off of mykawa it might be an exit or two east of mykawa.

  3. rps324 is way too nice. ^_^

    Dude, Mykawa and 610? As in, by the Mykawa police station and the hundreds of hookers and crackheads that are released back into society every day? Why exactly does this location appeal to you? It's a seriously rough part of town. :blink:

    I found a new gated townhouse complex that has an affordable price for me. even though it's gated do you think i'll have problems?

  4. Hey,

    I'm looking at a house right off of 610 loop near Mykawa and Griggs St (southeast). Is this an ok location? Any suggestions are appreciated. please email me at mehuls85@gmail.com or reply to thread if u can help!


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